Let it end

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
I love Half Life as much as anyone here. Well maybe not that much, but they're among the most enjoyable games I've ever played.

The thing is, Valve rarely make a bad game, and when they do make a game thats even slightly away from the HL universe (Portal for instance), its usually really good fun to play, interesting, and memorable.

So I find myself starting to think that when they finish the current story arc, maybe they should just let HL be. Focus on something else. Let that creativity fly in different directions, rather than just become known for one story.

Maybe an adventure game, like Ultima Underworld 2. No guns, no explosions, just lots of fun.

I'm sure lots of you will instantly disagree, but I don't enjoy playing Half Life games because they're Half Life - I enjoy playing them because they're fun, and in my opinion that's Valve's greatest asset.
Agreed. Ep2 seemed a little ho-hum in puzzles and combat (what can I say, throwing logs at robots doesn't fly as gameplay innovation for me). Comparing the gameplay from HL2, even Ep1 was somewhat stale and repetitive. They're spinning their wheels with Half-Life, so I'd welcome something that'd allow them a little more freedom.
I've been thinking about this for a while now and there is certainly an argument both ways.

On the one hand, if you end it all at Episode 3, Half-Life will become Legend for all-time.

On the other, if Valve continues the saga, we get to play more Half-Life!

I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing what else Valve can come up with and, in the process, leave the Half-Life era behind for gamers to tell their kids about.
I understand your point, and i'd love to see new things from Valve, but they do give us many other games on Source and i'd love to see Half Life continue, i'm just too curious to see what a HL3 would look like, to be the finisher to the series. I think 4 would be pushing it though. 3 is always a nice number for a nice series.
That's why for me personally, I'd like to see HL3 (yeah yeah I know) as a full game. Let them take some years to put it together while they keep pushing out smaller projects. If HL3 were to end it (at least in the sense of being Gordon Freeman) I'd like to be blown away by the last piece like I was when I first played HL2. I don't mind the episodes at all, but for me it's not the same feeling as one complete game.
Didn't Gabe say that they'd do "Prospero" after Team Fortress 2? What was Prospero anyway? Some canceled project they were working on alongside Half-life?
I think they should finish half-life and leave it be, as the legend it is.

I think Valve should go into making innovative and original exploration and puzzle games like Portal,

either that or they should shift their mission from making games towards publishing games created by smaller companies and start-ups.

I think that would be really cool.
I think that Gordon Freeman's adventures are over half way done - I see his ongoing relationship with Alyx leading towards the end.

With Portal Valve talked about expanding the Half-Life universe sooner than they expected so I think they have a plan to end Gordon Freeman's story line and move on to other characters set in the same universe.
Half-Life is a legendary game - Like doom - Like Duke Nukem. Hl 1 was good, HL 2 was great, and the episodes for HL2 are - well, much like HL2 in it's self with a few new additions, just like the addons for HL1. But I think now - Sure make HL3, but have it end there. Let it be remembered as a fight Gordon Freeman lead against Xen and the Combine - Let Gordon be remembered as the hero in the most awesome series of all time be remembered as the one who saved Earth from the aliens.

Valve are known for HL - and if - the series did end, we'd all miss it... But thats what makes it great, what makes it a legend - it will be something we miss, it will be something we remember. But what if Valve created something just as great as Hl, or even better? However I think they should stick to FPS style gaming... But incorporate things like from Portal into more of they're games... Not necessarily as a gun, but maybe something more - lol, they can figure it out.

Too much of a good thing - is - just too much. If they keep going with it, theres always that risk of messing up the already great HL saga.
I think it should be better to continue Half Life story as much as they can, while adding experimental types of gameplay into a side projects like Portal.

Maybe it is a legend now. But soon new games will come and make people forget about HL.
If valve continues the saga they could make HL be a legend whole the time.

I just hope it doesn't end up like Silent Hill 5...
Agreed. Ep2 seemed a little ho-hum in puzzles and combat (what can I say, throwing logs at robots doesn't fly as gameplay innovation for me). Comparing the gameplay from HL2, even Ep1 was somewhat stale and repetitive. They're spinning their wheels with Half-Life, so I'd welcome something that'd allow them a little more freedom.

I really don't think you understand what the episodes are.

Valve is not spinning their wheels. Episode 3 will not be the end of Half-Life, and that would have to be one of the most depressing, anti-climactic endings to a series ever. **** that.

By all means, I want Valve to create new, fun games outside of HL. But what I want primarily is Half-Life 3.
I agree. But it's not everything I want. But Valve have demonstrated time and time to me again that my trust in their game-making abilities is definantly not misplaced, so I leave the decision to Valve.
I do want a HL3, the story is so deep and innotive, they could make loads more games on the story or based on the story if they wanted to, and if they did, I would be happy. If they do end it at HL3 then as long as they end it awsomely then I will be happy, only problem is, the HL games are the only games that I PROPERLY look foward to playing. If they can keep the story going in a great way and keep adding new gameplay mechanics etc, then Im happy.
I think it should be better to continue Half Life story as much as they can, while adding experimental types of gameplay into a side projects like Portal.

Maybe it is a legend now. But soon new games will come and make people forget about HL.
If valve continues the saga they could make HL be a legend whole the time.

I just hope it doesn't end up like Silent Hill 5...

Ahhh... but - Great games never die if indeed they are 'great'... I still haven't forgotten Doom 1... And how many years ago was that now?
Ahhh... but - Great games never die if indeed they are 'great'... I still haven't forgotten Doom 1... And how many years ago was that now?

But how many people under the age of 20 have played it? Unless you played it back in the day, it's rare for people to pick it up now.

Think about this one: outside of hardcore Valve fans, how many gamers nowadays have played HL1? Honestly, not many. Quite a few people I know who own HL2 or the Orange Box have never played HL1; they just jump straight into HL2 and say "Who the hell is this guy? This game is weird, I'm playing Halo."
The Half-Life series has some of the greatest characters of all time, that IMO rival any beloved movie characters. I would love to see these games continue for quite awhile, but that doesn't mean there can't be a few years in between new releases.
Personally i wouldn't like Half Life to end with episode 3. It's not enough time for the whole story to unfold. Half Life 4, as someone said, would be pushing it. I really enjoy the game but i reckon it should be put to rest before it becomes too similar to something like Final Fantasy which, although good, just seems weird when you think about it. 13+ games about the same general thing? After seeing what valve pulled with TF2 and Portal i'd quite look forward to other games that they would make.
I think the perfect compromise would be to make Half-Life 3 the end of it all. No episodes, 20-30 hours long and then-industry-leading graphics.

But how many people under the age of 20 have played it? Unless you played it back in the day, it's rare for people to pick it up now.

Think about this one: outside of hardcore Valve fans, how many gamers nowadays have played HL1? Honestly, not many. Quite a few people I know who own HL2 or the Orange Box have never played HL1; they just jump straight into HL2 and say "Who the hell is this guy? This game is weird, I'm playing Halo."

I've played it. Most of my PC gaming friends have played it. Doom is more ubiquitous than you'd think.

Half life will continue after ep3..

On a serious note; i think i heard gabe say it himself.

So im not even worried:D
I've played it. Most of my PC gaming friends have played it. Doom is more ubiquitous than you'd think.


I'm 22, and my first FPS was Doom. What I'm saying though, is that people like you and I are the exceptions. Out of four people I know who have played HL2 for the first time within the past four months, none of them have played HL1 yet.
I love Half Life as much as anyone here. Well maybe not that much, but they're among the most enjoyable games I've ever played.

The thing is, Valve rarely make a bad game, and when they do make a game thats even slightly away from the HL universe (Portal for instance), its usually really good fun to play, interesting, and memorable.

So I find myself starting to think that when they finish the current story arc, maybe they should just let HL be. Focus on something else. Let that creativity fly in different directions, rather than just become known for one story.

Maybe an adventure game, like Ultima Underworld 2. No guns, no explosions, just lots of fun.

I'm sure lots of you will instantly disagree, but I don't enjoy playing Half Life games because they're Half Life - I enjoy playing them because they're fun, and in my opinion that's Valve's greatest asset.
No Guns or explosions?
look at most of Valves games
Left 4 Dead
Day of Defeat
Team Fortress
each one is a unique SHOOTING game
only thing different is Portal,but,we could catagorize the device as a super gun
I think the one thing that Valve could learn from their experiment with episodic content is that people get spoiled pretty quickly.
Try and keep in mind that since it looks like they are returning to a more normal release schedule it means that the gap until HL3 is released could be very long indeed.
I can see it now...

"Yes! It is 2023 and Half-life 3 has been confirmed! The world is cheering! Our friends on mars can even hear it! This is one amazing day...!"

It needs a 3rd, climatic, all encompassing ending.
Chabo, I am pretty young, and my first FPS game I played was Doom I too. Also I have played HL1, played it through in the summer. (I got to know about HL2 in Summer 2007 T_T) Anyways: HURRAY! I AM AN EXCEPTION!1!!!!!1!!!!
Heh... you guys have no faith in Valve at all... after they provide you with an amazing game, something that takes the world by storm, then continue to follow it up with another classic, something that outperforms and yet still outfuns anything else around at the time, you still think they can't continue it. Episodes 1 to 3 was, as Gabe said "a way of getting Half-Life to the fans", in those words or similar, and I believe them to simply be fillers, providing gamers with the ability to explore Source, and conclude the current saga.

But it won't end there... it simply can't... Half-Life is a legacy... and will live on!! ONNN!!!!!

Although it might be a good Idea to let the story end on a good note before in some form, the story takes a turn in the wrong direction, most of me hopes the Half-Life story to never end. Deep down I believe that Valve have some sort of plans for the Half-Life Universe post Episode 3, or at least it's what I deeply hope to be true so I can sleep peacefully every night. :)
*shudders at the idea of having to wake up with no motivation of half-life to keep me going*