Letter to Valve


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
This is a letter I plan to send to valve later today...you can read if you like and comment on it:

Dear Valve,

I have finished Half-life 2 and to be quite honest, this is the best FPS on the PC I have ever played (and will play for quite some time). You have managed to create a masterpiece that most other companies cannot even dream of. But...while you have created a masterpiece and a near flawless game, you have also dug yourselves into a really deep hole. What I mean is, your company plans on making half-life 3 (I assume you do). What people's expectations were for Half-life 2, their expectations tend to become astronomical after such a game is made...particullarly if the game is as advanced as this one. For people to be truly satisfied at the end of the Half-life saga (presumably Half-life 3), half-life 3 must a over the top game that will make Half-life 2 seem to be 10 years old (lets hope it doesn't take ten years.) My expectations have certainly become alot more after half-life 2 and so have a lot of other people's expectations. What you have created is nothing more than spectacular, but for the fans to be really satisfied the last game in the saga must overpower all the other games previous to it. i'm sure it will Thanks alot.
Everyone at Valve will love this :)
Please, PLEASE let there be more than 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;( :bounce:
Cunni said:
Please, PLEASE let there be more than 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;( :bounce:
Just my $.02. I hope they stop at 3. Make it a complete trilogy. :)
Good letter. I've really enjoyed HL2; it was like a good book, over too quickly, which we be the case no matter how long it is.
Cunni said:
Please, PLEASE let there be more than 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;( :bounce:
Don't worry, Valve will make more games.

I personally can't wait to see what game Valve makes next.

Imagine the possibilities! Valve makes great FPS's, I wonder if they will try their hand at other genres?

It's just really exciting to think about...
joule said:
Just my $.02. I hope they stop at 3. Make it a complete trilogy. :)

But, then my life would have no meaning..........
vegeta897 said:
Don't worry, Valve will make more games.

I personally can't wait to see what game Valve makes next.

Imagine the possibilities! Valve makes great FPS's, I wonder if they will try their hand at other genres?

It's just really exciting to think about...
wait 10 years for the next game pal!
dream431ca said:
This is a letter I plan to send to valve later today...you can read if you like and comment on it:

Dear Valve,

I have finished Half-life 2 and to be quite honest, this is the best FPS on the PC I have ever played (and will play for quite some time). You have managed to create a masterpiece that most other companies cannot even dream of. But...while you have created a masterpiece and a near flawless game, you have also dug yourselves into a really deep hole. What I mean is, your company plans on making half-life 3 (I assume you do). What people's expectations were for Half-life 2, their expectations tend to become astronomical after such a game is made...particullarly if the game is as advanced as this one. For people to be truly satisfied at the end of the Half-life saga (presumably Half-life 3), half-life 3 must a over the top game that will make Half-life 2 seem to be 10 years old (lets hope it doesn't take ten years.) My expectations have certainly become alot more after half-life 2 and so have a lot of other people's expectations. What you have created is nothing more than spectacular, but for the fans to be really satisfied the last game in the saga must overpower all the other games previous to it. i'm sure it will Thanks alot.

You scotty-dog you
make it twelve times as long.

I agree with the letter, by the way.
dream431ca said:
This is a letter I plan to send to valve later today...you can read if you like and comment on it:

Dear Valve,

I have finished Half-life 2 and to be quite honest, this is the best FPS on the PC I have ever played (and will play for quite some time). You have managed to create a masterpiece that most other companies cannot even dream of. But...while you have created a masterpiece and a near flawless game, you have also dug yourselves into a really deep hole. What I mean is, your company plans on making half-life 3 (I assume you do). What people's expectations were for Half-life 2, their expectations tend to become astronomical after such a game is made...particullarly if the game is as advanced as this one. For people to be truly satisfied at the end of the Half-life saga (presumably Half-life 3), half-life 3 must a over the top game that will make Half-life 2 seem to be 10 years old (lets hope it doesn't take ten years.) My expectations have certainly become alot more after half-life 2 and so have a lot of other people's expectations. What you have created is nothing more than spectacular, but for the fans to be really satisfied the last game in the saga must overpower all the other games previous to it. i'm sure it will Thanks alot.

Very well written. I agree 100%.
joule said:
Just my $.02. I hope they stop at 3. Make it a complete trilogy. :)

I disagree, something should be created from scratch with being a trilogy in mind.

A trilogy just to be trendy makes for an even more confusing and plot hole riddled storyline.

Examples of works not intended to be a trilogy that just got worse with each "milking": Matrix,Robocop and Terminator

Trilogies that aren't really trilogies, the storylines don't have much bearing on eachother: Back to the Future,Indian Jones,Beverly Hills Cop.

Then you have your trilogies made from neccesity due to time constraints but have a well made story behind them- LoTR and Star Wars

and I think the only real trilogy is the Godfather.

Please don't milk Half Life, make what you need to finish the story and no more. :)
joule said:
Just my $.02. I hope they stop at 3. Make it a complete trilogy. :)
Damned straight. Give us some closure so we can move on. Gordon needs a happy ending after all the shit hes been through.

dream431ca, that letter could be made considerably shorter and easier to read. Not to mention you are not telling them anything they dont already know. Not only that, but you're basically emailing them pressure and stress. :hmph: I dont think they need that.

Edited version, says all the same things without all the mindless repitition to put them to sleep:

You have managed to create a masterpiece that most other companies cannot even dream of. You have also dug yourselves into a really deep hole. Expectations tend to become astronomical after such a game is made.

For the fans to be really satisfied the last game in the saga must overpower all the other games previous to it. i'm sure it will Thanks alot.
And Chris...
Chris_D said:
Everyone at Valve will love this :)
Youre joking, right? :dozey:
their gonna make expansions for hl2 before they work on hl3 or theyll do both at the same time
Don't send crap like that to a game developer, first of all the game wasn't that good (just pretty graphics and lots of shooting), second all the ridicolous high scores and fan posts will make sure HL3 will be another step away from the real HL world, less feeling and more running and shooting, more annoying vehicles which you drive until you get insane and another ending that makes no sense.
Now I remember why I stopped coming to this board...
vegeta897 said:
Don't worry, Valve will make more games.

I personally can't wait to see what game Valve makes next.

Imagine the possibilities! Valve makes great FPS's, I wonder if they will try their hand at other genres?

It's just really exciting to think about...
Hmm...I've got it...a turn-based rpg in which you control a party of resistance members during the week that Gordon and Alex went missing...
Hmmm...... I wonder, when they do decide to complete the Half-Life series (which I hope is not for awhile) where and what will Valve do next? What will their next huge project be? A new game perhapes?
I think Valve would make a fantastic fallout style rpg... immersion, good story... they've got it all.

Or a Half-life mmorpg :O
Bad story, and sub-par graphics. (why do you think mid-range systems could run it so well? Try running Doom 3 on those same systems) Valve can do better with five years of developement! :flame:
But think about all the upgrades we will all have to go through in the future, all the money we spent upgrading for this one game (it was truly a pain to upgrade but I'm glad I did) I can only imagine the gameplay specifics and graphics that will immerse Half-Life 3, which hopefully won't take as long as making Half-Life 2.

If Half-Life were to be released within 3 years, then I think we all might be ok with the system setups we have now. But if they do switch engines just think of all the upgrading hell again.... haha well just my 2 cents.