Level Designer Wanted


May 17, 2006
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Hi There,

I am looking for a level designer to work with on our 3d platformer mod. The project is essentially to be used as a basis for a set of tutorials, patches and prehaps a base for others to build upon. We also, however, want to make it fun and playable.

I'm looking for someone who is very comfortable with hammer and can be creative with the design. I have a vague set of ideas for the levels and there are certain principles that would need to be included. But it would be down to you to create the layout and map flow.

There are still some issues and bugs but I feel we are at the stage now that we would benefit from having some decent levels to work with.

Here is a short clip demonstrating the game play. I apologise for the quality,


If you are interested please pm or post your details so I can get in touch.

Many thanks,

well it looks nice I should say complete this kind of mod.
I can't help ya since i'm busy with my own work...

maybe I could help you with a Tip:
make the npc have less view range. (since they already shoot when you can't see them)

make something nice of it! like to play it when it's done
Hey Tyron, Yeah the view thing isnt a problem I just havnt gotten round to doing it yet but it can be done in the map. I really hate loading hammer and compiling and everything. :p
hehe put the compile configuration on fast and maybe deactivate lights for when your only busy with the environment :)
yeah should do, my computer is an old grandad, do you know any other places to post this kind of thread I cant seem to find a section on the steam forums for it.
does this have any ties to dmod? it was a 2d platformer I worked on 2 years ago which basically dissappeared out of thin air, I think I have 2 levels done.

I can donate the vmf's, but at the end you might just consider using them for testing purposes.

I would love to work on a mod like this in the near future when my workload dies down though.
No I've never heard of dmod. Its probablly best I didnt use the maps though incase I start getting harrassed by lawyers :p Give me a shout if you find yourself with some free time and want to get busy with this.
No I've never heard of dmod. Its probablly best I didnt use the maps though incase I start getting harrassed by lawyers :p Give me a shout if you find yourself with some free time and want to get busy with this.

sounds good, I should have more free time after january, feel free to send me a pm or something (I will probably forget to follow up :p )

progress is looking great :)
Will you create any blog/site which we can see some progress on the mod? will be cool since i'm curious how everything will become :O
Yeah I had been thinking about getting someone to build a site though now I need to build one for work ( you know, real life stuff :p ) so I might make it myself as a kind of practice thing.

- Does anyone know if filefront still gives free hosting for mod website?
Looks interesting!

Only issue I can see is that you are limited in size if the map is linear, have you tried compiling a simple map with the maximum length (turn off everything except the basic compile options) and seeing how long it takes to cross?

Of course, you could use height to extend the map, but might feel a bit like snakes and ladders!

(have sent you a PM too)
holy Christ, pmab! I remember you!
Hey pmab thats certainly a good point. I will do as you said as it would be worthwile to see how long that would take to cross.

The plan however is to rotate the orientation of the player at certain points as they do in duke nukem manhatten project.

So the two paths would be perpendicular and where the second path joined the players orientation would rotate by 90 degrees and he would continue on in his new direction. After all the player is only limited to the two axis because I have disabled the up and down keys.

Making the rotation smooth especially with regard to the camera needs to be addressed but this is definitely something that will be easier with the inclusion of a level designer to the team. ;)