Listen up nay-sayers!


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Iron-Sights, grenade launchers, smoke grenades, secondary functions for all weapons and a bunch of other new things we are still to discover, all this is making me very excited for DoD: Source!

I can't understand why so many people are so negative about these changes, there always have been major changes between DoD versions.

Remember b1 to b2? It completely changed DoD in nearly every way. Did it killed DoD? No way. Remember b3.1 to retail? Some big changes over there, some of them very controversial. Did it killed DoD? Nope. Now DoD: Source is bringing another batch of changes and additions to DoD and, as always, some people are complaining about it, claiming it will kill DoD as we know it. Probably the same people who claimed that when DoD turned a retail product. And maybe the very same people who claimed that when b2 was launched. And guess what, DoD is still alive and kicking some major butt.

All these changes are bringing substance to DoD, new things for us to play with, new strategies coming up, things that bring a breath of fresh air to the game, that keeps it from stagnating.

Remember boys, the History was written with changes and revolutions, not with conformation and stagnation.

The way I see it, it's the changes that maintain a game alive, being them controversial or well-received by everyone. Even bad publicity can be good publicity. What can be a bad feature for one person can be a great feature for a hundred.

Think about that all you nay-sayers.
Lol, I think I was described pretty well there. I guess I just don't like getting used to playing a game one way, then them changing it hugely. The worst change so far IMO was definatly the move to retail, I still play "DoD" but its not the DoD I used to enjoy playing. To be fair though, I am really excited about the Ragdolls and mortars, the thing about Ironsights is, its just like removing bleeding, it is rather a huge change, and I just think thats straying from what made DoD DoD.
But hell, thats just me, I could moan all day then go home and play it and love it.
i just hope it dont turn out like css,they took away the felling of cs in css....
hopefully we can get even a lil bit of the same felling we got when playing dod in dod:s
oik said:
i just hope it dont turn out like css,they took away the felling of cs in css....

Which feeling do you mean???? I have begin playing with CS:S and after a while i tried CS and i really got sick of CS, realy sick.

Maxey said:
I can't understand why so many people are so negative about these changes, ...

Please don't forget the people which couldn't shut their mouth cause they love that shit so much!! Like me!!!
Yeah, why the hell would anyone want the exact same game anyways.
Yeah, why the hell would anyone want the exact same game anyways.
people are always and forever afraid of change
its why conservative parties will always rule the earth
If you don't like DOD:S being altered... you can still go play DOD on the Half Life engine... its "outdated" you say?! ok then get used to the NEW DOD, NEW as in 'N E W'.
The point is this, either you whiners stop whining en stay with 1.3 or you shut your mouths and at least TRY to get used to the changes made in the NEW dod:s
I agree..if you dont like DoD:S or dont even want to play it, well then dont. Valve isnt forcing you too, they arent gonna make you all download it. Its going to be in the Play Games list undownloaded, and youll save space too. If you dont like it, just keep it undownloaded and stick with 1.3. Personally, I never liked DoD, I dont know why, but I just didnt. Same with CS, when CS:S was first coming out I played that more than anything else. I guess I just like the Source versions better. I'm sure I'll like DoD:S too. If I dont, I'll just delete it and not play it anymore. Its that simple, just play 1.3, or deal with the Source version.
I haven't actually seen many 'nay-sayers'...from what I've seen most people are welcoming the change. You might mistake some people that are just a little surprised by the change for being 'nay-sayers', but they're not really...

I'm liking all the new features I've seen so far :)