Little Pieces of Cool

G Man

Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, all post your favourite little pieces of cool stuff you really liked in EP1,
mine are:
Citadel collapsing bits,
When you had to walk past the fluxing reactor adn the walkway was melting ^^
Agreed. Zombines actually freaked me out not to mention it takes quite a bit to take them down.
Agreed, bastards like to blow themselves up :D
Keep going guys
yea i liked all the little things Alyx said during the episode. the vent comment, and also when you kill the strider and the gunship :D the fact that gordon finally gets some recognition and respect for his mad skillz with teh guns put a smile to my face.
I think my favorite part wast the end. I kept looking over to Alyx to see her reaction (gj Valve on making Alyx so believable).

When it was all dark in the garage and she went "wooo-ooo" I was like WTF and turned shined the flashlight on her, when she was freaking out over the stalker being on her, the Zombine naming, these all made me actually worry about Alyx. I was afraid playing with her would be annoying but it was awesome as hell!
oMeSSiaHo said:
I think my favorite part wast the end. I kept looking over to Alyx to see her reaction (gj Valve on making Alyx so believable).

When it was all dark in the garage and she went "wooo-ooo" I was like WTF and turned shined the flashlight on her, when she was freaking out over the stalker being on her, the Zombine naming, these all made me actually worry about Alyx. I was afraid playing with her would be annoying but it was awesome as hell!

generally i would agree. however, i did find that she suffered from the same problem every other AI partner suffers from -- getting stuck in doorways. Did anyone else experience this?
All the Alyx stuff, the garage zombie impression made me jump and laugh. But what i especially liked:

-Go to the television in one of the rebel safehouses that is playing the kleiner message
-shoot it

"[laughs] you're right gordon, we dont have time for television"
Alyx didnt get stuck at all when I played. After the TV message when you are above the group of rebels you can hear them making fun of Kleiner. I swear Alyx looked embarrased when Kleiner mentioned the "get down" thing.
Loved the van throwing, citedel collasping, the strider fight that the end (even if it was a little on the easy side), and the commentary. The zombines got a little old after awhile and I was kinda hoping to see the mini-striders after seeing the Moseman video.

All and all, great but too short.
Too short? It was an episode...Valve said a 4-6 hour game. That's what we got.
There was a scene in the Hospital where I laughed a lot. As you first enter, you look to the left and see one of those Hoppers on the floor, and then the top half of a zombie starts to move. You just see the Hopper jump up and then blow the zombie to bits, haha.

Also, the bit when you see the Zombines in the distance, holding up a grenade and walking slowly with a little light behind them. Reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey, when the monkey gets the bone and reaches for the sky almost. But then the Zombine just blows up, along with a few of his mates. It looked really euphoric!
I liked how setting zombies on fire provides you with a nice lightsource in the pitch black areas :)
I loved it when Alyx acquired the Shotgun. Also loved Klieners speeches on "getting busy".
1. The part where your waiting for the elevator in pitch black and there's Zombies coming at you from every direction.
2. The Zombines! They are wild. (but how come they don't have a head if the Headcrab falls off?).
3. The part where Dog throws you and Alyx over the chasm to get to the Citadel.
4. The part where Alyx gets the Shotgun and pwns those Zombies. :)
Dog throwing Alyx and you across.
Falling through the Citadel while still in the van.
A number of Alyx's lines.
Yellow Rollermines
HDR made a pretty nice impact.
Barney saved a crowbar just for me.

Oh and Alyx gave me a hug. ;)
Yellow Roller mines.. Loved it...

There was this part where you first get to take care of a sniper, there was a yellow and a blue rollermine duking it out, everytime they would get close, both would shoot electricity and blow each other across the street, only to do it again and again.

Also, when trying to contain the reactor, those red ducts that shoot the energy balls, I grabbed the "door" that you shoot off to get inside and held it like a shield while I crawled, it almost got knocked off but it held.
oMeSSiaHo said:
I think my favorite part wast the end. I kept looking over to Alyx to see her reaction (gj Valve on making Alyx so believable).

When it was all dark in the garage and she went "wooo-ooo" I was like WTF and turned shined the flashlight on her, when she was freaking out over the stalker being on her, the Zombine naming, these all made me actually worry about Alyx. I was afraid playing with her would be annoying but it was awesome as hell!
Ye I liked all those things as well and anyone geting the feeling Alyx is in love with you :p
Too short? It was an episode...Valve said a 4-6 hour game. That's what we got.

I think a lot of people finished it before the 4 hour mark including myself (I done it in 3 hours 45 mins)
I laughed when Barney told me to try and not lose the crowbar because he didn't have many left.

When you zoom the flashlight in on Alyx's face she put's her hand up to shield her eyes.

After she made the zombie sound I turned the flashlight off to recharge it, and she sounded worried because more zombies were approaching in the dark.
I loved everything already mentioned here plus:

The feeling i had when i first loaded up the game and saw the main menu with the citadel.

The combine coming in from all directions on the ropes from the roofs of the city

The ant lion car blocking fight in the carpark, was pretty intense

The gunship at the top of the warehouse, where the whole place was falling apart from the destruction.

The dark zombie fight while waiting for elevator, hectic as hell

Using physics strategies, like creating barricades or bottlenecks with the cars, etc

The total chaos that is always occuring.

This game was amazing.
idid that rafa!! wow we think alike

i love the flexibility of the source engine just for that!!

i had it at an angle so they got deflected to the side of me!!

it was All amazing, though one more strider, would have been nicer when figthing the antlions for the first time out doors, (before the first trip mines i think) woudl a made it a bit madder!
Anyone else notice that the sturcture around the core was based almost directly on what Adam did in Minerva? I think he and valve are collaborating to a certain extent story/fiction wise.
Minerva: Metastasis 2 came out too late for Valve to take any ideas from it. :p
snowykittenz said:
When you had to walk past the fluxing reactor adn the walkway was melting ^^


I won't be playing Episode 1 for quite some time (I don't have a choice) but that little thing intrigues me
My favourite bits:

-Barney giving you another crowbar.
-The random conversation you overhear concerning Black Mesa, Oddessa Cubbage and... Dr Breen's Jugglers. Ya.
-Alyx pretending to be a zombie, and the cool lil' comments she made everywhere (like when you fall out of the vent: "Back so soon?").
-The ending. Absolutely amazing.
-Alyx's pistol. I wanted it :(
-Dog throwing you into the Citadel, followed by the kick-ass ride.
The interaction. Alyx hugging you, leaning on Dog, etc. It's really more fluid and human than I've ever seen.

The story. It's really coming together now, and it's captivating me more than ever before.

The use of first-person. Being thrown across the chasm, the train... it's really excellent, and wonderfully disorienting.

The funny stuff. Alyx's reaction to Kleiner's broadcast is my personal favorite ("Did he just tell us to... you know... get busy?") :LOL:

The zombines are AWESOME. On hard, I've seen them survive upwards of four shotgun blasts to the head from like 5 feet away. They're fast, tough, and scary as f*ck.

The synth fights. You didn't fight nearly as many as in HL2, but they were really excellent. The fight with the Gunship in the warehouse in particular was astonishingly cool.

Alyx. In HL2, I thought she was cool, but just another NPC. In this, it's crazy. She's... almost real. The voice acting, dialogue... everything is absolutely brilliant. At the end I was feeling genuinely affectionate towards her... which is a little weird, yes, but pretty damn impressive as well.

And visually, the game is a treat. The Citadel, complete with flashes of light and swirly clouds, was freaking astonishing. The shaders used in the Citadel's Core made me cry a little bit on the inside. That specular lighting effect on the edges of characters and objects is genuinely gorgeous. It manages to look amazing and run beautifully.

Also, I loved how you really got to know the npc's this time around. Getting to talk to them with E was great- you got to hear their side of things, see how they felt. Plus, listening in on that couple ragging on Kleiner was great :LOL:

All in all, the entire game is just one big piece of awesome.
The episode 2 trailer....

Seriously I dunno too much about episode 1 because I can't play it, yet. The episode 2 trailer which is at the end of HL2 is the only thing I've seen of the game
anyone else but me who thought the music was awesome?
Basse said:
anyone else but me who thought the music was awesome?
It was good, a big step up from Half-life 2, but nothing that jumped out at me.