LMG's in Video games are underpowered.


Party Escort Bot
Feb 8, 2014
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I know I kind have ranted about this before, but I was playing some more CS recently and it just got my ramped up about it again.

I have a question to ask you but before I do, I want to lay down some facts.
  • The m4a4 (and for that matter all ar-15s) and m249 & negev shoot a bullet called the "5.56".....so right off the bat the same bullet means same recoil
  • LMG's are heavier than m4's, which means Heavier weight means less recoil
  • LMG's have same length or longer barrels than m4, and Longer barrels means more accurate
  • according to "ingame wiki" for "ingame guns" the m4 can shoot 666 rpm while m249 can shoot 750 thats a Difference between 84 rounds per minute
  • The Longest recorded machine gun kill was 2500 yards.

Answer me this guys

  • Why are Machine guns in games often unruly, hard to use, or downright ineffective in video games?
I'll tell you why. Its because of s***ty balancing. "If we made machine guns as powerful as they are in real life they would become OP" Guess what. When Mr. palmcrantz or Mr. Maxim or Mr. Vickers invented a machine gun, they were going for OP. The best way to balance this gun so it isn't garbage is make it hard to obtain and have movement speed sluggish. Add a couple extra thousand dollars to the negev price tag- and make that the price for the m249. and even more for the negev. If you're unwilling to do that give us a bipod that makes it virtually no recoil and make it so it takes a some seconds...like 4 or 5 to get into prone and set up the bipod and the same for getting back up from it.
sigh, i think I've cooled down now.
Why don't you just go to a range and shoot some guns if you are looking for realism...
sigh... .308 winchester is like 75 cents a bullet right now. Edit: It's actually like $1.20 per bullet if you want anything half way decent
Play Arma.

If your looking for realism CS is not the game to play, its not designed to be realistic so there isn't much point in complaining about it in CS. If you want a realistic experience you need to look art other games like arma, insurgency, or project reality for bf2. You are never going to find the 100% realistic game, as realistic elements have to be sacrificed for the sake of making it a game, fun and playable. The other half of it is the players you play with, playing tacitly, with others is a part of the realistic element too, where on the other hand you have people run n gunning and bunny hopping.

Personally I enjoy the battlefield series, to me it felt like the right balance of realism and game play, however after BF2 i havent had much chance or friends to play the newer versions yet so i don't know if EA ruined it by not or not. you might also want to check out this mod http://www.realitymod.com/ They are working on a stand alone game which will emulate what they achieved in their BF2 and Arma mods but i have no idea what its status is.
Hmmm I wish I could play those games, unfortunately I'm a MacBook peasent. Not necessarily by choice..... Unfortunately my college required a MacBook. On the plus side I the MacBook I did get was super super super powerful.
Hmmm I wish I could play those games, unfortunately I'm a MacBook peasent. Not necessarily by choice..... Unfortunately my college required a MacBook. On the plus side I the MacBook I did get was super super super powerful.

dual boot windows?
Insurgency might be a game for you. It's quite realistic, slow paced and fun. It runs on the source engine too, so it doesn't require that much power to run.