Looking for some web site testers


Apr 28, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry for long post, trying to explain a lot in one post.

So, quite a while ago, I had an idea for a web site, where you can list the specs of your computer, its benchmarks, pictures of it, etc etc. It would be broken down into individual components, and each could be price linked with different retailers, the ultimate idea being that you could see exactly what any system listed on the site would cost you to build at current prices, and what benchmark results/game fps rates you would get. Other things would include things like hardware news, sig pics containing your stats (Similar to BF2 stats pictures, but with PC hardware info), articles (Improving fps in games etc)

Anyway, this a massivley overreachign project, one that has almost no chance of working, and being outside of my skill level to create. So of course, I am trying to do it.

I am now at the point where the site is operational, with basic functionallity, and I would like to start testing what I do have with some real user testing and get some feedback and suggestions.

I'm hoping to find some people who can see what I'm trying to do with this and want to help create this resource. I'm not looking for people to test a site that should work, I'm looking for people who can tolerate a site thats a pain, and frankly not well laid out, whilst giving good suggestions to help it stop being a pain and not well laid out :)

The site is at http://rigpimp.freehostia.com (Yes, its on free hosting untill I get it to a state where it needs proper hosting). If you would be interested in helping with this, go ahead and register on the forum. I am working on the FAQ, it should be fairly useful shortly, and people can start adding their PC's with reletive ease after this.

I know this project has a lot of obstacles in the way, but I intend to try anyway, so please keep critisism constructive, as I think this could work well. Any crits you do have can go either here or on the sites own forum, whichever is easier.

Thanks for reading.

p.s - I did ask Pi if I could post this
its not a bad site. i registered,but when i try to login it doesnt work.

edit:nvm it just doesnt take you back to the forum page.

also the creating your own rig is kind of cool. even though it may be hard it wouldnt hurt to add components of every company to it. right now you dont have any but i can understand its still in development.
Not bad, half an hour and a bug squished already :) Logging in should work now.

As for the component list, for beta purposes, I am asking that people suggest thier hardware. Once the site is in a usable state, I will be asking the major manufacturors for up to date lists of products and importing them myself, but its a lot of work, so I'd rather not do it untill the database is more stable.
cool thanks, would you like to continue any discussion on this forum or the site alone?
On the site itself will be easier to keep track off, but any suggestions/crits on this thread will still be appreciated, for those that don't want to register
I'll look into it when I get back home to my custom-built PC.