Los Lonely Boys


Oct 7, 2003
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I have to spread the message. These guys are awesome, and if you're into the bluesy-rock genre then buy their DVD Texican Style. They added their own latin/popish flair to it, and I personally love it. Check them out yourselves!
Henry on guitar & vocals, and he is extremely capable. He can fire off the most amazing solos.
JoJo on bass & vocals, also pretty good with his bass riffs, amazing vocalist also.
Ringo on drums and backing vocals.
All three are brothers!

http://www.llbmusic.com/ (Songs from the album, but you're better off buying their DVD, same songs, but more 'rocking' kinda feel to it. You WON'T be disappointed.)
http://www.alice106.com/listingsEntry.asp?ID=268481&PT=blank (Interviews and songs on video - accoustic set)
http://www.kfog.com/PrivateConcerts/LosLonelyBoys/default.html (Video clips of two of their songs, Dime Mi Amor, a latin/rock song and Heaven, which is popish rock with awesome guitar solos)
I think they're overrated. But they're different and they brought some older style music into a newer pop genre, so they must be good right?!?!
Overrated? Have you heard anything besides 'Heaven'? I tell ya, these boys can play. It's not only poppy rock, although Heaven is a pretty darn good song!
LOVE these guys because they have brought some old school rock back into mainstream.

They are TIGHT live too.
They really can jam. I saw them at ACL this year. The lead guitarist has been playing since he was five.
Eh... - dont care for the songwriting, but yeah the dude is a really good guitarist.