Losing it.... (Virginity, not sanity)

May 15, 2003
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Losing it....

I'm just wondering at what age people lost their virginity. I'll delete this thread if it becomes tasteless.... no descriptions. I'd like to point out that I'm 16, and I'm still a virgin, by choice, since the last three girls I've been with wanted it. But I said no. Okie, anyone else want to contribute? No pointless lies, be honest.... lets be grown up about this, I'm interested in the general morals of the forums :p

thanks :)
Im 19...im a virgin...and a loser:p . Any girl that ever came onto me was a slut.... not ugly girls....but most had slept with everyone i knew.

i dont want any STDs ...that and i have no balls when it comes to pursuing ladie folk :).... any girls i actually like ..i have a hard time talking to.....

it sucks being a nerd
I'm 17 and a virgin, and same with crabcake, all the girls who want it have had it with everyone else, and its like 'no thanks, I dont want to sleep with the whole of my year thanks'.
And I have this thing of falling for the most hard to get girls, so yer, my fault, but I like a challenge.
I had a chance once with the girl I was with....but she got one of her mates to talk to me about it....that made me laugh, but i said no. If she cant come to me about it personally, then she's not ready and not worth it to be honest (I was 15 at the time)

Feelings suck sometimes
The girls who wanted to sleep with me (when we were going out/dating/seeing eachother) were all virgins, with the exception of one. I might sleep with my gf when she gets back from holiday... but I don't know (of course it depends on wether she wants too :p ) but thats cos I'm in a relationship, so its different than losing it to some random girl at a party.
I was 16 when I lost mine.

Ha, I'd been going out with her for a week and had no idea how long you were supposed to wait.
i lost mine about a year ago and now am 20. i was 19 and it was my first proper g.f.

Don't rush to get sex with the first slut ya can. But, if you do, use a condom. You really don't want any STD's she has (most who have them won't tell you or don't know), and you REALLY don't want any kids at 16. That would RUIN your life.

Wear a rubber if you have to, but really sex isn't something you need to care about. If it happens it should happen because you are in love with some one, not just so you can say you did it. Sex is taken too lightly by our generation, which is why there are so many Teen moms( most drop out, is why you don't see them), and STD's are so rampant. Odds are a few people at YOUR highschool have AIDS and do not even know it.
HIV AIDS is one of those things that people don't think much about, but its so scary when you think about it. It basically nullifies your immune system and leaves you open to all manner of problems, as well as bringing its own problems. The treatment for it as practically as bad as the disease. Compared to other places in the world, Europe has a pretty low amount of aids problems. But in places like South Africa they are facing a problem with an entire generation ready to be wiped out by it.

Anyway, back on topic.

I'm 17 and a virgin. I will stay a virgin till i get married.
Originally posted by oldi1knoby

If it happens it should happen because you are in love with some one, not just so you can say you did it.

Good Point and precisely why I didn't sleep with those 3... if I decide I love Sarah, then in all likelyhood (if we haven't broken up by then :p) I'll sleep with her... :)

I knew you would say that Farrow ;) .... glad to see some sense on this board :)
15 and a virgin. That might change next week, i'll see how things go. But it's all up to her. I just smile and nod.
I'm 18.5, still virgin. Allthough I'm far from being ugly - I'm an asshole(litteraly) and thats the reason girls don't notice me. I am also skiny(60 kg on 175 cm). Ofcaorce I had some gfs, but they didn't give me.
Lost it when I was 15, back in Russia, just so I could have sex. I was an idiot, so as people said, never rush and when you do have sex, at least with someone you love. Plus always think how to give pleaser to the girl first, don't just go hopping away, because I bet, your first time will be very fast.
I was 17 when I first had sex, but that was 12 years ago and we had been dating for about 5-6 months.

Looking back I wish I would have waited.
i lost mine when i was 12, seriously, with a 14 year old girl...i regret it nearly evertime im with a girl. since then i said i was a virgin becuase i tried to think of myself as one. and in 2002 (17 years old) had sex(not love) with another girl, im not to sure that was a good idea either. the only girl that i wish i had made love to was one of my ex-gf's.
i lost my verginity to Rosey Palms. Crowbar seems to have met her too.
i dont know why Rosey Palms doesn't like teh oral tho. She always has to use lotions and oils, what is wrong with her?
im 16 still a vergin

believe it or not when i think of STDs my heart gets kinda heavy, i am terrified of HIV/AIDS. Its prolly the most painful thing that could happen to you, i dont care if ive known the person my whole ****ing life and i know she hasnt slept with anyone else. I would wait till she's my wife, STDs are a very scary thing, and its something we shouldnt forget about. I dont know what i would do if i got STDs, i guess i could fight through it and try and get treatment but like farrow said, the treatment is just as painful

People, do not push this thing into the back of your mind, you need to keep this up with the most important things in life (like hl2, ^_^). Think before you take the plunge
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Im 20 and im a virgin. The girl I sleep with will be my wife. :)
Same here :)
Well... not the 20 part.
I lost my virginity this year in about February when I was 17.
Since then I've slept with a 20 year old and a 25 year old. Which was nice.
well.. im 16 and a virign too. and i'll wait till the right girl crosses my way.

no need to hurry up =)=
17 and still virgin... but hey, may change very soon...and yes it's love...oh and i kinda think the thing with no sex before marriage is kinda dumb, but that's just me... oh well :)

nighty folks
19 and still nowhere close. :(

Now it's getting downright scary as the last 2 girls I tried to go out with turned out to be married.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
19 and still nowhere close. :(

Now it's getting downright scary as the last 2 girls I tried to go out with turned out to be married.

OMFG, the title scared me,
I thought it was going to be a completely different thing :x

Me = Virgin
Originally posted by subs
i lost my verginity to Rosey Palms. Crowbar seems to have met her too.

you need too grow up subs. very stupid.

im 16, fell in love, she broke my heart, im waiting for her too come back...
i am a virgin gonna wait till i get married.