Making Water, skybox?


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score

I am soon finish with my map.
But i will add some water to my map.

But the problem is that i cant see the water from above, but under i can see it. I dont have skybox around my whole map, just 5 sides' Around and top, don't under'

Can i add some water to my map without have skybox around the whole map?

If i have skybox around my whole map the compile is super slow!!
Ok 2 things you need to think about here. First off, your map must be sealed. When you are inside the playable area of your map, there must not be ANY gap into the outside area of nothingness. If you don't seal your map (using skyboxes), then vvis and vrad wont work, meaning you wont see any lights or water in your map, and it will run very very slowly when people try to play it. However because vvis and vrad wont run, you will get some VERY fast compile times ;)

Secondly, it pays to imagine all your outdoor areas as just really really big rooms with really really big corridors attached. Instead of a concrete roof, you have a skybox roof. Instead of concrete walls you can have cliff walls and instead of concrete floors you can have sand floors. Here you only have 1 skybrush on top of the map!

Basically your skybox ceiling only needs to go about 2000 units above the player (so that physics objects dont bounce off your "roof" when players fire chairs straight up with the grav gun), and your skybox walls should block off any areas your players can't see past. I'm not really sure if I'm explaining it all so well... But basically if you have a huge box all the way around your map, then you need to split that big box into lots of little boxes that fit much more tightly on your map... (Which would you prefer? A beautiful woman in full antarctic gear or a beautiful woman in a bikini? Less is more when it comes to skyboxes, but you still need to make sure you cover up the important bits!)