Mass Effect 2 Trailer

Lol, robotic houndeyes.

Anyways, it looks much more interesting than the first.
Sweet trailer there! Also I can't wait to kill the same guy thousand times!
cool, but why would they "show and tell you what is going to happen in mass effect 2"? Doesnt that kind of ruin the point of PLAYING the game? To experience everything first hand? I dont think people want the whole game being TOLD to them...

oh well
They dribbled on about the combat way too much in's hoping there's a lot more diversity in the ingame population
Well it certainly looks prettier than the old game. Could be pretty awesome.
I'm hoping it's across two discs. I've never played a console game with two discs before and I feel left out.
I'm hoping it's across two discs. I've never played a console game with two discs before and I feel left out.

Isn't there some kind of weird penalty charging thing that MS instigate about multidiscs to dissuade developers from using them with the 360? (Another reason why MS abject failure to go with the HD-DVD format was ****ing retarded..).
They can put it on as many discs as they want, i'm getting the PC version. They better not make me wait a year longer again. I kinda regret not backing up my save now knowing that it does influence ME2.
Ah, I am going back to play 1 again this weekend. I cannot wait for part 2. It will be a tough game to beat for GOTY in my estimation. Hopefully the PC version will not have such shitty DRM this time around. If Dragon Age is anything to go by it won't. :thumbs:
They can put it on as many discs as they want, i'm getting the PC version. They better not make me wait a year longer again. I kinda regret not backing up my save now knowing that it does influence ME2.

Did GTA IV come on multiple discs for the 360 or just one?
Youtube link for the none clickie types



With ME2 on the way, is there hope for a reasonable price cutting for Mass Effect on Steam? A full price of 44.99 Euros is just ridiculous.
I hope they add ship-combat into the game, that would be cool.

Maybe even better, letting you attempt to disable pirate vessels etc and board them.
With ME2 on the way, is there hope for a reasonable price cutting for Mass Effect on Steam? A full price of 44.99 Euros is just ridiculous.
OUCH. Yeah, it's only $19.99 USD here in the states in stores like BestBuy.
I hope they add ship-combat into the game, that would be cool.

Maybe even better, letting you attempt to disable pirate vessels etc and board them.

That'd be awesome. But then so would having no DRM on the PC version.

Sad to hear its only on one disk, but hopefully the side quests will rather more varied than the last game, even if there are fewer of them because of this.
Didn't Bioware say they pretty much filled up the disc with the first Mass Effect? If so how are they going to make big improvements on stuff like locations and side quests. Stupid 360 holding back the game, they should make a hard drive compulsory for all new games on it.
I've been playin' through the first one again this week and really enjoying it again... too short, though. I think I'm already on the last mission.

Anyone know if they're keeping the same type of dialog system of not really knowing what the hell your guy is gonna say? Generally, you choose the basic impression you'll give, but not always...
mass effect is so god damn epic. Best scene in the game, i seriously came multiple times:
That was a massive turning point in the game for me. Before that I was feeling fatigued, especially when it came to that incredibly disappointing bug-squashing ice planet level. But after that, and then the glorious Ilos level, I absolutely loved it.

I just wish developers weren't dicks in their videos. It really puts me off. I remember being put off by Dead Space because some idiot from their dev team game a demo walkthrough, lol-ing and snorting like some drunken frat boy at what were supposed to be serious, scary events going on around him.
After seeing the video, I now have high hopes and expectations for this game.

One of the interesting aspects of the first game was the Thorian. If they can top that in the sequal, I'll be impressed.
Bioware is such a goddamn class act these days. They've absorbed so much development talent it's not even funny. I can't wait for this and Dragon Age and my hopes for The Old Republic are higher than ever.
Bioware is such a goddamn class act these days. They've absorbed so much development talent it's not even funny. I can't wait for this and Dragon Age and my hopes for The Old Republic are higher than ever.
I agree with you on everything except Old Republic, Old Republic looks shitty as hell from a creative standpoint.
Looking good. Was a bit worried it wasn't going to be Shepard but the developers did kind of make it obvious he was alive in that pre-E3 vidoc. Glad to have it confirmed, though it looks like not everything is as it seems...

The new trailer just gets me more excited, esp. when paired with the leaked rumors about no more texture pop-in and better side missions and such for this one. Hopefully that means no DRM for the PC version too. Can't wait for this one!!
Damn Ea... I wish the would stop being the parasite for games nowadays, especially for PC converts...
leaked rumors about no more texture pop-in

Is that possible? Because the PC was stuck with texture pop-in because of hard coded limitations in the engine. So far no one has bothered removing the texture pop in in ports of Unreal engine 3 games because of laziness. One thing i do want is the bloody patch it's been over a year and the patch still hasn't been released.