Mass Effect

Story's good, but nowhere near KOTOR I or II good. Characters are good, but nowhere near KOTOR I or II. It's immersive I'd say, a bit repetitive. Sideplanets are pretty much the same thing OVER and OVER again. It's an incredibly underdeveloped part of the game that stretches the game to that 30 hour mark. A select few are interesting, but that's about it. The background to the game is very interesting and obviously a lot of time and effort was put into the backstory.

And if you're into romance, the romance subplots are relatively borderline average.
I think Mass Effect is much better than KoToR 2 in every category, not KoToR 1 though, that game was amazing
yeah i dunno. i'm getting the feeling that i should vote with my money for the leftfield game and not wargame #63921, plus AC seems rather bleak in comparison. the editorial reviews seem to be
unanimous that it has a good story.
What has put me off exploring most in Mass Effect is load times, crappy planets with often crappy quests and silly respawn/save points. I seriously can't be bothered to go scouring the universe for a quest that sounds awesome, but instead turns out depressingly bad (see few pages back for my comments on a Alliance training ground mission)

However, there some awesome quests out there as well as interactions, decisions and plot-pacings that happen in certain areas and between certain areas, you just gotta find them.
Indeed. that Training Ground mission left me dissapointed. But the overall story is awesome, and it had a lot of closure in the end. Yay! MASS EFFECT 2!
Can those uncharted worlds get any duller? They have been extremely boring. As if going 1/2 MPH up a mountain in the Mako wasn't fun enough, I get to waste 20 minutes fighting my way into an identical base with the same bad guys. If it's not the base, it's driving to the other bloody side of the place to find a dead body with some sort of insignia... and as if that wasn't enough, there's barely anything on these planets. A couple of mineral things to survey, a destroyed probe and, if you're lucky, an enemy base or a thrasher maw.
I just did the world with the crazy merc leader on it, if they had small side-missions with buildings like that on every planet that would be awesome.
Finally getting out and exploring all the worlds. I'm beginning to see what they meant by "Mass".
Can you upgrade the Mako? That machine gun is starting to piss me off. I can take down a Thresher Maw with a fair bit of ease but it's a slow process.

Also, does anyone randomly die in the Mako or is it just me? :|
Yes. >_>

No. :(

I'm terrified of instruction manuals. Anyway, can it be upgraded?
No, the cannon and machine gun are fine as is though (but it would be cool to upgrade them)
got the game, about three hours in. it feels like it's vastly underrated by alot of reviewers, the tiny flaws are totally undershadowed by the scale, customization and interaction. you're constantly bombarded with decisions, it rules! when i decided to include the innately violent wrex, for his combat skills, in my squad for a mission, i had no idea that he would preemptively execute the objective enemy character upon capture. very refreshing!
got the game, about three hours in. it feels like it's vastly underrated by alot of reviewers, the tiny flaws are totally undershadowed by the scale, customization and interaction. you're constantly bombarded with decisions, it rules! when i decided to include the innately violent wrex, for his combat skills, in my squad for a mission, i had no idea that he would preemptively execute the objective enemy character upon capture. very refreshing!

Heh, I just got up that mission yesterday. Wrex makes me laugh. When my brother played it he took Kaidan and Ashley instead, and you can actually choose whether or not to let him live. The cutscene's quality.

One of the ton of things that's impressed me is all the background info in the codex. They must've spent so much time fleshing it all out. If you've read about the Krogan Rebellion against the Turians, I reccomend taking Wrex and Garrus to see the big Krogan statue in the citadel. :D
So after 26 hours I am almost at the end of the game and it has been an awesome ride. The story is one of the best ever and I can't wait for the next games in the series to come out to see what happens next!

My question to those of you who have gotten this far (Citadel after visiting Ilos) is:
Did anyone manage to scan all of the keepers before speaking with the Prothean data disc guy on Ilos and finding out about them??? I was so pissed when I got the info about the keepers and wished that I had gone back and found all of them just to see what happens! Anyone do that?
I just reached the Citadel after Vermire. Been put on lockdown. I never got to finish scanning all of the Keepers, unfortunately. Wonder what happens when you do?

Also, did anyone else manage to convince Wrex at Vermire? I spent about four hours doing side assignments just to level up my charm so I wouldn't lose him. He's awesome. He and Tali are the only squadmates I ever use with the exception of Garrus on occasions.
When you get the last keeper, you just get a buttload of XP and credits and a "quest/mission complete". I couldn't find the salarian guy who gives you the quest again, so presumably that's it, or you have to wait till later to get any real results.
Yeah you can choose the charm option to calm him down and he puts his gun away. Thats the conversation where you get the achievement for solving an impossible situation with charm or intimidate.

Also on the keepers, nothing happens. The reason for this is really that you learn enough about the keepers through soveriegn and on Ilos that I don't think they need to tell you much else.
Also, did anyone else manage to convince Wrex at Vermire? I spent about four hours doing side assignments just to level up my charm so I wouldn't lose him. He's awesome. He and Tali are the only squadmates I ever use with the exception of Garrus on occasions.
I convinced him with my Charm. I don't use him though. I use Ashley and Tali almost exclusively. I was really hoping for some girl-girl action with Ashley instead of the bizarre alien encounter I had. :x

Thanks to those who commented about the Keepers assignment.

My other questions is how awesomely worded is the short one or two lines from the mission, "The Fan"? Seriously forboding and I just know my autograph will come back to haunt me!!
about 11 hours in, ****ing love it. story is pure win. just arrived at ilos. had to put wrex to sleep :( , good to hear you can convince him. also got kaidan killed so my character could score with ashley, LOL! rolling as vanguard by the way, great ****ing class. maxed shotgun with carnage and warp = insta-win.
Heh, I didn't realise the default Shephard was actually based on a real guy:

ha, just completed it, like 13 hours in. boromir shepard, the ginger guy with a gay moustache and ears like plane flaps, saved the galaxy. shorter than i expected but longer than any other game i played this year. i skipped pretty much everything but the main quest. got soo much more to do, gonna jump right into a new character.. there's people to see, evil to be done, snotty replies to be made. definite game of the year. cheers bioware
Heh, I didn't realise the default Shephard was actually based on a real guy:


Ha! Yeah, Altair from AC is also based on a male model. :hmph:

EDIT: That is also another reason why I like Mass Effect better than Assassin's Creed--customization of the main character. I am not a fan of always playing the macho, hot-buttered stud muffin that so many devs fancy us gamers to envision as our avatars. :)
I can see why it got panned. Texture popping is insane, and so very annoying.

But I really enjoyed it.

Bring on number 2
I don't know what people are talking about! Side missions are cool as shit. They always have a little back story and they are fun. Besides who gives a shit if the planets just have a different color scheme. Seriously just look at the detail of the game.
by the way, i read it's gonna be a trilogy. booyakasha!
This has been known since far before release. :p

Also, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to export your characters over to the next games and continue their progress. Atleast I think I heard that somewhere.
Feros was the best mission in a Bioware RPG that I've played so far.

I'm now at around 18 hours, Virmire is available but I enjoy dicking around on the galaxy map and always stumble upon people needing rescued or research bases being assualted.

Level 30 Vanguard and my shotgun is fast becoming my favourite weapon.
I just beat it.. and i have to say the game truly is f*&#ing incredible..

The whole thing is truly epic..
I've never really considered myself to be an RPG person, But the cut scenes are so convincing and the desisions so real that I was immediately almost.. addicted to the game. You get to make huge decisions in game that just completely change the story line. Some of which you actually have to sit and consider the consequences for a few seconds and I absolutely adore this game for it. I don't think this has truly been tried before on this scale and I was left with a huge grin on my face.. Not to mention Seth Green as the pilot :D He does a fantastic job.

Not to mention that the story is AMAZING, The level of science fiction really is truly unparalleled in game, Not to mention that the graphics are gorgeous. It just leaves for a memorable experience.. It truly is one of the best games I've played in a long long time.

Oh and
having sex with the blue chick is and achievement :cheese:?? LOL! Haha.. is it sad that im considering playing it again without the distance blur ;D

Lol.. Seriously though, strangely enough that scene actually made me form a stronger bond with the character, I guess that may be because I am a male lol.

Oh does anyone know? I actually think that the long elevator rides are actually a loading device for the game.. The levels load as you ride up.. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I don't know what people are talking about! Side missions are cool as shit. They always have a little back story and they are fun. Besides who gives a shit if the planets just have a different color scheme. Seriously just look at the detail of the game.

The only thing that bothers me about some planets is that its like they purposely made it impossible to navigate by placing the steepest god damn mountain ever between you and whatever it is you needed to drive too.
This has been known since far before release. :p

Also, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to export your characters over to the next games and continue their progress. Atleast I think I heard that somewhere.
You can start a new game with your previous character I thinkkk.
You can start a new game with your previous character I thinkkk.
Yup, with all the powers and such. Very cool and it should make the battles very different this time around. :)

I do agree that the planets are sort of sparse, but think about how boring most real planets are besides Earth. They are all rock and dust or gas. Not much going on for any of them. I happen to think it is pretty realistsic that the planets are depicted as such. Anyway, if a world were too hospitable it would be crowded with wildlife or civilization thereby making it a lot more difficult for the devs. Hopefully some will be a little more fleshed out in part 2. :cheese:
I'm just hoping in the 2nd and 3rd games they flesh out the galaxy a bit with some more thriving cities. The citadel's awesome, but so far I haven't found any other places like it. When you're in the wards there's a huge city outside, and it would've been great if they could've put in at least one or two other proper Blade Runner-esque city hubs - ones you could actually explore at street level.
I'm just hoping in the 2nd and 3rd games they flesh out the galaxy a bit with some more thriving cities. The citadel's awesome, but so far I haven't found any other places like it. When you're in the wards there's a huge city outside, and it would've been great if they could've put in at least one or two other proper Blade Runner-esque city hubs - ones you could actually explore at street level.

I agree. I miss the big cities of some of the older games/movies. I don't know how extensively the Citadel will be featured in the next installment though...:O
Finished it after about 28 hours and 27 minutes of game time with a level 48 Soldier with the Shock Trooper specialization.

Bring on number two.
The problem with the Citadel was that it was too linear. Far too many walls to blockade your path, doorways that lead no where and not enough places in general to make me feel as if I was in an actual city. Places like the Imperial City in Oblivion, Balmora (was that it?) in Morrowind, Clock Town and Hyrule City (Twilight Princess) from Zelda games are the places that really feel like cities.

But yes, it certainly needed more populated and richly detailed areas. After you visit all the areas to do with the main quest everything else seems so dull and uninspired. The snow planet with the peak facility was awesome but unfortunately every other facility and abandoned location is just crappy warehouse rooms and corridors.