Matt Boone and John Morello on PC Gamer Podcast


Jul 31, 2003
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I usually listen to things as soon as they download in iTunes... but, for some reason, I sat on this one for a couple of days before finally listening to it. It's the 4th episode, from the 19th (distributed on the 20th). Anyway, their segment starts about 22 minutes in. They start by discussing how they got started in modding. Then, they move into info about the new DoD. Anyway you can get it through iTunes or Odeo... whatever... or if you don't really care about it, there's not much of a reason to listen, since I wrote up a basic transcript (exact in some parts, really sparse in others):

"Without losing what makes DoD DoD, Day of Defeat: Source is almost brand new. You know it's DoD. You get in the game and you're like, 'Oh, I get this. I know this. I've been here before,' but we really kind of rebuilt... we reorganized the gameplay a little bit... to kind of focus on some new role-oriented play style that we were kind of hoping that DoD kind of always had to begin with. Instead, at the time, in the previous versions it was just kind of a bunch of guns that all kind of worked one way versus the other but you didn't really have a specific role to play. You could kind of do everything with everything... and that didn't really make much sense. So, we've really reorganized the gameplay."

"Yeah, so now the classes are more... there's the long-ranged guy and he has rifles and he has secondary weapons that are going to help him attack from a longer range... and then you have the assault guy who's going to be able to run in with the thompson or the mp40. He's going to have smoke grenades so he's going to be specialized in short-ranged fighting or charging against machine gunners."

Then, there's a listener question section:

First question: Basically asking if the learning curve will be toned down from DoD to DoD:S... and saying that you don't need as much skill in CS anymore.
The answer: In short, yes.

Second question: The cluttered WWII game market?
The answer: Not very informative... but basically they think it has enough to set it apart from the rest.

Third question: Will DoD be available in stores or just entirely off of Steam?
The answer: It will be part of a retail package along with CS:S and HL2:DM.

Fourth question: How long was it in development and were any features cut because of time?
The answer: There was the first iteration of DoD:S that was a straight port a couple of months ago... then they just decided to skip that in favor of giving it a complete overhaul the way they really wanted to. They weren't really pressed for time.

Fifth question: No 'grease gun' in DoD:S?
The answer: No, they have taken out some weapons and added some new ones to facilitate the new class structure.

Sixth question: Physics?
The answer: Basically sounds like standard stuff... except being able to mount machine guns on physics objects. So, you could push an object around to set up a better shot.

Other than that, just a bunch of talk about random game news... 48 minutes long. The podcast also briefly mentions the Revolution controller earlier on... although it appears that the guys don't know much about it... or didn't care enough to read about it (well, of course, they are PC gamers). So, nothing new there. Basically, don't bother. The most important stuff is in this post. We've already mentioned the rest of the stuff in other parts of the forum.