Michael Bay vs Megan Fox. Guess which one is the whiniest bitch


May 5, 2004
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Everyone knows Megan Fox has said some outlandish things over the past few months while promoting her new flick Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen..

And one quote in particular has upset the movie's director, Michael Bay.

Fox told Entertainment Weekly, "I mean, I can't sh*t on this movie because it did give me a career and open all these doors for me. But I don't want to blow smoke up people's *ss. People are well aware that this is not a movie about acting."

Michael Bay responds:

"Well, that's Megan Fox for you. She says some very ridiculous things because she's 23 years old and she still has a lot of growing to do. You roll your eyes when you see statements like that and think, 'Okay Megan, you can do whatever you want. I got it.'"

what a wuss. I hope Fox smashes his face in :E

Bay goes on to say he's a STAR maker!

He adds, "Nick Cage wasn't a big actor when I cast him, nor was Ben Affleck before I put him in Armageddon. Shia LaBeouf wasn't a big movie star before he did Transformers— and then he exploded. Not to mention Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, from Bad Boys."

Bay goes on, "Nobody in the world knew about Megan Fox until I found her and put her in Transformers," he says. "I like to think that I've had some luck in building actors' careers with my films."

right and most of them dont like talking about the films they made with you Michael. what a bleeding mangina

I want to crush Megan Fox with my giant robot. She's actually only cool with me because she has the balls to be publicly in favor of marijuana legalization. Michael Bay is a ****ing retard, I can't stand that jackass, if I met him in real life I'd love to shit on his face.
It feels weird saying this, but I side with Bay here.
They're both annoying.
Giant robot crush requested.
Whats this about forgetting Will Smith in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
He's not wrong.

Was about to say this.

All shes ****ing done is Transformers so she pretty much owes him her career. Also just because its Michael Bay movie, it doesn't excuse her from being a pretty bad actress to begin with sooooooooo

FrostedxB said:
Whats this about forgetting Will Smith in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Will was definitely popular during the Fresh prince run but it wasn't until he was in movies like Bad Boys and Independence Day that people were like "HOLYSHITWILLLSSMIIITTTHHH"
Don't get a crush on a giant robot, they are incapable of love.

You misunderstand me; I want a giant robot to crush them (my fault for a bad post :p).

But seriously now...

I <3 robots.
You don't understand...

I really <3 robots...

But yes, Michael Bay needs to be sent to a small third-world country to get his ass kicked.
They should have a fight to the death where the fight doesnt stop until they're both dead.
Robot crushing commence in three...two...one.

Oh, and to be fair, I think Michael Bay is just as annoying, but they don't have a hilarious chart like this one on Cracked.
I thought the same thing when I read that Megan Fox quote... seems kind of rude to imply you're not even trying especially right before the movie comes out.
Both seem a bit arrogant to me, at least with these statements.

That being said, there's no way in hell I think it's fair to call Bay a 'retard'. Especially when such a stance seems to be based only off the movies he makes and statements he makes regarding his movies.
Well, seems to me they're both kind of right. And why is this worthy of a thread at all? Can't we just have one "Argh, I hate Transformers and Micheal Bay and Shia Le Boeueeauf, and here's some stuff they said/did that's not particularly interesting" thread?
god damn **** who cares what the bitch says shes hotter than ****ing magma id tap that like **** all ****ing day, and **** that aging pyromaniac tit****er. I like smoking pot, it should be legal god ****ing damn it. you tend to get what you ****ing expect, so don't expect so ****ing much out of this shitty empty shell called life - its not for judging anyway.
My ignore list finger is itching.
Megan Fox can't act worth a shit, but I did lol at this:

While promoting Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in June 2009, Fox was asked how she would stop Megatron from demolishing the world, Fox replied, "I'd make a deal with him and instead of the entire planet, can you just take out all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible-beating people in Middle America?"
I like Megan Fox. I bet she's not as stupid as people say. They say that once her looks fade, she won't get any movie parts. But when whould that happen anyway? 30? 40? There are sexy actresses at those ages. Besides, whould she really need to? I bet she got shitloads of money from Transformers.

And that Ad with Bay was pretty funny.
I like Megan Fox. I bet she's not as stupid as people say. They say that once her looks fade, she won't get any movie parts. But when whould that happen anyway? 30? 40? There are sexy actresses at those ages.

such as?
do they have leading roles?

when was the last time you saw a julia roberts romantic comedy? she's 41

Besides, whould she really need to? I bet she got shitloads of money from Transformers.

And that Ad with Bay was pretty funny.

she probably made scale wage on transformers and considerably more for the sequel, however she's no spielbergo
Oh hey look, it's Yorick come to contribute nothing!

**** you.

Edit: @Stern Yeah, fair enough. But that goes for almost every actress. I do belive she will keep getting parts for the next ten years at least.
If she stays in shape that is.

she probably made scale wage on transformers and considerably more for the sequel, however she's no spielbergo

Yeah? So?
she has second billing to Clive Owen. far cry from the days when films were created around her as a star vehicle
Michael Bay is unapologetic when it comes to his movies not being Academy Award winners. He's just proud of making people into action stars and that's enough for him. If he thinks that that entitles him to being immune to criticism, then he can get lubricated for all I care.

EDIT: Damn Youtube tie-in ... Sometimes I actually want to disable that ...