More video pimpage, really cool stuff.


May 23, 2003
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YOu can now roll the grenade thanks to advanced physics. He rolls it to blow down the metal container.

ALso every window in big city scenes is breakable/3d and reflective rather than stupid painted on textures like in every other game. I noticed this most in barney_part and strider_part.
I noticed that too, the window reflection is much better than something thats painted on the wall.
oh shite... you know I watched that vid 500 times, and it never registered that he rolled the grenade.... man thats cool :)
I wonder if indeed it is physics dependant (EX: it was the angle and height at which he threw it) or perhaps a secondary fire mode... Im hoping its the physics :)
I think it was a mix of physics (it landed on its side, so naturally it would roll) and the fact he threw it while crouched. Secondary fire is most likely disabled for grenades as it's kinda unnecesary. Also pretty cool - notice how he pulls the pin as soon as you pull out the weapon? I like that... but is it entirely realistic? From memory theres two things you do to activate the timer. Pull the pin and... push something? I'm sure there's something else...
Those kind of grenades have both a pin and a sort of lever on the side from the top. You hold the lever, and pull out the pin, but the countdown doesn't start until you throw the grenade, thus releasing the spring loaded lever. You can put the pin back in as long as you haven't released the lever.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
I think it was a mix of physics (it landed on its side, so naturally it would roll) and the fact he threw it while crouched. Secondary fire is most likely disabled for grenades as it's kinda unnecesary. Also pretty cool - notice how he pulls the pin as soon as you pull out the weapon? I like that... but is it entirely realistic? From memory theres two things you do to activate the timer. Pull the pin and... push something? I'm sure there's something else...

that would suck like hell if you were cycling through your weapons, and didnt want to use your nade. he pops the pin and you want to cycle to your pistol. lol

yup as Apos said, hence "grenade cooking" pull the pin, let the lever fly, and count to 5 (except you throw it at like 3)
I doubt EVERYTHING you see is interactive and has physics, but if it does then! HELL YEAH! that would rock
Originally posted by Apos
Those kind of grenades have both a pin and a sort of lever on the side from the top. You hold the lever, and pull out the pin, but the countdown doesn't start until you throw the grenade, thus releasing the spring loaded lever. You can put the pin back in as long as you haven't released the lever.

Pretty much the same with every grenade
That would be cool if you could just place grenades on the ground and shoot them when people or aliens walk by

I wonder if the combine soldiers will toss nades at you. lol you could use the gavity gun to catch them in the air and send them back.
nah it isnt possible to set off a grenade by shooting at it, but the idea with catching grenades with the grav gun and throwing it back would be great :)
not everytyhing is interactive, else people could bust down walls and make their own paths through maps.

you cant deform the ground or anything with bullets.
Why did you ressurect this thread just to point THAT out?
I think it was a neat idea to tell people. I saw that he rolled the grenade, but I was to amazed of the video itself to register it as something special.


Originally posted by Apos
Those kind of grenades have both a pin and a sort of lever on the side from the top. You hold the lever, and pull out the pin, but the countdown doesn't start until you throw the grenade, thus releasing the spring loaded lever. You can put the pin back in as long as you haven't released the lever.

Lol, that reminds me of the grenade in Half-life1, you pulled out the pin, and the countdown started directly, hehe
hehe.. the video has a bug. he pulls out the pin and then switches weapon.
Evil, you could do the same thing in HL1 and CS, if I remember it correctly.
yes noticed that...

one thing I was wondering during that grenade under dumbster sequence think it would be possible to blow away the two other two support legs, making the dumbster tip the "wrong" way? he only tosses the grenade slightly closer to the right my opponin not far eough from the others, making it seem like Valve maybe coded that only the "right" legs would be blown away...
I am not sure. I guess we simply dont know
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
yes noticed that...

one thing I was wondering during that grenade under dumbster sequence think it would be possible to blow away the two other two support legs, making the dumbster tip the "wrong" way? he only tosses the grenade slightly closer to the right my opponin not far eough from the others, making it seem like Valve maybe coded that only the "right" legs would be blown away...

I thought that straight away, but they do say the traps are set up by some fella. He might have just made two supports stronger, used s reinforcments or something.

Speculator: lol catching grenades with ya grav gun, that would be funny.

Maybe you could drop a grenade next to a fuelcan then shoot the fuelca when an enemy walks past, would the grenade explode then?
Originally posted by 82ross
I thought that straight away, but they do say the traps are set up by some fella. He might have just made two supports stronger, used s reinforcments or something.

Speculator: lol catching grenades with ya grav gun, that would be funny.

Maybe you could drop a grenade next to a fuelcan then shoot the fuelca when an enemy walks past, would the grenade explode then?

I guess the grenade would also explode. and the guy who made thrapp was father.. something something..
Originally posted by 82ross
I thought that straight away, but they do say the traps are set up by some fella. He might have just made two supports stronger, used s reinforcments or something.

Speculator: lol catching grenades with ya grav gun, that would be funny.

Maybe you could drop a grenade next to a fuelcan then shoot the fuelca when an enemy walks past, would the grenade explode then?

I doubt the dumbster is a part of a trap set up by father gregori....doesn't seem logical.
hehe.. the video has a bug. he pulls out the pin and then switches weapon.
Can't you just put the pin back in as long as you don't let go of the handle? (or whatever.. I don't know the proper name)
I still think they'll change the grenade in the final build. I never figured the deal with grenades in HL1, they would often blow up in my hand if I didn't release them, which didn't make much sense.You should pull the pin out when you press the mouse button, and then throw it when you release the mouse button, like in CS.

Sure, you could technically pull the pin out then put it back in, but it just looks odd when you're cycling through your weapons. Why would you take the pin out when you're not necessarily going to use it?
That's because you can shoot the nade if it's in someones hands. :) I think, I've done it many times in the past anyway
I really hope that you can pick up things without using the Gravity Gun, like hitting the use key on certain things can make Gordon pick it up with his hands, like a nade toss back and forth as you were talking about.
Yes, i agree with you djkanuk. It would be sorta clumsy to put the pin back in the grenade in the middle of a firefight
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
I doubt the dumbster is a part of a trap set up by father gregori....doesn't seem logical.
Gabe said in the video that the trap was set by Father Gregori
They need to make a really powerful a mini nuke or something and on the front it said "Can-O-Whoopass" :)
Originally posted by Sushi
Gabe said in the video that the trap was set by Father Gregori

I dont think the dumpster was, i think the swinging bar was.

What i think youll find in this game is there will be a few things like the dumpster that will be able to be blow up and moved around to your advantage, but that arnt specifically outlined when you look at them.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yes, it's fairly common to see dumpsters on roofs.

Is it? Its also fairly common to see them sitting outside backdoors to places boarded up with wood, kind of like the one in the half life 2 video.