Most Outrageous HL theories you've heard


Jul 26, 2008
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We hear the occasional "Gordon Freeman is G-mans son!" or "Chell is going to be on the borealis!" theories... But knowing how crazy HL fans can be with their ideas, what are some of the craziest theories HL fans have actually said and we can safely say are definitly not true?

Someone on this board was convinced headcrabs were biomechanical; their reason: because you can hit em with the grav gun laser.

Another person said the cake in portal was glados' code-word for whats actually an important piece of technology the combine are trying to get on the borealis in EP3...

thats all i have for now... how bout you guys? lol
The secret tanker ending. :LOL:
Gordon Freeman is Chell's brother. Chell will eventually destroy the combine to avenge Freeman's forthcoming death at the hands of a traitor Vortigaunt.
I don't get outraged at half life theories anymore.
Breen made a deal with the Combine to cause the Resonance Cascade and bring Earth under their control, in exchange for power.
"The Overwatch are clones of Adrian Shephard."

really, i thought it was clones of chuck norris, oh wait thats the hunters...

"We will go back to the black mesa ruins in Episode 3" (no explanation was given)

"Adrian Shepard has become G-mans body gaurd who will be ordered to kill Gordon"
eli's prosthetic leg = heel springs worn by chell
Ep3 will feature a cutscene.

And it will be Gordon taking down a advisor with one swing of the crowbar.
Gordon Freeman is the G-Man.

I'll keep saying it until you believe me.
I always thought that one in particular was funny. 'G-Man' as a term has been around since the 60s, meaning 'Government-Man' which G-Man looks like. He doesn't have an official name in the canon story.
That girl in portal is Gordon and Alex`s baby from the future!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@#@@$$@@@$%&**&)
Ep3 will feature a cutscene.

And it will be Gordon taking down a advisor with one swing of the crowbar.

Oh God I remember those.

It's one thing to have some outlandish and improbable theory regarding the story. But every time there's an impending Half-Life release the boards get cluttered with stupid shit like "OMG I think the camera will switch to third person at the end and Gordon will say something REALLY cool before BEATING THE ADVISOR WITH HIS CROWBAR and then he turns and PUTS HIS ARM ON ALYX and they go for a a PASSIONATE KISS and then FADE TO BLACK."

Then they cue to the Linkin Park outro instead of "that gay ass techno shit".
Oh God I remember those.

It's one thing to have some outlandish and improbable theory regarding the story. But every time there's an impending Half-Life release the boards get cluttered with stupid shit like "OMG I think the camera will switch to third person at the end and Gordon will say something REALLY cool before BEATING THE ADVISOR WITH HIS CROWBAR and then he turns and PUTS HIS ARM ON ALYX and they go for a a PASSIONATE KISS and then FADE TO BLACK."

Then they cue to the Linkin Park outro instead of "that gay ass techno shit".

Gordon Freeman is Chell's brother. Chell will eventually destroy the combine to avenge Freeman's forthcoming death at the hands of a traitor Vortigaunt.

that sounds like the newer full life consequences...