Movies Released !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am getting about half a meg per second, I guess we are getting the bulk of the servers.
just wait until we see the one w/ barney, or the dune buggy without that crappy glare!!! *dies*
Does that mean that im using 2mb out of that 1700mb that they have?
How are you guys able to tell how much time is left in the download??
Can anybody share it somewhere (FTP/HTTP/P2P) else?

Thanks (0.5Kbps here...)!
kinda gay only one vid per day, I guess thats all the servers can handle. meh
shesh.. 20 minutes to download 400 megs... thats too slow dammit :)
its about 30 seconds long

quality is amazing, just like a game in 1024
but dissapointed in the lenght for 400meg
wow the dl speeds kick ass, I'm on a crummy old 6 year old cable modem, and I'm getting speeds of about 900kb/s average, peaking at about 1.2mb/s!!!!!
You do realize that 2Mb/s = 250 KB/s, which means it will take over 20 minutes to download since the file is 400MB.
now i know why they are releasing only one vid a day. i have been downloading for 10 min at over 500 kb/sec
I live in Australia and I'm on ADSL and the speeds are VERY slow.
68 MB? But the cache is over 400 megs.. so what else is it holding?
maybe your right about 400meg for all them vids. It makes more sense. Steam seems to download like bittorren and other p2p programs where it creates the whole file ten fills from different servers
and i do know that when they say 1.2 it means 120kbps

its just a way to impress people like when you have broadband its usually 3 or 4 mbit/s while youll get 300-400k download speed
To see how much time/percentage of your dl is left, you need to start the HL2 media icon and start to play the G-Man movie, then a window will popup showing the progress
I am ready for frame by frame analysis of the vid. (puts fingers over space bar)
Far out 55kb/s in Australia. That just sucks Valve. lol.

They should have worldwide servers :D
Originally posted by Kamakiri
Far out 55kb/s in Australia. That just sucks Valve. lol.

They should have worldwide servers :D
I'm sorry to hear that.
it says 17 minutes for me ............w00 good enough i think.if it doesnt go up............
damn thats fast how do i see how fast my internet is going ....or the kbs or whatever its called
its a direct feed and you kinda see how he looks in the game exactly
Woah that's good quality video! But all we see is the G-Man talk like in the first part of the 600mb video :( But oh well, at least we have something!