Multiplayer...This is my final answer..


May 14, 2003
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I have come to the conclusion after reading tons of valve statements that TF2 will be HL2's multiplayer option. I say this because nothing has been said about HL2 actually having itself(characters hl1) multiplayer. We have had comments here and there about multiplayer physics ect..ect.. but nothing on the game itself.

So..I have come to this conclusion..

TF2 will ship with HL2 and have a 30 day trial on it, after your 30 day trial runs out you will have to purchase the game via steam if you want to play it online.
It was going well up until the 30 day trial bit, I cannot see valve making any game steam exclusive for quite some time yet.

As for the multiplayer option (s) that will ship with the game its hard to tell because of Valve's silence. You could be right but then again you might not, just to add more confusion my personal opinion is that Half life 2 will have two multiplayer options. One being counter-strike 2 the other normal death match (like half life). I feel that TF2 will ship separately.
cs2 wont be released until cs:cz is released on the hl1 engine...theyve put two years into it basically , there not gonna scrap it all. The only mod that has been confirmed in development so far is tf2
One thing is for sure: whatever the MP option is, it's not going to be HL deathmatch. I mean Valve isn't gona come out on Sept. 30 and say "Surprise! HL2 Deathmatch comes free with HL2!"

I think King_Jay has a good point. However it's probably the other way around. The reason is, people who play CS are a very different audience from those who play HL and TFC. They could make loads of money by just selling CS2 as a stand-alone game.
Don't take my opinion of what the multiplayer options might be as anything based in truth. It's more like me just hoping it is CS 2, I understand that a lot of effort has gone into cs:cz but the delays are getting on my nerves now.

Whilst I do agree a lot of money could be made from selling CS2 or TF2 on their own, I just have an inkling that valve will do something special. If Valve release TF2 with Half life 2 I'll be a happy camper.

I didn't mean Half life 2 will just have death match alone, I meant it will almost certainly include it.
personally i hope for hl2 deathmatch, i still play hl1 multiplayer alot..

CS2 will be a retail game(via steam and sold on shelfs)

TF2 will be most likley STEAM alone...

DOD2 will be STEAM alone..

Valve isnt going to release all these games as standalone products on the shelfs because it would they would end up taking money away from eachother basically, CS2 will definetly hit the shelfs and be available via steam, TF2 has a very good chance of being on the shelfs also including steam. DOD2 will most likley be only a steam product.

If any of you remember the TF2 community back in 98-99 then you know it is equall to that in size of the CS community, im not talking about TFC, but the TF2 community, alot of people that played the origanal TF were dying to get this game and the numbers were in the 100,000's of thousands. Then will all the bullshit and no news everyone left.

Basically though what im saying is...STEAM was created mainly to distribute games to people online after they purchase them. Right now STEAM seems to be in rough shape to someone who just tries it out and says it sucks, but it is really a great program, and on the initial launch all the providers of bandwith ect..ect. will clear up %90 of the problems with STEAM(biggest problem with it is that it is down alot of the time or slow as hell, this is because only a 1/100 of the bandwith available is being used at this time to distribute its content.
CS:CZ is a farce imo. CS with bots, which are already available, a few new maps and a few new weapons, also available, 6months and it would have been ok. 2 years is a waste of time and energy.
Dont get me wrong i think itll be an ok game, i just dont think its been worth the wait. Most people are thinking about hl2 now not CS:CZ.

They should have concentrated on a source engine mod. The source engine has been around for a while for the developers.
I agree that STEAM will become a great thing for broadband internet users but it won't be the only way to get a game/mod. You say you think DOD2 could be steam only, I think it may be STEAM only but if it is it will be free. I keep thinking though that the old mods that were free are going to remain free and that is probably foolish of me.

Death match will be included I'm sure but I do not think valve would be so tight lipped if that was all they was planning. The dudes from Doom3 have made no bones over the fact that it will only have death match (I think), this reduces the chances of an anti-climax on the multiplayer side of it.

If we only get death match for Half life 2 I'll personally b a bit peeved.

And Ahem to 82ross, it is just to late now for cz:cs
I think it's entirely possible that CS:CZ was converted to the source engine.
It is entirely possible but looking at the previews on various sites I start to wonder if that is as possible as I'd like it to be.
(I'm off to bed, its past 4am in little old England)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I think it's entirely possible that CS:CZ was converted to the source engine.
LMAO that's the funniest thing i've herad all day, thanks for the comic relief :D
STEAM is a really bad option for Australian consumers, they will never accept it. Mainly due to some really tyranic download limits on broadband services (can you say 3 gigs a month?)

Who wants to waste 1-2 gigs of downloads for the same price as getting it in a shop with a box and manual and all the rest.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
LMAO that's the funniest thing i've herad all day, thanks for the comic relief :D

thats not impossibe...i think so to..i dont think Valve is stupid enough to release a game with an obolete engine right before HL2 ariwes..they wont earn a penny..
umm you fool, the developers of condition zero were not aware of the developnment of half life 2, if they were im sure they would have stopped production and switches engines, it's a bit too late now.

p.s. just in case you didn't get it, the people in condition zero are not the same crew that's developing hl2
Originally posted by King_Jay
I agree that STEAM will become a great thing for broadband internet users but it won't be the only way to get a game/mod. You say you think DOD2 could be steam only, I think it may be STEAM only but if it is it will be free. I keep thinking though that the old mods that were free are going to remain free and that is probably foolish of me.

Death match will be included I'm sure but I do not think valve would be so tight lipped if that was all they was planning. The dudes from Doom3 have made no bones over the fact that it will only have death match (I think), this reduces the chances of an anti-climax on the multiplayer side of it.

If we only get death match for Half life 2 I'll personally b a bit peeved.

And Ahem to 82ross, it is just to late now for cz:cs
just one thing there will not be a DOD 2, the DOD team has already stated many times that it has no plans to switching to the half life 2 engine. EVER.
Originally posted by Shockwave
cs2 wont be released until cs:cz is released on the hl1 engine...theyve put two years into it basically , there not gonna scrap it all. The only mod that has been confirmed in development so far is tf2
it's not a mod, it's a standalone game.
There will be DOD 2, Valve works with that team.
CS:CZ team knew about new engine, they work with Valve too.
Reply to Valved Ray:

The issue isn't just in Australia, it's in many other places too.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
There will be DOD 2, Valve works with that team.
CS:CZ team knew about new engine, they work with Valve too.
/me taps Mr.Reak on the head
wrong again son.
/me throws a cookie 40 feet north
/me shouts "go get it tiger"
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Reply to Valved Ray:

The issue isn't just in Australia, it's in many other places too.
ohhh, i was under the impression that Australia was the only country/continent outside the Us.
Will you ever shut the **** up or you been idiot whole your ****ing life? I am just so ****ing tired of your ass on these forums. Mods banned one idiot, your friend by the way, and I hope they will ban you too. You make every ****ing topic into flame war STFU ALREADY, STUPID ASS!
easy there tiger, don't throw a tantrum, i won't prove you wrong next time, i'll just reply with a :) face saying that your the queen of the forums, but i'll try to make it in some positive meaningful way.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Will you ever shut the **** up or you been idiot whole your ****ing life? I am just so ****ing tired of your ass on these forums. Mods banned one idiot, your friend by the way, and I hope they will ban you too. You make every ****ing topic into flame war STFU ALREADY, STUPID ASS!

LOL .. I think he's ready for that:

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Welcome to our newest member, ValVed_RaY
easy there tiger, don't throw a tantrum, i won't prove you wrong next time, i'll just reply with a face saying that your the queen of the forums, but i'll try to make it in some positive meaningful way.

**** off, retard.
Originally posted by SpuD
Both of you chill out.

I was chilled out, but now I can’t read a topic without OH GREAT VALVED posting in it his general bullshit about how he will kill his girlfriend Alyx or about how everyone is gay and topic is stupid. I don’t know about you, but I like when it is interesting to talk in community, but asses like Valved ruin that experience.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
forgive and forget :D?

I would, if you would stop all this crap and start to post normal topics.

in response to LoneDeranger:

why would there definately not be hl2 deathmatch included with hl2? that doesn't make sense at all? almost all sucessfull fps release a similar multiplayer experience to the single player experience. what game has a single player part, and a multiplayer part that is completely different from the single player? it just doesn't make sense
There will be HL2DM for goodness sakes. You have to start with vanilla before you can make all the other flavors. HL1DM was actually one of the best DM experiences around after they fixed the buggy netcode: great selection of weapons, and great, often very creative maps (Rustmill, air strike maps, etc).

Their "suprise" could be anything, but I still doubt that it will be TF2. That game really could stand on its own, so why bundle it into an already huge SP game when it doesn't in the least fit the theme of the game (futuristic alien SciFi meets Desert Storm soldiers?) Same goes for Counter-Strike and DoD: none of them fit the theme.

What I suspect is that the Multiplayer options will include some things never tried in multiplayer games before: something new that they've wanted to try out. They have quite a lot of neat new stuff to play with now.

I note that in interviews, many of the developers aren't even quite sure whether they are allowed to talk about MP "yet." That makes me hopeful that they will announce something relatively soon (otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that they can't talk about MP yet?)
Something new

I have a sneaking suspicion that HL2's MP option will be something entirely new (I mean in addition to DM). All the existing mods are known quantities, and have loyal audiences, so Valve doesn't really gain anything from a marketing standpoint by bundling them with the game.

My guess: a racing game with vehicle weapons, something like Quantum Redshift. This would take advantage of the new physics and vehicle systems in HL2 in an original way. It might also appeal to a different kind of audience than the traditional FPS scene.

Just a quick comment on CS:CZ being on the HL2 engine: Not possible, unfortunately, as they have promised that CS:CZ could be played with CS online, so they have to have the exact same engine and game system.
I'll say that Valved ray is pretty funny but he's also pretty idiotic.

His stupid near-pentagram is a testament to this.
I dunno: vehicles was apparently something of an accident rather than something planned for in the design docs. There are just so many interesting possibilities now with both complex animations and physics that it's hard to say what they could be thinking. But, as I noted, it's possible we'll hear soon (though, by soon, I mean sometime next month)
Vehicles in MP, IMO will spoil it if its done wrong, little 12 year olds will be running people down and shit...
*sigh* so many trolls, and so many people who refuses to read the facts. There has ben several interwieves with valve, and just recently at E3 it was stated that TF2 will be stand alone. As for CS2 it has been under development for two years now, and will be stand alone too.
Originally posted by simmo2k3
Vehicles in MP, IMO will spoil it if its done wrong, little 12 year olds will be running people down and shit...

Hmm replace/rearange some words in that sentence and you get.

'Vehicles in MP, IMO will mean people running down spoilt 12 year olds and their shit...'

Oh the joy that would bring.

EDIT: It could be used as a weapon on some maps. Maybe you could have destruction derby :)
Uh oh i just pood in my pants. Mom's not gonna like that. No she won't.

Stinky, stinky, stinky, bad ValVed RaY.

Now it's running down my legs. Run, run, run.

Now i'm gonna sit down.

Now i'm gonna stand up.

I sit down again.

Stand up again.

Sit down

Stand up.

brb, mom's coming...