Music to Portal

Kula Meenur

Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Heya, just finished Portal for the first time and i'm liking the music intensely

I've dled "Still Alive", but does anyone know how to get the other background and ambient music and where to dl it from?

Also, what would be a good torrent to use, for dling and -backing up" music?
Also the Orange Box Soundtrack comes free with Audiosurf so that's something to consider.
Just finished Portal. Awesomeness in the form of a game: GLaDOS lines, maps layout, creepy cube-like atmosphere, music (Still Alive is fantastic). This is videogame art!
just extract it from the .gcf files

no i know an easier way, you go to your C/Programfiles/Steam/Steamapps/(yoursteamname)/Portal/Portal/Sound/Songs folder and copy the songs. I listen to Tf2 and Portal songs when i play! :)

Its better to get it straight from the source.