Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

Don't resist it! WOW is THAT MUCH BETTER than HL2. WOW is what you call a complete game.... Just spent an hour and a half playing....
I would love to play this game, but I dont have the cash to spend 15 bucks a month just to play it. Damn you Bilzzard, I hate and love you at the same time.
noooo...can't afford...argh

/me leaves thread
DeusExMachinia said:
I don't play MMORPGs. Waste of my time and money.

...Could say the same thing about SP games... except they are a real waste of money.


Dude give into the temptations, just buy the game, pay for it and see for yourself that its worth $15 a month to play. 2 weeks and you'll be an addict.
Thimbob32 said:
Don't resist it! WOW is THAT MUCH BETTER than HL2. WOW is what you call a complete game.... Just spent an hour and a half playing....

i agree. HL2 gives you 15 hours of play, and a warm feeling in your heart. it also gives you CS:S, which is very fun, but no-where near as fun as CS when it was first released. i can still remember crowding round an internet cafe with my mates, blasting each other and messing about... aahhh the memories. i wish that net cafe hadnt closed.

...anyway, back on topic, world of warcraft will not only last you infinite amount of time (no seriously, when you have maxed out one character you could do it all over again but playing as a different faction, letting you do quests youve never even seen before), but it is also more rewarding than HL2. with HL2 you are walking down a linear path, playing with the physics as you go. with WOW you are making your mark on a huge world, doing what the hell you want and enjoying it SO much.

so go ahead and buy it... give in to your temptations. If you lost your arms in an accident, get your mum to play and tell her what to do. if you have no money, sell your grandma, or alternatively sell your copy of HL2.

and if you're really bored, go and harass valve to mage a MMO game. that would rock.
Suicide42 it's not out in the UK til next year isn't it?... you in the beta or something?
oldagerocker said:
Suicide42 it's not out in the UK til next year isn't it?... you in the beta or something?

I was in the american stress test, the american closed beta (i was f*king lucky to get in- millions of people applied and honly a few thousand got in) and the final open beta.

in another thread i have just calculated that i have spent about 170 hours on WOW. in that time i could have completed BOTH final fantasy 7 AND 8 100% (yes ive done it).

not only that but i have allready pre ordered my copy of the game, which garantees me into the european beta. and i missed the LAST COPY of the WOW Collectors edition, and being the huge fan that i am, you can imagine hoe F*KING PISSED OFF I AM WITH THAT CUN...

err... never mind. the point is i am a dedicated gamer :)
hehe Suicide :) I was in the Closed Us beta too :) it was great fun ^^

Just ordered my copy of the CE :p last saturday .. i cant resist this game.. its soooo good :D
Hope to see you in there Suicide ^^

(my guild will be The Order of the Wild cow)
hey baka, you remember the last day of the closed beta? scince i was like level 10, i was getting signatures for a guild. then on the last day there were like 200 people dancing in ironforge lol, and i went around requesting signatures and got the 5 i needed plus like 10 more, because people didnt care anymore lol :) then i handed in the charter, and it turned out that some bugger had made a clan with exactly the same name as mine in the week i was collecting signatures! bitch! it should say "this name is taken, choose another", but instead it just deleted all my hard work :flame: it was a rather popular name though (suicidal squad ;) ) even so i felt very annoyed :/
haha too bad for you :(
i missed the last couple of days of the beta, because i was visiting my mom and dad.. too bad for me there.. :p
But oh my was it great fun, i was a lvl 24 NE Hunter.. i loved my little pony ehh pet, so much joy! :D (btw.. wetlands still gives me nightmare hehe)
Suicide42 said:
if you have no money, sell your grandma, or alternatively sell your copy of HL2.
Heresy! Bastardizing PCGamer's quote while at the same time telling me to sell Half-Life 2? But really, as I've said before, I'm not so much worried about the money as I am getting addicted. In my senior year of college, I need to perform very well if I want to get into the kind of schools that I'm looking at.
Narcolepsy said:
Heresy! Bastardizing PCGamer's quote while at the same time telling me to sell Half-Life 2? But really, as I've said before, I'm not so much worried about the money as I am getting addicted. In my senior year of college, I need to perform very well if I want to get into the kind of schools that I'm looking at.

OK then... either wait till you finish colledge, or give up your life and spend the rest of your years in a basement playing WOW. i personally would choose the latter option.
DeusExMachinia said:
I don't play MMORPGs. Waste of my time and money.

I hear you on that one! After what Everquest (1) did to me I never want to go back to MMORPGs again.
Alig said:
...Could say the same thing about SP games... except they are a real waste of money.


Dude give into the temptations, just buy the game, pay for it and see for yourself that its worth $15 a month to play. 2 weeks and you'll be an addict.

You could say the same thing about SP games. That is if you spend your money on crap like Fable.

Videogames don't control my life. My "valuable time" is spent on more productive things.
WoW to me is going to be like Everquest.. MMORPGs are cool and all but if its anything like everquest, forget it!..

And i want real time combat, not taking turns and battling at the "roll of a die".
I have questions about WoW

1) Can I purchase the game and play it with out a credit card or a game card for the first free month?

2) How does it run on a 56k?

3) Could I access my account on different computers/ip addresses? (not at the same time)
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
WoW to me is going to be like Everquest.. MMORPGs are cool and all but if its anything like everquest, forget it!..

And i want real time combat, not taking turns and battling at the "roll of a die".
It is real time combat... unless by real time, you mean being able to hit as fast as you can press a button...
Thimbob32 said:
Don't resist it! WOW is THAT MUCH BETTER than HL2. WOW is what you call a complete game.... Just spent an hour and a half playing....

not to mention they will keep comming with new stuff to :p
+ its adicting :)
Dulrough said:
I have questions about WoW

1) Can I purchase the game and play it with out a credit card or a game card for the first free month?

2) How does it run on a 56k?

3) Could I access my account on different computers/ip addresses? (not at the same time)

1) Nope, you need a CC or a gamecard.
2) Probably fine, ping isn't that important on PvE servers.
3) Yes you can, as long the game is installed and patched. :)
Letters said:
It is real time combat... unless by real time, you mean being able to hit as fast as you can press a button...

I want more control over combat, more like an RTS type combat.
DeusExMachinia said:
You could say the same thing about SP games. That is if you spend your money on crap like Fable.

Videogames don't control my life. My "valuable time" is spent on more productive things.

I was'nt being specific on certain games. Any SP game isn't worth the money if an MMORPG isn't. But i still pay the £35 for SP games because i realise they cost money to make.

...Quick, quick, longest recent game. Vampire bloodlines, a mere 25 hours. Woah!!. WoW could last you Vampire bloodlines 50 times over in the first free month.

Dulrough said:
I have questions about WoW

1) Can I purchase the game and play it with out a credit card or a game card for the first free month?

Surely someone you know has a credit card they'll let you use. You can instantly cancel the subscription after you sign up and have the person who owns the credit card watch you do it infront of them. Failing that, wait for PayPal to start working and use a debit tell me you have a debit card? everyone has a bank account, don't they?
C-O-N-Spiracy said:
I want more control over combat, more like an RTS type combat.
Uhhh, what the Hell? Isn't RTS combat like right-clicking to attack and using some units' abilities occassionally?

As a warrior I have the hotkeys 1234567890-= all filled up with abilities that I can do... and those are the ones that I use COMMONLY... I have to switch to other hotbars to do the other stuff that's very specific or that I can only cast once every ten minutes or so or that I use OUT OF COMBAT. Not to mention my main hotbar changes drastically whether I'm in defensive stance or battle stance... and I still think I have yet to get another stance later...

So, again, what the Hell?

I'm seriouslt thinking about going out and getting WoW this very moment. I've got this love-hate thing with Online RPGs, I play them continously for about 4 months and then I suddenly lose all interest in them. Happened with Everquest, happened with Star Wars Galaxies and it'll probably happen with WoW.

My internal debate is whether to get so wrapped up in something I'm almost certainly going to lose interest in pretty quickly. Guess I'll give it a go.....
4 month's isn't a short ammount of time'd be hard pressed to find another game that could keep you interested for 4 months... even though 4 months is only a short ammount of time for an MMORPG its still a long time for one game to keep someone interested.

Just noticed that WoW has becomes the "best selling PC game of all time" for its first day :). Not bad for a game only out in 3 country's. :p
Yeah Alig, I know 4 months is a long time for a game, and that's my point. Whenever I quit an MMORPG I'm always depressed that I sank so much time into something I can't stand to play anymore. The time commitment is exactly my problem. Must

Ah hell I'm going out to buy it right now. :LOL:
DarkStar said:
Yeah Alig, I know 4 months is a long time for a game, and that's my point. Whenever I quit an MMORPG I'm always depressed that I sank so much time into something I can't stand to play anymore. The time commitment is exactly my problem. Must

Ah hell I'm going out to buy it right now. :LOL:

good for you :) think of it like this:

would your time have been better spent if you had completed 100 different games in those 4 months? sure, you would have gotten more variation, but would you have actually benifited from it more than spending that time on WOW? the only POSSIBLE way you could have NOT felt like youve wasted 4 months, is if you watched loads of educational TV shows, painted a picture that youre really proud of, completed loads of coursework essays or gone to the Gym and train up. now lets put this in perspective here: you are a GAMER, you dont need TV, only the interweb. anythy artistcic thing you create will probally be a CS map or something, and the only physical training you will do is in GTA:SA. and as for coursework... pfft, do it on the day before its due in, and just stay up[ till 4 in the morning doing it like me :)
I didn't like WoW, guess I'm not the fantasy type anymore :(

I'm in the Matrix Online beta though.
couple of questions for ya guys. How is the netcode, is it smooth, no lag?
and have they squashed all the bugs yet?

i dont want to be spending my money until i know its perfect.
Netcode was bob on since i started playing OB except for a glitch when looting things on a busy server you'd be put into a que and it could take anything upto 3 minutes to recieve the item (loot) and you'd be lagged out while this is happening...but, since playing retail it seems they've squashed that server problem. The game didn't have bugs 1 month ago...its still got no bugs that i've seen anyway.
Alig said:
Netcode was bob on since i started playing OB except for a glitch when looting things on a busy server you'd be put into a que and it could take anything upto 3 minutes to recieve the item (loot) and you'd be lagged out while this is happening...but, since playing retail it seems they've squashed that server problem. The game didn't have bugs 1 month ago...its still got no bugs that i've seen anyway.

thats just incredible, no bugs for such a huge game, thats quite an accomplishment. Can't wait for xmas break, i might actually have time to play

DarkStar said:
Jesus Mac I love your avatar.

me too :naughty: