My computer just died :(


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
This morning before going to work I was just about to log on the forums and surf. I clicked on firefox and after it loads the computer does a immeadiate reboot. An error pops up saying something about primary smart HDD unable to start or something, I press enter to OK it. Windows XP loading bar begins to scroll then suddenly a blue screen pops up. But before I could read it, the computer auto reboots again. Now the monitor wont show anything (light is in standby mode). My X850xtpe screams forever now instead of a 2 second scream then quieting down. The harddrive light, power and DVD Burner light up as normal when powering up, but no image of the bios. The motherboard light inside the case is on and I can see the onboard nic light is on too. Not sure if the motherboard chip fired or my x850 just killed itself.

Please help! Im dieing to game again

Going to bust my but off on overtime at work for awhile to pay off what ever is dead in my computer. I guess its time for a PCI-E complete overhaul.

P.S The video card was 3 months old.
Well, first try the PSU, those are often the reason for bad booting (faulty power supply = no booting D: )
The psu is only 2 months old 420w. How could the PSU be the cause?

I just tried resetting the cmos, nothing happens. i hooked up my olds 9800pro and nothing as well. But just last night my computer mysteriously worked and booted up to windows when I tried to remove a cd. Stupid me rebooted to try my old video card and now Im back to square one.

A friend at work told me its most likely a virus affecting my motherboard, or the motherboard is dead. If I can get the computer mysteriously up again I going to try and reflash the bios, hopefully that will help. If none of that works, im jsut going to replace the mobo first and see.


Asus P4C800-E Deluxe OC (FSB 216)
P4 2.8c HT OC'd 3.1
Kingston PC 3500 OC
Visontek x850xtpe OC
First try replacing the PSU. They really can give odd problems when they go faulty. And the fact that it's 2 months old doesn't mean it can't break :)
All I know is that SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a monitoring system for hard drives, and can predict errors about 60% of the time.

Here's the wikipedia entry.
You know what I used to have that little fancy software called S.M.A.R.T when I bought my IBM HDD and it did freaking turn my PC inside out and all the way around. I threw it away never use it again. If you check your system by Right-clicking My Computer, Manage, Even Viewer and then press application I'm sure it will be all about smart. Remember XP and Roxio? Same thing. You don't really need it man.
I remember having had similar problems two times and in both cases it was the power supply unit's fault in the end :/

No-Name PSUs are always a bad choice i learned :)
floppy? rofl :p

My powersupply should be here tomorrow! Cant wait :)
Yeah some people think OC everything and anything they come across will make their PCs fly with HL2. Instead will only make stuff more complicated to diagnos when crap hit the fan and will have your system die in harry by hurry.

Now this guys in the forum has at least three to four components OC-ed


Asus P4C800-E Deluxe OC (FSB 216) (Now this is where the problem is P4 2.8GHz in 216FSB MOBO)
P4 2.8c HT OC'd 3.1
Kingston PC 3500 OC
Visontek x850xtpe OC

Now for God's sake instead of over clocking everything its better to find where the bottle-neck is and take care of it OC it if you have to with the right kind cooling system, so in case something goes wrong you'll know where to look at.
Yea Im that guy :thumbs:

I just learned my lesson. Just recieved my new PSU but that wasnt the problem. It looks like its my memory they went bye bye.
lol man. I'm freaking sorry your kingston had to write u the Dear John letter.
Is there a way to increase the FSB?
Yeah, you can do that in the BIOS. It's sometimes locked, though.
Yes, pretty sweet mobo. Can adjust the voltage of the cpu,memory and other things.
Quite a rough experience there. I myself wanted to buy a nameless,cheaper brand, but then I decided against it. Glad I didn't
I installed some new memory last night and that wasnt the problem. My guess now is the CPU. Man this really sucks hard. :frown:
sup2069 said:
This morning before going to work I was just about to log on the forums and surf. I clicked on firefox and after it loads the computer does a immeadiate reboot. An error pops up saying something about primary smart HDD unable to start or something, I press enter to OK it. Windows XP loading bar begins to scroll then suddenly a blue screen pops up. But before I could read it, the computer auto reboots again. Now the monitor wont show anything (light is in standby mode). My X850xtpe screams forever now instead of a 2 second scream then quieting down. The harddrive light, power and DVD Burner light up as normal when powering up, but no image of the bios. The motherboard light inside the case is on and I can see the onboard nic light is on too. Not sure if the motherboard chip fired or my x850 just killed itself.

Please help! Im dieing to game again

Going to bust my but off on overtime at work for awhile to pay off what ever is dead in my computer. I guess its time for a PCI-E complete overhaul.

P.S The video card was 3 months old.

That (bold text) was the problem. :E

Or it could be that something metal and conducting has lodged itself somewhere in you PC. I had a similiar problem once and a paperclip was the cause.
Yeah I just bought me a DFI LanParty ultra you mothers better watch out...hehe.
Im going to replace the Mobo and see if that works. If not, then the CPU will be next. If that happens, Ill be one 3 steps away from a new computer LOL.
My dad had that with his (old) pc, and it turned out to be a faulty USB 2.0 card. It just hang when you screwed it too tight in the mobo/chassis. Weird.

Oh and before you buy new stuff to see if it's the problem, there are always ways to determine what is causing the error. If it would be the ram, then it should give an error (beep, beep, beep..) when you remove the ram. If it doesn't give you that error it could be the mobo/cpu.

Try taking everything apart, just connect the PSU and the mobo with just a cpu, ram and a graphics card. If that works (your monitor should display something) it's probably something else. Just continiue by putting the mobo (with only cpu, ram and vidcard) back into the chase. See if that works. If so, put all the other parts in one by one. Test with every new piece of hardware. You should easily find the faulty part like that.
Listen sup2069 try going to BIOS and reset your BIOS to the original vactory settings, meaning uderclock CPU, RAM, FSB and voltage to the original settings or somewhere near there and see what happens before you replace the MOBO.

Good Luck.
Thats the problem barney, I cant get to the bios, It wont display. The computer boots up, HDD light on. The monitor light tunrs green and then it goes orange back into stanby mode. Its either the CPU or the MOBO.

My only option left now is too buy the mobo first and see or the cpu first. The thing is I dont know which one to buy first.


Ill try that, thanks.
sup2069 said:
Thats the problem barney, I cant get to the bios, It wont display. The computer boots up, HDD light on. The monitor light tunrs green and then it goes orange back into stanby mode. Its either the CPU or the MOBO.

My only option left now is too buy the mobo first and see or the cpu first. The thing is I dont know which one to buy first.


Ill try that, thanks.

Well correct me if am wrong there, but if I remember my A+ days correctly the first thing that boots whenever you hit the power button is the Cmos then BIOS, BIOS checks all components including CPU and reports if anything is missing and or burnt or shot beyond living, before anything else including your OS boots.
In your case, if you don’t see anything at all, including BIOS, maybe your Cmos battery is out of place or missing or the worst-case scenario your BIOS or MOBO is shot beyond living.

See if Cmos battery is still there and in place, functioning. other than that, I'm fresh out of ideas.
Go and find same socket MOBO before buying CPU and try if MOBO works with the CPU that you have now, then problem is obviously the MOBO. If not, then go ahead and buy CPU.
Or you can buy the MOBO and the CPU but don’t take CPU out of the packaging box for returning reason.
I hope you see where I'm going with this.

Good Luck.
Your are correct barney, Ill go with the mobo first then, thanks.

P.s the battery is in place.