My Favorite Thing To Do In Half-Life 2.


Oct 28, 2007
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That rhymes BTW.
After destroying the hunter-chopper in Water Hazard, there is an outpost you come upon on your way to the valve that opens a portion of the dam. Inside there are a couple of CPs manning the post and they're sharing it with a ton of physics objects and MP7 grenades. Unloading the grenades from the MP7 launcher into that room is probably the single most satisfying moment in the game for me.
What's yours?
Defeating Breen in the most EPIC! scene I've ever seen at the top of the Citadel.
Probably just walking through the apartments in the first chapter, and then running from civil protection. The atmosphere is just amazing every time I play through that section.
I really enjoy jumping on top of friendly npcs while they're saying something I've heard a million times.

Also logging hunters in the last part of ep 2.
Fighting Striders. And bringing pretty much all of them myself. It's fun, even though sometimes it's pant-shittingly scary. And hard.
Probably just walking through the apartments in the first chapter, and then running from civil protection. The atmosphere is just amazing every time I play through that section.

Agreed. Even though there's no combat I really like those chapters.
Throwing cinder blocks at CP's as they stand meaninglessly in front of boarded up doors. Also walking through a whole 4 CHAPTEERS carrying a baby doll. That's right. Don't judge me; you know it sounds fun.
That rhymes BTW.
After destroying the hunter-chopper in Water Hazard, there is an outpost you come upon on your way to the valve that opens a portion of the dam. Inside there are a couple of CPs manning the post and they're sharing it with a ton of physics objects and MP7 grenades. Unloading the grenades from the MP5 launcher into that room is probably the single most satisfying moment in the game for me.
What's yours?
I actually love that part too! With all those shelves and whatnot with the supplies on them the stuff goes flying everywhere, including bodies. :p
^ Me too. >_>

HL2 is such an amazing game it's kind of hard to pick one part of it out and say it's the best.

Well, one thing that deserves an honorary mention is the entire rail bridge section in Highway 17. Having cleared out the base and found your way across the bridge blocked, you have to make your way to the other side on the supports below, carefully crawling along trying to avoid a fall as razor trains thunder past overhead, all to one of the best ambient songs in the game (Lab Practicum) the atmosphere is incredible. Then, after some sporadic combat with the guards, a gunship joins in, and you end up having to fight your way back across the bridge with no time to be careful, making a fatal misstep all the more likely.

That entire sequence is brilliant. Definitely a highlight for me.
Crossing that bridge I think I actual got vertigo. Looking down to where you have to step is probably the first time in a game I thought "I reeeeeeally don't wanna fall"(course I did).
Crossing that bridge I think I actual got vertigo. Looking down to where you have to step is probably the first time in a game I thought "I reeeeeeally don't wanna fall"(course I did).
Agreed, crossing the bridge was the high point of HL2.

Tied with the gunfight at Lighthouse Point. No, the best part was probably the street fighting in Follow Freeman. Or maybe it was the brilliantly conceived BME section. Or perhaps the atmosphere of Nova Prospekt...

No, it was that final conversation with Dr. Breen atop the Citadel. Definitely.

It's a testament to the game, isn't it, that the scariest chapter I've played in any FPS (Ravenholm) didn't make the list of my favourite HL2 chapters? :cheers:
Just going through Water Hazard. I absolutely love the urban atmosphere in that chapter.

Oh, and also throwing manhacks, grenades and energy balls back at Combine soldiers. That'll teach them.
It's the energy balls that make things dance with sparks.

That and orbs. They're awesome to hit people with.

That and shouting at my bloody "friendly" npcs.
Exiting the train station and walking out onto the square. Then seeing the strider go by. Amazing.
The Bridge was definately a highlight for me, I also enjoyed the street war levels.

The power core in episode 1.

The first hunter fight in episode 2, and fighting through the missile silo.
Throwing many grenades.

that and sniping with the Crossbow.
Defeating Breen in the most EPIC! scene I've ever seen at the top of the Citadel.

Ya right on man same here! Now we're about to get a lot of EPIC!ness on these forums. :D
Firing back combine nades with the grav gun for a direct hit never gets old either. It's so good when you time the cooking perfectly so it asplodes right at their feet. :)
I love sniping with the crossbow, and hitting point-blank with the shotgun! Both are always so satisfying.

I also like it when you try to talk to the Vort in Eli's lab when he's using his electricity on that one thing, and he just shoos you away, haha.

I also loooove finding new ways to do stuff, which I seem to be able to do every time I play. God I love HL.

Edit: Taking D0G's ball into Ravenholm. Yeeesssss.
I also loooove finding new ways to do stuff, which I seem to be able to do every time I play. God I love HL.
Absolutely. Highway 17 is great for that. In the skirmishes with Combine troops in and around the isolated buildings on the coast, there are so many ways to go about it, since the terrain is fairly open you have a lot of tactical flexibility.

For example, that isolated three-story house on the coast at the start of Sandtraps. (You see it off the road to the right after you leave the zombie infested tunnel) There are two soldiers and a parked APC, it's easy enough to snipe them, but I like to drive past them on the beach below the house, then try to sneak into the house without them noticing. :LOL:

That, and the battle at Lighthouse Point, which served as a brilliant finale to the Highway.

Definitely one of my favourite battles in HL2.