My One (Small) Complaint...

If we really are going to the arctic, no headcrabs at all pls.
im thinking of a flamethrower, cause ur in the arctic and ep3 will possibly have gfx improvments they could make it that u can melt ice away (certain ice) and yes flamethrowers have been proven useless in combat since ww2, that dosnt mean gordon cant make it usefull
i think theyll mainly have synths and combine soldiers
if any Xen creatures at all i wanna see the xen fish thing( like a breaking ice chapter)
From the looks of it, the Borealis appears to be stuck in a icy cavern of some sort.

A.k.a abandoned.

= plenty of zombies onboard.
I wouldn't mind a gravity gun that killed the soldiers like at the end of HL2,for the entire game.
I don't mind the weapons selection, thing is, I wish they would add a larger ammo capacity to some of the weapons. I end up trying to conserve their ammo so much I end the game never using them.

I.E. the magnum....12 or so rounds? wtf? in the space of one rocket I could carry 24-32 even IF they were in speed loaders.

And I think the combine gun could use a "charge" type system for the energy balls...
I've been a hoarder since the days of DooM and certainly more magnum ammo would mean I'd use it more. The only one that really gets to me though is the AR2. 3 clips and out seems more than a little poor.
I've been a hoarder since the days of DooM and certainly more magnum ammo would mean I'd use it more. The only one that really gets to me though is the AR2. 3 clips and out seems more than a little poor.

I totally agree...I pretty much end up only using the smg, shotgun, and pistol....for fear of running out of other ammo and suddenly needing it...ffs, I got bonebreaker SUPER fast because I didn't want to waste pistol or shotty ammo in the hive
ya i was REALLY hoping that we'd get a chance to use the combine "sniper" rifle this time around
but nooooooooo.. only Alyx gets to use it
I really only used 3 weapons the whole game. Grav gun, smg, and shotgun. I might have used the rocket launcher and crossbow once and the others rarely. Even though they were the same old weapons it didn't detract from the game at all for me. I wouldn't mind if it is the same guns next time around.

It would be cool though if the boys in the resistance could manage to detach one of those cannons from the strider and make it usable for Gordon in EP3.
If we really are going to the arctic, no headcrabs at all pls.

EP3, Headcrabs are OK (plus got to have zombies), Combine are Expected, but Antlions hell no. Headcrabs are really alien so I can't judge on the environments they could survive, I can see these guys thrive in the vacuum of space. But Antlions I just don't see in the cold rocky environment of EP3 being loose earth burrowing types.

PS.: The Crowbar maybe iconic of Half-Life but the Gravity Gun made it redundant. Only thing worth using it for is to kill Barnacles that get hold of you.
I've been feeling the same thing. I different environment makes room for critters we haven't seen up to this point too so it's a good strategic move potentialy. Obviously the Ant-Lion species is alien so it might be fine in cold environments but it's distinctly insect like. Obviously there are insects in colder environments but a chuffing huge ant like thing wouldn't seem an obvious fit for a snowy wastland.

p.s. I agree, the crowbar was iconic in HL, but as I was saying a while ago it's even being given to us later in the games than the Gravity Gun which must surely be considered an icon of the series by players who didn't start with HL1.
I sincerly hope there are no antlions in EpiThree. I want to see new aliens, combine, and presumbly some kind of aperture enemy.
ya i was REALLY hoping that we'd get a chance to use the combine "sniper" rifle this time around
but nooooooooo.. only Alyx gets to use it

now that there's a third person model, maybe we can at least get a sequence where you use it attached like alyx did
then later on they could say 'oh I've modified your suit so it's able to power combine rifles' or whatever, if they wanted to add it as a real weapon
I'm not a fan of the crossbow, especially because you somehow keep finding a makeshift weapon that uses electrically heated rebar? ummm
speaking of which, if they do the whole 'you somehow managed to lose all your weapons' thing again, can they hold off on the gravgun for a bit? Some nice gunplay would be good. If I recall, you don't even encounter proper overwatch, just cp, until after you've gotten the gravgun.
And losing all your weapons is a perfect excuse to introduce new ones. For those weapons that people complain would be redundant, like the sniper rifle, the redundancy is gone if it's a replacement (like opposing force, where there were a lot of new weapons, but they replaced a lot of the old.)

but seriously, SLAMS pls. Ep2 had like 3 'defend this area' bits, and hl2 and ep1 had some as well. They are already in the fiction (combine use them), they already have code and art and sound, just clean up the bugs (floating in air), tweak them a bit, and put them in the damn games already. If I have to defend an area with goddamn hoppers again, I'm gonna be... disappointed.

and a hells yes to a flamethrower. TF2 reminded me that flamethrowers are incredibly satisfying to use in games (see: unreal 2, return to castle wolfenstein). Plus you can add puzzle-tool type features to it... melt ice, heat shit up, set fire to things (a good excuse to make the fire system a bit more dynamic and cool), and maybe introduce an invisible enemy you can catch out with fire like a spy/pyro fight in tf2. And a secondary fire like the one in Unreal 2... spray out unlit fuel as decals on the environment, then light it up with gunfire when enemies cross over it. Or spray it onto non-flammable physobjects to light them on fire and throw them at dudes. Damn I love flamethrowers.
The Crowbar maybe iconic of Half-Life but the Gravity Gun made it redundant.

No it didn't.:|

if any Xen creatures at all i wanna see the xen fish thing( like a breaking ice chapter)

Thats a good chapter name..."Breaking the Ice".

I agree, the crowbar was iconic in HL, but as I was saying a while ago it's even being given to us later in the games than the Gravity Gun which must surely be considered an icon of the series by players who didn't start with HL1.

No it isn't.:|
I never use the crowbar, unless I want to break a box on a precarious platform without the contents falling over the edge. I was using it to kill grubs and break web in Ep2, but then I discovered that the gravgun can inexplicably do that.
I would bet that most players have basically phased out the crowbar.
I never use the crowbar, unless I want to break a box on a precarious platform without the contents falling over the edge. I was using it to kill grubs and break web in Ep2, but then I discovered that the gravgun can inexplicably do that.
I would bet that most players have basically phased out the crowbar.

I use the crowbar against headcrabs, zombies and hunters.. :angel:
it works well on zombies, because their swipe is terrible. But now they are always putting zombies with more dangerous dudes like zombines. That and I can just throw a barrel at them and kill them more efficiently.
The problem is if I make three statements, like for arguments sake. The crowbar is iconic of HL1. The Grav Gun is given later. The Grav Gun must be iconic for players that don't know HL1. Then what's the point of a three word answer? Is it used to clarify a point? No, I don't think so. Is it intended as part of a logical construction to argue a point? Hardly the case.
SLAMs please. I'd even be satisfied if me and Alyx reversed roles, with me covering her with the sniper rifle for a bit, while she fights zombies. They're already done it the first way twice.
Hoppers are kinda the same, except they're a more traditional "mine" rather than remote-detonated.

Although that would be pretty cool to set up an ambush on a Combine column. Blow the mines at the right moment, then blast the ones that survive.
slams also have lasers, and science tells us that lasers improve everything
also, I demand biozeminades
I'd like some new weapons and enemies as well. A game should essentially be made up of fun, new and interesting experiences. Ep2 had fun and interesting experiences but I'd argue that there wasn't enough new things. Boredom is when you do the same thing over and over again and while Valve avoided it with clever use of existing weapons and enemies, how many times can you kill Zombies and Combine with the same methods before it doesn't it matter how they are arranged?

New and varied guns, differences in range, damage, reload times, attack style, etc, give new tactical and gameplay experiences (no I don't think it all comes down to just shooting stuff). Valve likes to add uses to the gravity gun, which is fine and I fully support them doing so, but I don't think the differences are enough.

Hunters were fun partly because they were new, fresh and original, it was almost a relief to fight something I hadn't seen before.

In short I don't see why Valve should limit their creativity by using the same weapons and enemies.

I wouldn't mind a gravity gun that killed the soldiers like at the end of HL2,for the entire game.
It was cool the first time but I find it gets old really fast.

No it isn't.:|
Are you going to add some arguments or just mindless contractions? The crowbar is useless, apart from the odd crate I haven't used it since I ran out of ammo in Ravenholm. Okay it is iconic and you do need a fallback weapon in case you run out of ammo, although in Ep1 you don't get the crowbar until the end and nobody complained that they had run out of ammo and couldn't do anything.
I think it being iconic is a good enough reason to keep it in, and it is always good to have an absolute last resort melee weapon
still don't use it much

Valve likes to add uses to the gravity gun, which is fine and I fully support them doing so, but I don't think the differences are enough.

for a dev that seems to be so aware of the need for 'feel' in games, they seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that making all your 'new weapons' just physobjects to throw with the gravgun feels wrong. Shooter weapons are all about satisfaction, and sure the gravgun was insanely satisfying at first, but now it is a staple. It's that thing you go to as a backup or whatever. A real weapon, with a first person model and sounds and animations and a cool secondary fire and shit... it's very hard to match the satisfaction of using a rad new weapon for the first time.
Half-life is steadily moving away from the idea of 'FPS', and is now much more 'FP'. There won't be any change in the basics (smg/shotgun etc).
I think it being iconic is a good enough reason to keep it in, and it is always good to have an absolute last resort melee weapon
still don't use it much

I agree, every FPS needs a melee attack be it a crowbar or a buttsmack with your firearms. The Crowbar is needed for a last resort weapon if you use up your ammo, but the only time that happened to me in EP2 was the double Guardian Battle and that bent piece of steel is not going to help me there. I'll just say the Gravity Gun saves my ass when low on ammo more often then the crowbar ever did.

Also I hated the blue gravity gun parts (well hate is a little strong maybe lest liked), sure its fun to fling guys around with there ragdoll, but it prevents you from getting ammo to use other weapons which sucks. The Gravity gun is cool but I don't want to be trapped using only it all the damn time (it gets old).
I loved jimmyjam's idea of using the flamethrower fuel as a makeshift trap that you can burn your enemies alive with.

It be great for a group of zombies, spray it on the ground let them wander into it and fooosh up in flames, kinda like that part in Ravenholm.
adding more weapons is a good idea, but then freeman will hesitate which weapon to choose to kill that sik freaky headcrab then pop goes his head and hes a gordine XD
I loved jimmyjam's idea of using the flamethrower fuel as a makeshift trap that you can burn your enemies alive with.

It be great for a group of zombies, spray it on the ground let them wander into it and fooosh up in flames, kinda like that part in Ravenholm.

the gravity gun is like a superweapon that acts like a chainsaw, flamethrower, box thrower, grenade returner
Ggun+pack of flammable objects= fireworks,flamethrower,bbq and more ;P
Yes it is. It's oh so much better for gameplay; it moves away from the mundane idea of a shooting gallery and into something that's more of an experience with innovative, varied gameplay.
Yes it is. It's oh so much better for gameplay; it moves away from the mundane idea of a shooting gallery and into something that's more of an experience with innovative, varied gameplay.

Which is fine, but it had better not become Myst.
Yes it is. It's oh so much better for gameplay; it moves away from the mundane idea of a shooting gallery and into something that's more of an experience with innovative, varied gameplay.

And yet the combat sections in Ep2 were nothing more than a shooting gallery.

Now, most of them were fun, but the only innovative fight was the final battle with the striders, and even that's arguable.

As has been mentioned, Ep2 was, save for a few key parts, shooting the same enemies in the same ways with the same guns, interrupted by elements of plot. Is it fun? Yeah. Is the story worth playing for? Definitely. But it's no longer innovative. It's getting old fast, because it hasn't been drifting away from the FPS genre; it's been stuck in it. It either needs to embrace its genes and improve on the FPS elements or it needs to get rid of them entirely, neither of which is it doing.