My only serious gripe with L4D2...


Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
... the Characters. Even after watching all these gameplay videos (including Swamp Fever, Parish), I'm still not impressed. At all. In comparison to Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey, these new foo's just fail. I know it seems like I'm passing judgement far too early, but we're pretty much looking at the finalised 4 right now.

Bear in mind that, essentially; the 4 characters are Left 4 Dead. The worst thing is, if we're left with some shallow, mediocre-at-best Survivors (that's what they're certainly looking to be, in my eyes), then the whole game will lose a great deal of appeal.

From the gameplay videos, I'm going to pick one of my main issues; that being the angry vocal responses to friendly-fire are... SERIOUSLY annoying. They're not even funny in any way, and genuinely succeed to piss you off. Now, I don't know if this is the intention in L4D2, but in the original, the FF responses either made you casually check your fire or crack you up big time: (Louis) "Francis, that's my ASS that you're shooting!" (Francis) "There's zombies running all over the goddamn place and you SHOOT ME?!" They come to mind :D

Is it just me? Or is this new bunch destined to be overshadowed by the original 4? Talk talk talk.
The L4D survivors are very plain compared to the new ones. A college student, old Vietnam vet, biker, and businessman seem much more drab than a high school football coach, newscaster, con artist, and rich guy.

On second thought, they're pretty much just the same.
I didn't even notice any lines or anything about the L4D characters (other than their appearance) until I'd actually played the game. Not the case this time, so I guess that indicates that it's better. I really think it's too early to call that kind of thing.
I'm waiting for my "plain white dude that plays video games" character
Wikipedia said:
The survivors include Coach, a high-school football coach; Rochelle, a news reporter for a local television station; Ellis, a mechanic; and Nick, a gambler and conman.
