Need help pls, im stuck ?? (spoilers??)

Navy Man

Jan 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Really enjoying the game but have come to the point of smacking my head against the wall.

Im in this area after the little rocket thing pokes up and trys to kill u, i went through and past there, broke the next window, now im in a room and the only exit seems to be a vent with a fan at the end. Im not sure what to do or how to do it?


heres a pic..

thanks, i really want to finish it soon :< feel like a bit of a idiot to be honest lol
Place a portal oppposite the glass, then return to the rocket turret room. Place another portal on a wall and have the turret blast a rocket through.

Voila - the rocket goes through the portal and smashes the glass! NOW you're thinking with portals!
hmm well i did try that, must have had the wrong angle or something!

i'll give it another shot and tell ya if it worked :)
okay, yep that worked. Thanks mate really helped! I did try that but the wrong way lol. I tried using those chairs to get in the vent, then block that fan. Just like the good old Black Mesa days ;)
