Neotokyo: SD11


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey - been a while since we pimped any thing so with out further ado:
Concepted, modeled and uv mapped by Grey. Skin by Retleks.




1482 Triangles if your a counter. Single 1024x1024 skin, which is more detailed than shows in these compressed jpegs.

and its a skin!

and its pimpage, I can't wait for this mod :D

edit: this mod is for ut2k4 too? Sweet, I'll get to download it twice.
very nice skin


hehehe, I asked u before but u said u wasn't recruiting mappers at this stage of development or something.... Maybe I could model for u. Well I dunno if I am even good enough, go to the help wanted offered forum and look at my post plz. Thats if u are recruiting etc... ANIME FOREVER!
Thanks for all the complements guys :D.

We're perhaps the only mod that isn't looking for any new members lol. Well aside from one or two awesome UT2k3 mappers at this point. As kind of a status update we're currently developing under UT2K3 and will move to UT2k4 when it's released. We haven't forgotten about HL2 but we're tired of sitting on our hands.

Here's some more model pimpage:

5654 triangles. Concept by pushBAK. Model by David. More renders etc here:


6750 triangles. Concept by pushBAK. Model by David. More renders etc here:


3838 Triangles. Concept by Retleks. Model by Fonk. More renders etc here:
this is going to be the best mod ever. i hope u guys make the gameplay amazing as well.
when I clicked on this link I thought for a split seconds that the top pictures were your reference pics, making them real. So they are VERY good.
I can't wait to see some of these vehicles skinned, omfgbbq that will be sweet.
Looking absolutely fantastic so far guys!

My only problem with the SD11 skin is that those strabs need to be given some depth definition. MIL assault keeping true to the concept and looking very good.

While it's obvious inspiration has been found in various anime, I think you've done enough with your work so far to warrant a congratulations. Your MIL tank concept render looks a little like the tank from Metal Slug, which is one of my favourite side-scroller of all time. :)
I don't understand, is it HL2 mod?

and when can we play it?
It's a HL2 mod and UT2K4 mod.

We can play it when HL2/UT2K4 are released and the mod is ready.

I am really interested. but UT04 is shit, I mean not close to the qualiy of HL2. am i right?
myeah I tend to agree. UT2K4 is shit. oh and when are you going to model that heavy armour guy. that suit looked soo cool

I really loved Shogo, and no one has really done anything like it sonce. Neotokyo's concept art stays true to great Japanese animation. Should be a fantastic mod, if that's one first person shooter genre we've been missing out on the past few years, it's anime based projects.
I actually don't think I've ever looked forward to a mod in progress before. I'm not even a huge anime fan, but know quality stuff when I see it. This is going to be a breath of fresh air for the genre I think...


B-e-a utifful :)
This will be on my HD one hour after release :)
Im not really an anime fan, but this looks totally awsome.

Can't wait :)
yep i gotta agree with rec, some of those designs are great, i like the last pic govtank.jpg and the other will look really cool up against them in the game. You know when people turn up thinking they can do this and that and that making a mod is easy, we should direct them to this thread to show it is anything but easy and the amount of work & detail that needs to go into one for it to stand a chance

Please keep posting this stuff!
This mod oozes style. I am not an anime fan, but I am certainly looking forward to seeing more progress. There isn't much else for me to say that hasn't been said, so I'll just end it here. Great work.
rec, if u think neotokyo is great look at this:



Thats the mod team I am trying to join atm, I had the great chance to look over there 7 page concept document and trust me, This mod is going to be amazing. I am not saying its going to be better than NeoTokyo, but they will both be big rivils. But the whole concept of the game has never been done before. I think, if done correctly. It could change multiplayer gaming FOREVER!

That wasn't very polite Ichi...
But any way thanks for all the complements guys! :D
Grey, hvy wasn't that very polite? He just said he looked forward to that even more...and thay you 2 might become rivals. noghting mean to that is there now? :)

anyway, keep it up ... i wanna see some animations with that guy... nad the machines..give us sum walkcycles :)
Originally posted by G0rgon

I am really interested. but UT04 is shit, I mean not close to the qualiy of HL2. am i right?

i'm never on this forum anymore.. and i post even more rarely.... but is that the stay puff marshmallow man?!?!


gl with the mod.. looks badass


if the unreal version of neotokyo becomes very popular, will you still proceed with a halflife version?

Also, neotokyo and corporate anarchy are not rivals. Grey and I talk every so often by e-mail.
I love anime... this mod looks so f-ing sweet!!!! ... wonder which game the mod will be better on? HL2...or UT04??!?!?!?1 lol ... hmmm
Cerberus - Yes. Def. a version for both. The UT2K4 version will be multiplayer only, while HL2 will get both multiplayer and a single player story.

As far as the rival thing - no not rivals, I'm a fan of Corporate Anarchy.
nice work, this mod is on my list of "Looking forward to>"
Pendragon: Only if we're ready to make a public release at the time of deadline. It's certainly a good motivator though hehe.
ye i shouldn't have really said rivil. But u will be rivils in other peroples perpective. Although the teams them self will not fight to make the best mod. People will play the best mod. So it will be a kinda competative aspect to it.
all these anime 'themed' mods and what not reminds me of AKIRA... now that was one badass anime movie. People should make a movie based on that. :)
Originally posted by robotZER0
all these anime 'themed' mods and what not reminds me of AKIRA... now that was one badass anime movie. People should make a movie based on that. :)

why isn't there a smiley for a guy scrathing his head in confusion. i don't gt that last post "make a movie of Akira" isn't Akira a movie already???? so utterly confused....

btb, again grey incredible. Fantabulous... Ghost in the Shell rocks all.
Akira is a feature length japanese anime. When I think of movies I think real-life stuff. I know that line of thinking probably isn't correct to definition, but if I think like this, I'm sure others would too. Maybe that's what he meant, a hollywood type deal of Akira. :)
Originally posted by robotZER0
all these anime 'themed' mods and what not reminds me of AKIRA... now that was one badass anime movie. People should make a movie based on that. :)

hehehe, dunno if u noticed. but most anime is based from akira and gits anyway. They changed anime foever and inspire nearly all anime.