New Forum Layout

No, I think these are for the best.... makes navigation for newer people much easier:)... I like the fact that there is now a 'heavy discussion forum' and a general gaming one :)... altho this is kinda like moddb.... please dont make it as bad :) thanks :cheers:
New forum style? What are you talking about? Do you mean you don't like the addition of all the new forums? If so, why not? :)
Its takeing the blokes to much getting used to and they cant find there way about :(

im finding realy good :)
Yes, I think that the additions are great... but what happened to the art section?!?
Its the HL2 media section

I'm not too sure on the new forums, i'm just sticking to the forums i usually post in or else i would get confuzzled on where i am
Originally posted by Munro
Do you mean you don't like the addition of all the new forums? If so, why not? :)

Well, the forums are somewhat confused - why is General Discussion 3rd down? And General Editing became smaller. Forum feedback disappeared. The entire forum has expanded and left behind some forums. It's like my house grew a few more rooms, but at the cost of the oven. I can't keep track of specific threads - there are a ton of them. Oh, Newbie Central has no FAQ.

There's a few other things, but I can't really translate the gut discomforts into words. Give me less options!
General Discussion is the first forum you see, right at the top.
Gerneral editing should be below General discussions
I am complaining
about the lack of forums
I've typed in haiku

I was typing a
suggestion quite amazing
but I forgot what

Now I remember
it was a request for a
resumé forum

Resumé Forum
A place for those who need jobs
To post their skillz0rz
Originally posted by SpuD
Gerneral editing should be below General discussions

It is...
I think its great. Im in war with the danish forum (you know how sweds and danish ppl are) so im happy :)
Nope dont like it there are loads of useless rooms like the steam one+ it is too confusing why cant u just keep the original design that went down really well
People are always resistant to change, even when its for the better :(.

Live with it, you well get used to it after a while. IF it had been like this when you started here you would be complaining if he took away the ones that are there now.
Originally posted by Munro
New forum style? What are you talking about? Do you mean you don't like the addition of all the new forums? If so, why not? :)

that whole section of local countries in the forum is just retarded.
this may sound fascist but this is an international forum and the international language in the world is english so people should talk english here. and if they don't, they ought to.

besides, you're turned this into something else than the HL2 forum we all loved :(
you probably wanted to get this more organized but, heh, it was organized and very easy to understand what to write where and now it's just.. ugh. I ask you to bring back the old style.

and no, english isn't even my first language.
The reason I've added those forums is because the particular communities had no forum to go to and wished to speak in their native language. I see no reason not to support them and given them a small area to chat in. Nobody is forcing you to read them :)

As for useless forums I don't really see any apart from the clans forum at the moment which of course is not active. I've added a few new ones as the general forum was getting so busy with the large amount of people joining us that the threads needed to be organised a bit better. The steam forum I think will do well as HL2 is going to be very dependent on it in the future.
hey I'm all for organization but what you did with the forum is just.. wrong \:

it was so easy to navigate through the sections but now you have to dig through and debate with yourself where would it be better to open your topic or throw a suggestion..
It's hardly rocket science.

Half-Life 2 stuff goes in the General Discussion forum.

Off topic stuff goes in the off topic forum.

Editing stuff goes in the editing forum :D
lol yea thats wot we are saying that was wot it used to be like now there is crap like tv and films, steam, halflife media,newbie central, hardware..... etc in fact all of the new ones are just annoying i keep forgeting where ive posted and i dunno wot each forum contains. but however it doesnt sound like ure willing to change :(.
Do you like seeing 500 new threads on one forum every time you login each day?
no i wouldnt if that actually happened

Ps where is halflife and teamfortress forums :(
I never said it was.. rocket science :p
I'm just whining cause I find this layout stupid :(
I want the old one back..

and yeah, a strong reason for why am I fighting about this (:E) is that well.. where are the HL and TF2 forums?
you see where I'm getting at.. it's gone.. fileplanet.

hiding all the good stuff while trying to get more and more users to be their lemmings :(
Careful you two. You're arguing with the mod.

Anyway, you will get used to it. it will just take a little time.
Its good that he has added a place for people that feel the need to speak their own language. If they don't feel like speaking English then they shouldn't have too. Just because something is the international standard doesn't mean its mandatory every moment of the day, especially when they are coming on here for pleasure not to be forced into things.

The other additions are good too, it will stop a lot of complaints being made about things being too "spammy" or whatever.

However, i do agree that its an annoyance not having the HL and TF2 forums, they were good and should be kept.
Why is the layout stupid? Explain :D

HL and TF2 forums have been combined to make the general gaming forum. There will be a seperate site/forums for TF2 soon with real info about the game using the same forum database.
Originally posted by Munro
Why is the layout stupid? Explain :D

HL and TF2 forums have been combined to make the general gaming forum. There will be a seperate site/forums for TF2 soon with real info about the game using the same forum database.

You know i didnt think about the gaaming forum. And i suppose it will be better when TF2 acctually comes out (some time next millenium......hopefully)