New movie!

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the sucky thing is that the waiting lines are between 40 and 120 minutes
Originally posted by EVIL
the sucky thing is that the waiting lines are between 40 and 120 minutes

Not for me :p

/me downloads :E
wow t3st0r...excellent tip there! cheers!!!!! m8!!!
lol a 109 min waiting time...but its worth it..
Originally posted by h00dlum
but its worth it..

The G-Man talk ownz

and the scene with alyx and dr.k:cool:


And yeah.... the "fan" scene... AWSOME!:devil:
no no no...the best bit has gotta be the blue sperm thingy, urm...I mean the tentacle thingy when it impales the dude :D
riiiiight, my waiting time is -1301 minutes lol
thanks a lot for the tip btw
Ill get from a friend tomorrow in school !!!

Im gonna see it 100000000 times !!
Awsome. I just got it, runs really smooth when I go full screen with it. Its worth just hearing the other scenes and comments (by both Gabe and the audience) that was not in the videos by gamespot. (gatta love the "will this run on my 486?" "But spreadsheet runs so smoothly!" :D)
when I heard that I thought it was funny...then I watched it again and I thought it was so geeky laughing a that
Have U seen the Halo 2 video then ????

When the master chief gets the akimbo SMGs (dont know their name) ?? The crowed goes totaly wild !!
Originally posted by simmo2k3
no no no...the best bit has gotta be the blue sperm thingy, urm...I mean the tentacle thingy when it impales the dude :D

its called a hydra :bounce:
Was the "audience" at the E3 easily amused or something?
Ok, I watched the hl2 video and found a few things to laugh at, sure. I thought the video was impressive as hell but I sure didn't burst out laughing at the smallest thing Gordon did. The '486 question' was funny though. :)

Also I saw the Halo2 video. Very good indeed but still..
the audience was rather pathetic.
Wow, thanks Lightning. Uhg. 5 hours!? Damn. I should be going at least 150kb/s. What is this 30?
is this video actually something new, or a compilation of all the other clips going around?
Ok, I have it getting ready on Fileplanet and already downloading (Slowly) on the link from Lightning. I'm not going to screw this up, like my LAST HL2 download....
Originally posted by PianoBlack
Ok, I have it getting ready on Fileplanet and already downloading (Slowly) on the link from Lightning. I'm not going to screw this up, like my LAST HL2 download....

doing the samething :D thx for the url lightning.
When people talke about the 500 mg video is this the same as the 10 or so videos that are up for dl on
Does it matter? It's Halflife 2! Not the first one! TWO! Halflife TWO! HALFLIFE 2!!! Download it, quick!
Just wait till its late night

Theres no lines at midnight...Am I making a mistake for telling everyone this since thats my plan??? Oh yea, is it gonna take years to dl cuz its so big? or not cuz its a zip file, and it'l be all packaged up small or sometihng????:bounce:
it's all the small videos combined plus some extra footage.
the trick of putting the file name in the url didnt work for me ;(
oh well 91 minutes plus time to dl isn't too bad......:dozey:
The movie is just an improved version of the 591MB movie "gayspy" released a few days ago. It's worth the wait though.
You can download alot faster if you use a program like flashget. I increased my download speed from 30kb/s to 200kb/s using a download utility.
Originally posted by Hojo
You can download alot faster if you use a program like flashget. I increased my download speed from 30kb/s to 200kb/s using a download utility.

doesn't fleshget breaks the movie file?
No, it just allows you to open more than one connection to the server. It also allows you to resume the download if the connection is broken.
Originally posted by Hojo
No, it just allows you to open more than one connection to the server. It also allows you to resume the download if the connection is broken.

... 92 mins of wait and it' sgiving me 30/kb
Are you using flashget to download it? If you are, right click on the part that says graph/log and go to increase split parts. Keep on doing this until there are 10 "jets" open.
I am downloading it with DAP (downalod accelerator) and im getting 300KBS...sweeet
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