new pic looks nice

I bet his answer be "nar mateyyy"
I think they should introduce some sort of bleeding sytem :D
Maybe we get a video next week...

Did valve release a list of maps that will make release?
Malarkee said:
I think they should introduce some sort of bleeding sytem :D

Or perhaps some kind of cranial geo-mod system, for tonking massive dents into a guy's noggin with the blunt side of your gardening implement.

Noobulon said:
Or perhaps some kind of cranial geo-mod system, for tonking massive dents into a guy's noggin with the blunt side of your gardening implement.


He was joking. DoD already has a bleeding system.

But yeah, that'd be cool.
dod has a bleeding system? wasnt that in a really old patch, everyone hated it, so they took it out? i play dod all the time, and maybe im just really not observant.
gh0st said:
dod has a bleeding system? wasnt that in a really old patch, everyone hated it, so they took it out? i play dod all the time, and maybe im just really not observant.

Dunno. I don't play anymore, but I used to play all the time and I remember it. They may have taken it out.
Bleeding was with Dod from the start, to 3.1, they removed it when it went to retail, whilst adding crap like the minimap and overhead icons, to make it more "newbie friendly".
I hated bleeding.

I dont want to worry about it when I'm playing.

I don't understand why the bleeding is needed for "realism" when they dont include other things for "realism".
You know what? Realism sucks. They should concentrate on making it fun, not overly realistic.
I remember bleeding and bandaging in good ol' Action Quake II. If you got hit by something big, you'd have to bandage to stop your health from falling. You'd also limp and wouldn't be able to run if you damaged your legs. It definitly worked in AQ2, but for DoD I doubt it's a good idea. Since you can just respawn 3 seconds after you die, self preservation isn't really a needed feature.
bliink said:
I hated bleeding.

I dont want to worry about it when I'm playing.

I don't understand why the bleeding is needed for "realism" when they dont include other things for "realism".
You know what? Realism sucks. They should concentrate on making it fun, not overly realistic.

:O How could you not like bleeding? Its one of the things that made Dod Dod!
You had to decide whether to bandage and hide, pray they didn't rush, or whether to not stop the bleeding, and pray you killed them and survived to bandage afterwards, it was alot more effective on the larger maps.

Bah, I miss 3.1. :( Bloody nostalgia.