New screenshots of half life 2

sorry to say but the buggy one is from the leak
not sure about the first one
and most of those other ones are old
Yeah, you can tell easily cause they used the physics gun to weld all those barrels to the back of the buggy, that screenshot came from hl2world
cueball said:
These are not from the leak

I dont support anything from the leak what so ever

*Decided to delete the link*

there review screenies you can see a few more screens here that i dont think have been seen before

The three with the little white watermark are from the stolen build. Same goes for any others with the white mark on the other pages. The rest are official.
There are three there that are from the leak, the others are old from PC GAMER UK, like brian said the ones with the white watermark are from the leak
Yeah, so... if you don't want to see stolen build stuff, but do want to look at the official pictures... get some Postits, squint your eyes, and stick the Postits over any picture that has a blurry white lower right hand corner...
Brian Damage said:
Yeah, so... if you don't want to see stolen build stuff, but do want to look at the official pictures... get some Postits, squint your eyes, and stick the Postits over any picture that has a blurry white lower right hand corner...

Brian, do you really do this? :eek:
I think we should employ this tactic for the spoiler forum when the games released :naughty:
they have to been from the leak, the shadows of the car are messed up, they are just squares.
Or maybe just a shot from 2003 E3 demo.
oldagerocker said:
Brian, do you really do this? :eek:
I think we should employ this tactic for the spoiler forum when the games released :naughty:

Postits are a man's best friieeeennnnnnnd!
I'm sure that's NOT from the leak. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that's a capture from the E3 2003 demo's.
flupke said:
I'm sure that's NOT from the leak. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that's a capture from the E3 2003 demo's.

I don't think so. Look at the shadows.

Heh, Pi Mu Rho edited it, so it looks like the mods agree that the originally posted pics were definately stolen build stuff, but just aren't sure about this one...

Well, apart from the shadows, it came as a set with a couple of other s.b. pics, so I'm almost 100% sure it IS one.