new videocard going to bottleneck the cpu?

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i haven't bought a game for like 2 years (been wasting my time on cs) but now with hl2 coming worried, i want to get a new video card but my friend said if u get like a radeon 9700 or any high end card, it will bottleneck the cpu or something, i have no clue what that means so if anyone could tell me thatd be great, btw i have a 1.3 ghz p4 and a geforce2 right now. thanks again for any help
He could mean the other way round - i.e. the CPU not being fast enough to let the GPU work at its optimum.
yeah i think that's what he meant, like if the cpu is too slow, itll cut the videocard's power in half?
it could it depends wut kinda cpu and gpu it is, could be a lot worse than in half but in most cases no. just dont stick a 9800 pro into a box witha 550mhz processor.
reaction, you should be okay upgrading to a 9700, but if your motherboard can handle a faster cpu then upgrade that as well. A real botteneck would be as KiNG said, "... 9800 pro into a box with a 550mhz processor."
if your motherboard support amd i recomend going with athlon xp 2000+ 2200+ 0r 2400+ (thats 2.0 , 2.2 , 2.4 ghz) AMD is cheaper and usally faster than intel and better for a gaming system. Im getting a new system, and the athlon xp 2400+ is costing about 90$ bucks.
I think it tells you what it requires, but sometimes they only list the min specs and you get farked.
What kind of RAM do you have? If it's one of those P4's with SD RAM you might be in trouble, they run a lot slower than they should.
Find out what motherboard you have and look it up online. You may very well be able to Flash the BIOS and upgrade to the 2.6Ghz CPU.

[Hunter]Ridic, how could his motherboard support AMD when it's a P4 motherboard?
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
if your motherboard support amd i recomend going with athlon xp 2000+ 2200+ 0r 2400+ (thats 2.0 , 2.2 , 2.4 ghz) AMD is cheaper and usally faster than intel and better for a gaming system. Im getting a new system, and the athlon xp 2400+ is costing about 90$ bucks.

[Hunter]Ridic, he has a pentium motherboard.
Same Problemo here.. i got my 1.33ghz and i got money for 9700pro, but will it bottleneck my performance ?
Well in regards to a say 700mhz cpu with a 9800pro, think of the body of the bottle being the vid card and the cpu being the neck, you have all this power but it cant get where it wants to go quick enough because of the bottleneck, its just an analogy m8.
Hang on, I just remembered that the 1.3Ghz P4's used a different chipset to the newer ones. You wont be able to upgrade your CPU past 2.0Ghz or the CPU wont physically fit into the motherboard.
Slowest part of the computer is the user, but besides that the harddrive will be the slowest. So get more ram so it doesnt have to swap out to the harddrive much. But that goes for anything, not just games o_O
my mother board supports amd and its not impossible, thats why i said if it supports it
Originally posted by ~SiN~
Well in regards to a say 700mhz cpu with a 9800pro, think of the body of the bottle being the vid card and the cpu being the neck, you have all this power but it cant get where it wants to go quick enough because of the bottleneck, its just an analogy m8.

actually think of it this way> your head is the 9800 pro, and your neck is a 700mhz machine. your neck is not strong enough to support your head :afro:
i got a sh*tty dell and like noj said, u cant upgrade to a faster cpu without using like a special adapter which costs 60 bucks, but i have 512 RDRAM so i guess it should work using a 9800? thanks again for all the advice :)
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
my mother board supports amd and its not impossible, thats why i said if it supports it

So you're saying that you can fit an AMD (Athlon?) CPU or a Pentium (4?) CPU into your motherboard, despite the fact the the CPU's are of different sizes, with different numbers of pins, and require a different chipsets and bus? :P

I would be very interested to learn the brand and model number of this amazing motherboard.

reaction it will certainly work, the question is will you get the same performance with a slower card? You might be able to save some cash by buying a slower card and still get the same framerate.
Goto google and search for Balarc advisor, it tells you what you have in your computer.
Someone is trying not to admit he's still running Socket 7... the last architecture that worked with both AMD and Intel chips.
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
my mother board supports amd and its not impossible, thats why i said if it supports it
LOL that's gotta be the dumbest shit i've heard all week LOL ahh thanks for the comic relief :D

In regard to an earlier post about Athlon CPU's, they don't actually run like that. My 2200+ is great, it runs well with the rest of my system, but according to dxdiag and several reviews it's running back at 1.8ghz. I heard this is still faster that a P4 2.2ghz, but how?? Also the newest Athlon, the 3200+, only runs at 2.2!!! WTF???

Once and for all, someone explain this to me Athlon thing to me :x
The number is what its rated at to perform, IE Athlon xp 1800 @ 1.5ghz is supposed to perform like an Intel 1.8ghz
Athlon XP's use a speed rating instead of giving the actual CPU speed (anything with the + in the end is a rating and not a clock speed). They do this to compete with Intel, because a Pentium 4 of the same clock speed is actually slower than an Athlon.

The reason for this is that the actual speed of a CPU is a factor of its clock speed multiplied by how much it can do per clock. The amount a CPU can do per clock varys depending on the application and in different ways for different CPU’s. As a rule of thumb Athlons do more per clock and have lower clock speeds, Mac CPU’s tend to do even more per clock and have a lower clock speed still.

Problem is that the Athlons speed rating is determined by AMD and tends to be a bit generous for their high end CPU’s. The Athlon XP 3000+ runs at 2.167Ghz, it’s not as fast as a 3.0Ghz P4, but it’s a lot faster than a 2.2Ghz P4.
go on, go buy an abit nf7-s rev2 and a JIUHB 1700+ you know you want to...


that's mine on air
Is it simply worth getting an Athlon 3000+ over a 2800+ ? :E
It's better to just get a 2500+ over a 2800+

2500+ @ 11x200 = 3200+ and basically, that just turned a $120 processor into a $500 processor.
ah cool, thanks for that i was kinda worried :P

also do athlon xp processors perform better on XP? Or are they just optimised to run it better than usual. I'm on 98se now and I'm upgrading to XPpro soon as I can...
Athlons themselves - not really. However, XP / Win2k can address more memory, can use a slightly more efficient file structure, and can manage system resources better than Win98.

However, a lot of device drivers are optimized for XP / Win2k.
Athlon XP CPU's are in no way better off with Windows XP than any other operating system, it's just a marketing trick. You will get no special advantage from upgrading to Windows XP just because you have an Athlon XP.
meh, im upgrading anyway :D thanks for the input
I am getting XP to when I have my new pc ready. maby I will run linux next to it. (double boot)
Originally posted by Hammer
Athlons themselves - not really. However, XP / Win2k can address more memory, can use a slightly more efficient file structure, and can manage system resources better than Win98.

However, a lot of device drivers are optimized for XP / Win2k.

lol thats just funny hmm I got a XP cpu so XP os much run better :cheers: :bounce:
What I said was that Athlon XP CPUs don't actually run better under the Windows XP OS, but that you'll see other benefits that will give you a performance boost....