News regarding flying mechs!


May 27, 2003
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I just got a respose from Gabe and it's officially called an "Alien Gunship"! Please stop calling it a manatee or flying walrus, or whatever :bounce:
Lol, I just refered to them as Combine attack helicopters in the Flying Headcrabs and Mechs thread a few minutes before reading this thread!

On a side note, any idea as to why the gunship is shaped like a bloated dolphin?
Oh come on: they have to have some great internal name for it other than "Alien Gunship" I mean, sure, "Alien Slave" and "Alien Grunt" weren't exactly the greatest names ever, but you'd think they'd have something neat.
Please stop calling it a manatee or flying walrus, or whatever

To be honest ill call it what the hell i want.! Manatee desribes it perfectley..!
I just call it "flying thingy" PERFECT!
Flying Manitee is much better. And most people who have seen the videos instantly know what you are talking about.

Flying Manitee.
We should hold a contest for the best nickname. I still love how, in Natural Selection, everyone called the Gorges "a fatty." "Fatty is down!"
Who's Gabe kidding, call it a toaster if you want it's still a flying walrus. :laugh:

Look up in the sky it's not a rocket, not plane, sure as hell not a bird ... it's the "Flying Fatty"!:bounce:
Its a platipus. No thats not its name. It is infact a platipus.

How about we stick to hovercraft, thats what a lot of places are calling it.
WTF is a platipus.. can you eat it?

anyway.. why not just keep the name gabe said alien gunship.. its good enough and it explains it alot better then fleying manitee or something like that :S
Sorry, but I think it looks a lot more like a manatee (also known as a sea cow- not a very awe-inspiring name) than a platypus.
The first time I saw the video, I thought, "wow they've modeled a that exactly after a manatee." Even the slow wobbly movement is similar.
i call you all gay :) ::puts on flame retarded suit and runs::
Definitely a manatee, and an oddly-coloured one at that. Is it green, brown, beige? I can't tell by myself as I'm slightly colorblind :(
Originally posted by stigmata
Definitely a manatee, and an oddly-coloured one at that. Is it green, brown, beige? I can't tell by myself as I'm slightly colorblind :(
beige.. i think the same color as the strider.
it's a platipus!!!

pfff manatee, weres the world going to? a videogame with flying manatee's...... we might as well have ragnarock right now :/
LIke i said hovercraft is a good name i think. Hovercrafts as we know them now dont fly. Int he matrix though they call their ship a hovercraft so why no that. Or we could call it a helicopter. Or a gunship. acctually now i think about it gunship sounds good.
It's a craft. It can hover. Just higher than most conventional hovercrafts.

Though technically, it doesn't seem to work much differently than a helicopter, though really, it doesn't look like it could work in real life (since the propulsion is on one side, rather than in the middle)
Originally posted by Apos
It's a craft. It can hover. Just higher than most conventional hovercrafts.

Though technically, it doesn't seem to work much differently than a helicopter, though really, it doesn't look like it could work in real life (since the propulsion is on one side, rather than in the middle)

Well, the british Harrier (fighter and bomber) can hover, does that make it a hovercraft? No.
Originally posted by stigmata
Definitely a manatee, and an oddly-coloured one at that. Is it green, brown, beige? I can't tell by myself as I'm slightly colorblind :(

It's many diffrent volyms/sorts of biege.
Oddly colour? Then what about that this manatee has a big propeller in the ass and it can fly and has a machinegun in the front? If the colour is odd, then that must be totaly wicked. Somethings wrong with this manatee for sure. :rolleyes:
My vote goes for flying manatee. Oddly enough I think it and the strider are the same creature which the combine have just bolted onto a flying/walking devices. The top part of the strider and the front of the manatee looked roughly the same shape and they both have the same primary weapon (autofiring blue-white energy bolts).
Originally posted by snark^
My vote goes for flying manatee. Oddly enough I think it and the strider are the same creature which the combine have just bolted onto a flying/walking devices. The top part of the strider and the front of the manatee looked roughly the same shape and they both have the same primary weapon (autofiring blue-white energy bolts).

That might be because of many other reasons, like the creature designers wanted them to look similar (they are both Combine, so why not) or they thought it looks good or it might be because they are from the same race (and/or built by the same constructors, the Combine).