No Episode 3 on Steampowered forums?


Oct 15, 2003
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There has been an EP3 board on here for some time now. But still no EP3 board on the official SteamPowered boards? Why is this & what does it tell us about Valve's plans for EP3? People are obviously talking about EP3 on Steampowered ......... just not on a dedicated board. SteamPowered seems to have a board for just about every other game available on Steam!!

EDIT: Just noticed there is even a board for SIN Episodes (Remember that?) even though only 2 messages have been posted in it!!
I think nothing has been started because no game has been officially announced...i bet there will be one once valve decides to drop some info on ep 3
Once the game is announced a forum will go up.
Does it concern people somewhat that, even though we were hoping for it last year, this year, next year, it hasn't actually been officially announced?! We've had Left4dead, Left4dead 2, countless updates for TF2, Valve games for Mac & PS3 & now we've seen Portal 2. Yet EP3 has STILL not even been officially announced?!
I wonder if valve even care about the fact that episode three should be their primary goal now and that fans care more about that then anything else, it's like they're oblivious to it.
Valve have stated on many occasions that Half-Life is the most difficult and requires the most work than the rest of their games. It's not that Valve has forgotten Episode 3 it's just that Portal 2 and Left4Dead is easier to make and can be released faster.
Valve have stated on many occasions that Half-Life is the most difficult and requires the most work than the rest of their games. It's not that Valve has forgotten Episode 3 it's just that Portal 2 and Left4Dead is easier to make and can be released faster.
That's fair enough. But I'm not complaining about how long it's taken. I'm more concerned wih the fact that, even though we've been expecting for some time now, it hasn't actually even been officially announced!!
I will be happy if someone from Valve just says "Hey we are working on it" . I think it is going to be enough .
I will be happy if someone from Valve just says "Hey we are working on it" . I think it is going to be enough .

Valve's decision to delay announcing Episode Three is part of their plan. They want us to believe Episode Three will be the next released installment in the series so that we can be surprised instead with the announcement of Half-Life 3.

They aren't going to replace Episode Three with Half-Life 3 or release Half-Life 3 before Episode Three did you think I was serious oh god.
Valve's decision to delay announcing Episode Three is part of their plan.
I think you might not be far off the truth! Even the smallest suggestion of Valve 'announcing something' has fevered speculation regarding EP3, a game that has not even been officially announced! EP3 has become like a stealth marketing campaing for Valve. The recent 'Portal 2 event cancelled' statement resulted in fevered specualtion that Valve could finally have something to say about EP3. It turned out to have nothing to do with this elusive 3rd episode but it got everyone talking thus hightening the awareness of Portal 2 & Valve's move onto Mac & PS3. So we're hugely aware of what Valve are doing but officially EP3 doesn't yet even exist.
First post here guys, try not to tear me to shreds straight off the bat!

As a game design graduate I have often found Valve's modus operandi to be unique and often game changing. I think that it is known that some kind of development has been ongoing regarding Ep.3 despite its lack of announcement.

Do not be suprised if it is never announced, but in fact just released with out any date having been set, or any reviews having been made. Think how shocking that would be to the community at large, not just in terms of HL, but big IP titles in general.

Portal 2 has been announced at E3 this year and I would fully expect that this longer game will give us a fuller understanding of Aperture Science Laboratories, GLaDoS, maybe the relationship/rivalry between Aperture and Black Mesa (but in the fantastic underplayed manner from Portal 1) and I would not be at all suprised if we learn about the Borealis Incident in the course of this game either.

At this point I would expect that I will recieve death threats and boo hiss type replies, but bear in mind from a game narrative standpoint it is no coinkydink that Portal and HL are in the same universe. I even think that Portal the first was running concurrent to the events of HL2, from the line in the credits song stating that "I think I prefer to stay inside." is GLaDoS' way of acknowledging the madness that is the world at that point. But I digress (and somewhat tenuously at that!).

My original line of thought is that once Portal 2 is shipped it is entirely possible that Valve might pull a Houdini and just put Ep.3 out there.

From a Marketing Standpoint this fits. Big E3 event is cancelled, with Doug and Co knowing full well that the community would start yammering about the HL IP afresh. I read somewhere that Portal 2 is slated for Q2 2011 release. That would tie nicely for a suprise at E3 2011 of Ep.3 Q3 or Q4 2011.

But this is all the speculation of an interested party sitting on the edge of the circus.

Let fly the Trolls of War!
Turns out there have been lots of rumours flying around the net that EP3 may never actually happen & could be canned by Valve. First I've heard of this only today but the pages I've been looking at date back some months.
Turns out there have been lots of rumours flying around the net that EP3 may never actually happen & could be canned by Valve. First I've heard of this only today but the pages I've been looking at date back some months.

The cake was Episode 3.
Turns out there have been lots of rumours flying around the net that EP3 may never actually happen & could be canned by Valve. First I've heard of this only today but the pages I've been looking at date back some months.

What do you do in your spare time? Or, rather, what WOULD you do in your spare time if it weren't spent speculating about Episode 3? You do realize that unless you hear it from Valve themselves that no internet rumor's hold any truth whatsoever, and may in fact be spread as a joke...

EDIT: Btw, I don't want to sound rude... I couldn't think of any other way to phrase it.
You do realize that unless you hear it from Valve themselves that no internet rumor's hold any truth whatsoever, and may in fact be spread as a joke.
True. But we haven't heard anything from Valve for years. Years! Valve seem to be shouting their mouths off about everything else they are doing. Why don't we hear something, anything, about 'EP3'? Just doesn't seem right to me. Don't get me wrong, I don't care how long it takes. I'm just concerned now that it won't actually happen.

I think it's clear now that episodic content has been a big failure for all concerned. Valve's initial idea of content every 6 months went to a year, then a couple of years & now the situation with 'EP3'. SIN episodes just died after the first release & They Hunger: Lost souls, the first chapter of the new They Hunger game never saw the light of day. Meanwhile plenty of other stuff has been going on at Valve. Could they possibly have abondened episodic content & therefore 'EP3'? Will 'EP3' simply materialise as HL3? This is beginning to seem quite likely now. People talk about completing the story arc with 'EP3'. Do these people really think Valve would do this just to get it done & out of the way? Why not continue the story in HL3 with it's brand new engine & full length game? Just an idea ......... but you read it here first ;) I dont actually think 'EP3' is going to materialise.
Look, I don't know why people are concerned here, sure, Valve are being very tight lipped about the next chapter in Half Life but it could be for many reasons.

First could be that they don't want to make the same mistake with Episode 2 (the first teaser trailer was nothing like the final version, no Alyx hanging off bridges and Hunters jumping down doorways)

Secondly They *might* want to surprise us and avoid any spoilers, even teasers can ruin the surprise.

Thirdly, Portal 2 may have some significance in the storyline, it takes place many years after the first Portal so it may provide some insight on the Half Life Saga which may be important to Episode 3. So Valve might want us to play Portal 2 first. OK, unlikely, but hey, not an impossibility.

Fourthly: Half Life 3.

And finally and by far the worst case scenario; they ain't even began working on it yet.
...Is it really that big of a deal though? You guys are acting like this is the most important thing you've ever talked about. :l
...Is it really that big of a deal though? You guys are acting like this is the most important thing you've ever talked about. :l
This is the 'Epiosde 3' forum. What else are we going to talk about in here?! Especially when Valve have given us absolutely zero else to get stuck into!
This is the 'Epiosde 3' forum. What else are we going to talk about in here?! Especially when Valve have given us absolutely zero else to get stuck into!

Dito! All the more Valve lets us wait for an Episode a whole decade.

Maybe it has to do with the story coming to an end in EP3! Lots of stuff seems done, the Combines are almost defeated, the Citadel is down, ... a really great story about an invasion & resistance, I loved to play it. But then I ask me, how can a story go on without the beloved enemy? Doing the same thing again just with a different storyline and a few new beasts? I think here starts the repeating, as like as in so many other cases too. Possibly this is what Valve's trouble is, how to go on after EP3, without making HL(3) a repeating?!
the Combines are almost defeated

They have been divided, but not even nearly defeated. It's only a matter of time before they decide to investigate why there has been no communication from Earth.
They have been divided, but not even nearly defeated. It's only a matter of time before they decide to investigate why there has been no communication from Earth.

... oops i meant defeated on earth, you are right! there must be many more around somewhere! I would be interested to get to know the Combines more, their home, would be great!
If you really want to talk about Episode 3 there, the Episode 2 forums ONLY talk about Episode 3. I think they should just make an Ep3 forum just to clean up that forum.
If you really want to talk about Episode 3 there, the Episode 2 forums ONLY talk about Episode 3. I think they should just make an Ep3 forum just to clean up that forum.
My thoughts exactly ........ except they haven't, which I think is very suspect :eek:
It's because like others have said, Valve haven't even announced Episode Three yet, I don't see anything suspect about it, that's just protocol.
Why would Valve not putting an Episode Three forum on Steam Powered make you have any doubt about whether the game is still being developed?
Why would Valve not putting an Episode Three forum on Steam Powered make you have any doubt about whether the game is still being developed?
Well its not just that is it. They haven't said ANYTHING ever about the game. It has not been officially announced, it's been years since EP2, Episodic content has been more or less universaly accepted as a failure, etc, etc. Bring on HL3 I say ;)
Well I have to say you are WRONG on that there is a website (cant remember WHICH) but episode 3 HAS been announced and it has info on it... il check back with it
Oh well it seems to be here on this website XD
That's good to see. When was that filmed? Because Gabe also says in Chapter 4 that Valve are 'not doing anything for PS3, not in any real way'. SURPRISEEEE!! It would appear things have a habit of changing (like release dates) in Valve World. Anyway, we'll see what happens. I'm going to take the outisde bet & say that EP3 will never happen & HL3 is more likely to come to fruition ;) I'm probably wrong but I'm putting my money on that all the same because I like a gamble now & then :D