No More Heroes HD Coming Soon and Exclusive to PS3

Feb 24, 2005
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No More Heroes HD (Heroes' Paradise) Coming Soon and Exclusive to PS3 in NA

I have been all sorts of excited for these HD remakes of some of the best games on the PS2, esp. when they can really benefit from the upgrade in hardware (like SotC and its shit-eating framerate). This announcement caught me TOTALLY by surprise however. If anything was really bothersome to me about NMH it was some of the technical issues. Hopefully these will no longer be a problem and the game can smoothly execute its phenomenally beautiful style all over my living room TV. The added content is a sweet bonus too. I am glad Move is not mandatory either: "Using either a DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller or the PlayStation Move motion controller players have access to a wide range of physical assaults and katana attacks, with each bout tracked by a dynamic camera that showcases the game’s stunning visuals and cinematic fight sequences." Supposedly a PAL PS3 version was confirmed at Gamescom a few months ago too.


EDIT: Here are some SWEET pics--





Beyond Good and Evil is getting the same treatment along with Strangers wrath, this is not as exciting
Japan already has the 360 and PS3 versions, but they are apparently straight Wii ports and not that great. The updated PS3 version is PS3-only in NA. In the EU I imagine the 360 and the PS3 will get it as we have heard nothing about any exclusivity outside of the US, but you never know I suppose.
yes this looks promising, played some of the original wii version,but never had time to finish it. I'm def goin to check this version out.