" Off topic " Internationall forums


May 17, 2003
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Many of you has not seen that there is Internationall forums.

Swedish forums, Frensh, German and Danish i think ;-)

Just Press " Half-life 2 " upper left and then scroll down to the bottom :D

/ geeK
We may have seen it, it's just sometimes noone is Swedish, French, German, or Danish. ;)
Yeah, we need a british community forum, there are at least 50 active members who are (or are pretending to be) british!
Originally posted by derby
Yeah, we need a british community forum, there are at least 50 active members who are (or are pretending to be) british!


you ever stopped to think that the main forum is already English/American?
assuming that derby was joking when he said that(just posted to be on the safe side)...if not I don't feel the least sorry for him, but think the pic. was even more called for...
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE you ever stopped to think that the main forum is already English/American? [/B]

I was semi joking, of course the main forum is English/American and that's the problem if you know what I mean....

Please don't take the stuff I say seriously, you'll only aggrivate yourself, oh and nice pic. by the way.
as I said I assumed you were joking...just wanted to be on the safe side, boards like these are filled with idiots...
I don't want to hurt your feelings even more jhero so I'm won't... :P

no...I don't wanna turn this into a flame war...but you know that these message boards usually have their share of dumb****s...luckily halflife2.net isn't that bad(or Munro is just quick on the edit/ban-button) but we have had some.(and undoubtly more will come)
Oh and by the way, I was making a dig at americans in my pervious post (hence the call for an British forum)

/wedges tounge firmly in cheek
... ............... I outted up this topic so you could USE the internationall forums, not post racists things :P