Oldest HL2 gamer?



Who is gonna be the oldest gamer here? I'll hit 67 in January. Started with C64....

I think the oldest HL2 player I know is one of the Pelit magazine journalists named Niko Nirvi, who reviewed HL2...dunno how old is he but I believe he's at least 40+.

PS: HL2 got 96 points + "Pelit Magazine recommends"-stamp.
I don't really either...

first post too.....
I believe you.

I play in a gaming community that has many older folk in it. They all play DoD and HoB, and now HL2. We have several people who are over 40, some over 50, and one or two even older than that.

Why wouldn't you believe someone saying they are that old? Its not like it gets them anything by not telling the truth. Besides, don't you hope that when you are that age you'll still be gaming? I do.
Lunt said:
I believe you.

I play in a gaming community that has many older folk in it. They all play DoD and HoB, and now HL2. We have several people who are over 40, some over 50, and one or two even older than that.

Why wouldn't you believe someone saying they are that old? Its not like it gets them anything by not telling the truth. Besides, don't you hope that when you are that age you'll still be gaming? I do.

It gets them attention.
my dad plays and loves HL/HL2/DOD/Americas Army, and he is 48.
does that count?
Someone that I play with on WW2online is 71, I know becuase we all use TS..
Was there not one here who came and asked for help?
He could not find the way out of the first square you get to.

He said he was 70.
Mr. Redundant said:
my dad plays and loves HL/HL2/DOD/Americas Army, and he is 48.
does that count?

Does he type "0wnZ0rd" when he beats you? Or are you just
grounded when you lose :E
My dad played Half Life and actually got me into it.

He has played a little bit of Half Life 2 although 99% of the time he's sorting stuff out in his business.

He's 54.
onehunglo said:
Someone that I play with on WW2online is 71, I know becuase we all use TS..

I love you because of the game you love.

Oh, wait...you don't play German, do you?
RabidJester said:
I love you because of the game you love.

Oh, wait...you don't play German, do you?

Sorry bud, III Corps Allied Officer <<<
I think Pi mu rho is the oldest here ;)

Dont hurt me PI!! ;(
sorry boys my dad is 75 and he loves fps games and is getting HL2 and Call of Duty for Christmas

has already completed

Deus EX
Deus Ec IW
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Opp For
Blue Shift
Return to Castle Wolfenstien
Medal of Honour

Do have a nice day :cool:
Well my grandad came to visit last weekend, and he played HL2. He did the buggy level and the one after that with the sand and the ant lions.

He is 78.

There are lots of old plays about, in my old CoD clan three was a member who was 57 i seem to remember. Late 50's neway.
My grandad was playing the other day :p Only for like 5 minutes.
He's 67
Computer games are a fun time consuming hobby, I bet most of us still play when we are 70.
ChronosWing said:
It gets them attention.

Oh yeah. That's what I'd do to get attention on the Internet from a buncha game-kids. Say I'm old. Then I'd be teh coolest!
I doubt you are Chuck66, just because you seem so proud about it(not saying its bad to be 61)also, wouldn't you have other stuff to do then post on a forum about your age and that you like to play games?

just realizing i sound dumb because i know you are just making it up =/ and that you and seafox13 are the same >.<
Why dont we just assume he is 60 or whatever and answer his question, what harm will it do?
Still waiting for the century when people above 70 get put in jail
Suddenly, I don't feel like the senior around here anymore. I'm 50.
I just cant imagine people older then 70 playing HL² LOL

old people belong in jail
my dad plays halo2. hes not great at it, but hes pretty good at sports games and shit. he can put a good whoopassin on the rest of the family.
Transmit, i hope that you'll get in jail when you get to 70

PS: maybe you will be smarter then
Wow...I didn't think older people played games very often, they usually think it's a waste of time...
kingthebadger said:
ppl over 30 playing games is sad :p

Wait till you get there. Being over 30 is no different than being over 20. Seriously. You don't just suddenly turn an age and change inside. I know you are just likely trying to get a rise but it's still sad you would make such a poor observation at any age.
I'm 41, I've played games since Pong was the big thang. I bet I would own most of you punks in CS. :thumbs: Look me up Travis_Bickle
I played with a guy in a CS Clan that was fifty-something years old...
You don't stop playing when you get old,
you get old when you stop playing.
my dad is like 46 and he plays Americas Army And Battlefield for fun sometimes. But man 67 i just have to snicker a lil bit im sorry...
Heh, old is OK but the reflexes sux. And having to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes is bad when playing online games :p

Oldest person I could confirm was 82 on TFC .