Omg Wtf!!!!!!

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"Total prick.....get a life" that should be ure sig gooch
"Total prick.....get a life" that should be ure sig gooch

er...yea ok .?
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Damn, i want to be a mod. so i can LOCK ALL THESE SPAM THREADS!

Someone make him a mod. But delete them instead of just locking them.
How do I get my avatar in hi-res? Btw Gooch, I love ya m8 but you got to stop being so cranky, it's a computer game OFF-TOPIC forum, not your wedding.:)
Originally posted by Dave
Someone make him a mod. But delete them instead of just locking them.

I will get my revenge soon. The Dev site is coming up.
Majestic, this is the off topic forum, there is no spam here! Any subject is up for discussion, even your latest avitar. it helps remove spam from the other forums. Come on....
I'd like to debate the fact that the Off-Topic forums a place for spam. Basically, they're not. They're a place for sensible conversation about things not relating to Half-Life 2, not random threads about bugger all. Like this one actually.

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