

May 25, 2003
Reaction score
This steaming pile of turd is starting to get on my nerves :flame:

I can't even open my HL2 media box, and if I do it says "loading please wait...". I can take a shower, watch an episode of the simpsons, then come back to steam and it'll still be loading. Then Ill right click steam at the bottom and hit close then it'll say "steam is not responding". I can't even watch my HQ videos, because of this steaming piece of monkey turd. I don't care if it's still beta, it runs like it's not even ready for alpha testing. I reinstalled it like 4 times and it still works like total crap.
If you've reinstalled it freshly 4 times then... I don't know what to do. I really don't think it is Steam's problem. Might be on your end.
well i find it rather annoying that once i got CS 1.6 running fine after days of downloading (currently capped at 28kbit connection) and then playing it for about a day, it has been corrupted or some such nonsense (most likely on purpose), and now it has to download the whole farking thing again.

what the hell are you trying to do valve? i am not going to spend another 3 days downloading it all.

don't go claiming it's my end, it was working just fine.
Change operational system to Windows XP.
I used Windows 98 earlier and Steam hoocked up, but now with XP it runs perfectly.
Only 1.6 crashes all the time. :P
Fixed it thanks anyway guys. I went into properties and clicked keep this game updated automatically.
cool to hear you worked around it, but if you want to play those vids as if you downloaded them normally, they are in the cache folder under hl2media / movies