I sent an e-mail to Gabe from Valve software. I said:
He replied with:
It frankly staggers me you have enough time to answer these e-mails. Your response to the fans is incredibly unique. When are you going to snap and change your e-mail address to get away from us? =)
Would you by any chance be able to fill me in on what the very opening of Half-Life II will be like? Will we awaken from a Temporal-Stasis Chamber designed to preserve Gordon's body so he won't age? Will he literally hit the ground running, with no idea who or what he is? Will we see any part of the Black Mesa or the fabled tram system? (Black Mesa, I miss you so..) The curiosity is slowly eating away at my soul and transforming my healthy, robust body into a pallid, shrunken, vehicle of despair.
Thanks for your time and don't let all these annoying and inconsiderate e-mails get you down, (to compensate for this one I preached Half-Life II's virtues to three of my friends today)
He replied with:
When you start the game, the last thing you the player and "you" the character Gordon Freeman remember is your conversation with the G-Man. You have no idea what has happened, how much time has passed, or why you can't remember it.