Opening of game revealed!

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I sent an e-mail to Gabe from Valve software. I said:

It frankly staggers me you have enough time to answer these e-mails. Your response to the fans is incredibly unique. When are you going to snap and change your e-mail address to get away from us? =)

Would you by any chance be able to fill me in on what the very opening of Half-Life II will be like? Will we awaken from a Temporal-Stasis Chamber designed to preserve Gordon's body so he won't age? Will he literally hit the ground running, with no idea who or what he is? Will we see any part of the Black Mesa or the fabled tram system? (Black Mesa, I miss you so..) The curiosity is slowly eating away at my soul and transforming my healthy, robust body into a pallid, shrunken, vehicle of despair.

Thanks for your time and don't let all these annoying and inconsiderate e-mails get you down, (to compensate for this one I preached Half-Life II's virtues to three of my friends today)

He replied with:

When you start the game, the last thing you the player and "you" the character Gordon Freeman remember is your conversation with the G-Man. You have no idea what has happened, how much time has passed, or why you can't remember it.

Quote from Eternity

"The curiosity is slowly eating away at my soul and transforming my healthy, robust body into a pallid, shrunken, vehicle of despair."

:) LOL
very poetic :)

kinda what i thought it would be like..... if indeed this isn;t one big conspiracy to give us all an even bigger surprise when we play the game :)

Originally posted by Eternity
The curiosity is slowly eating away at my soul and transforming my healthy, robust body into a pallid, shrunken, vehicle of despair.
:laugh: great stuff!

And hey, it leaves open miles of scope for plot development in game without damned "background reading" in the manual or anything!

Nice work ;) So we won't remeber a thing ( gordon ) and he's like;

" OMFG what is this stupid suit about? Pretty cool thou . Im all hard and strong " :b
Thats a nice Email m8 ..
But dont you think Poor old Gabe ( i need a diet) Newal. Would preffer a short to the point email to rest his tired little old eyes from the strain of reading as many Emails. ;)

Good email though m8. :):eek:
and he must be told somwhere along the lines, because barney says "rember when we thought black mesa was is bad as it could get"....

well i dont guess he really had to remeber...but it would make more sense...
You the player, knows as much as Gordon Freeman, nothing.. wat has happend to the world? Tell us! Let us Play!
Good point, Sainku. Heh, I don't know what I'd be thinking if I made the choice to talk to the G-Man and then 'woke up' 13 years later or whatever.

Was Gordon knocked out and 'preserved' somewhere for thirteen years until he was needed? Or has he been doing things all along and merely had his memory erased?

I apologize for any grammar mistakes, I'm kind of rushed at the moment - party to go to. :eek:
it would make sense that they wouldn't have the character know more information than you the player .. how they do it, it feels like you're just continuing the story where it left off, no matter how much time has passed.
Maybe Gordon was given a shot.. ( a .. medic shot.. you know :p ) and they puted him in Coma , because G-Man knew theese Combine Soldiers would come.. :o Or did Freeman woke up in a hospital and don't know where he is :s

I CAN'T WAIT! Yes i can
See here:

When you start the game, the last thing you the player and "you" the character Gordon Freeman remember is your conversation with the G-Man. You have no idea what has happened, how much time has passed, or why you can't remember it.

So actually, all Gabe said was that Gordon can't remember anything that had happened BETWEEN his conversation with the G-Man and when he wakes up. He never implied that Gordon's been brainwashed and can't remember his entire past. Remember your english classes, kiddies! o.o
Originally posted by Eternity


Would you feel the same way if Gabe said that Gordon spent the last 5-15 years at home doing nothing but drinking and watching Jerry Springer?
I think the answer is time travel.

If the beginning that Eternity has posted is how the game is gonna start, then wouldn't time travel be feasable?? If you think about it, what would be the possible effects of time travel on the human body? If the Gman had transported Gordon into the future, then logically, Gordon wouldn't know how he got there and how long its been since his conversation with the Gman. Theoretically, Gordon couldn't remember anything that has happened since the end of HL1 because he never experienced the passage of time. Instead, there is a blank space in his memory where there would normally be years of experiences. Time travel could also have forced Gordon into an alternate timeline where instead of the Xen being enemies, Gordon and the Xen are allies against the Combine, who are a force unique to this certain tiemline.....

sry if this just seems like a bunch of rambling. I haven't gotten any sleep for the past three days....

just some thoughts i had...

oh yeah, time travel could also be an explanation to the wierd words and equations that are being discussed in the thread geeK started about the e3 video...
This is great: The G-Man say "I will see you up ahead." You step into the portal and suddenly you loose conciousness. You wake up on a pier, with a beautiful sunset in the distance, wondering WTF happened and WTF you're supposed to do?
maybe the g-man put you into a coma to keep you from getting into trouble until he needed you again. what if freeman fell down the stairs one day and died? bye-bye to Earth's future savior :)
I think it'll start with Gordon wandering into City17 while the credits play. Like that bit from the teaser video with all the scanners and combine troops harrassing the local people.

If it is time travel the G-Man has sent Freeman ahead to a time when most of the Earth is a smoking ruin then you've got to presume the task is to learn/discover/collect something with which you can return to the past and correct the mistake that allowed the invasion. This would also account for the G-Man's being everywhere at Black Mesa -- he's from this ruined future and is trying to correct the past with a useful tool (in this case the complete and utter tool that is Gordon Freeman esq.).
My guess is that either Gordon was immediately coma-ed, or he was sent to clean out other alien worlds and then brainwashed and coma-ed. The writer of Halflife really liked the idea of having the main character be at least partially responsible for the disasterous events of the plot (in order to invest the character in the game) so maybe there will be more things that Gordon has done in the interim that he'll have to discover and maybe fix. Gabe did say that we'd be learning a lot more about the alliance between the G-Man and Gordon: but what could that alliance really entail if Gordon's simply been in a coma since the instant the last game ended?
For you people who don't know whats going on:
If you look at another thread, ( I can't remember which ) some people have decoded some of the flying text at the end of the E3 movie, the text justifies the fact that Gordon was in a 15 coma. :eek: ( Well, thats what most people think )
Originally posted by FatCombine
For you people who don't know whats going on:
If you look at another thread, ( I can't remember which ) some people have decoded some of the flying text at the end of the E3 movie, the text justifies the fact that Gordon was in a 15 coma. :eek: ( Well, thats what most people think )

Yes and Gordons look proves that he was in coma, he has messed up hair and he looks confused..anyways
What is so special about Gordon that he needs to be preserved? I mean, besides the fact that he blew his way out of the Black Mesa? Why would the G-Man keep him under for 15 years to triumph over even more difficult trials? I'm putting on my conspiracy cap and I'm seeing so much more...
My bet is that you come too either looking at the G-Man, or at some renegade scientists that found you and woke you up.

Though it certainly sounds pretty odd that you'd be out of commision for 15 years when the G-Man clearly seemed to want to use you for his needs, and there were certainly aliens still to clean up.
It's funny how Gabe revealed the intro, without actually revealing anything about the game. Well you just wake up, and there you are in the game. This is also the best sort of intro. What would you prefer, a 15 minute cinemtic introducing the story, or a 40 hour playable cinematic telling the story.

PS does anyone remember Flashback, similar intro concept.
I remember Flashback. Isn't that the one where you wake up in the jungle or smt? It's a side scroller right?

On topic, I think we can dismiss the theory that the Strider has smt to do with this. I hope the new media will reveal some more stuff.
Originally posted by derby
It's funny how Gabe revealed the intro, without actually revealing anything

Just like all the Goverments:eek:
I dunno: Half-life's tram intro was pretty cool. You remember that moment where you realized... hey, this isn't a cinematic... it's part of the actual game and I can run around and look at stuff! It really put you into the story in a nice way. I'd like to see something of that sort again, but I wouldn't care too awful much if they tried something new as well.
If it wasn't a straight 15 year coma, maybe it was the G-Man and his crew waking him up whenever they need him, then Gordon learns too much, and they brainwash him and put him to sleep again. Gordon is sorta a tool used by G-Man to solve his problems. Then maybe renegade scientists (people that are against G-Man because the G-Man is evil) come to break Gordon out to get Gordon to help them. They try to get back his memory so they can learn the secrets kept by G-Man and his people and fight back against him and his crazy schemes. So Gordon sorta turns against the G-Man in the end.

I dunno, that'd be a cool plot in my eyes. I just made that all up as I went along .... I didn't know my mind was that creative...or dumb, however you decide to judge my plot...
Originally posted by Apos
I dunno: Half-life's tram intro was pretty cool. You remember that moment where you realized... hey, this isn't a cinematic... it's part of the actual game and I can run around and look at stuff! It really put you into the story in a nice way. I'd like to see something of that sort again, but I wouldn't care too awful much if they tried something new as well.

I bet there's going to be something like that, like in Op4, you're in a battle, then you pass out (can't remember, been a while) and then you wake up in the lab.

It'll be quite interesting. You start at the end of HL1, with the choices. You don't go through the portal, and you are soon ripped apart from the immense amount of enemies, and then you restart at the last saved part (or whatever, it restarts) and you go through the portal, that's when it begins. It's sometime in the future and you're with the rebels, being transported somewhere, you hear the catatonia stuff and then that's when the introduction starts, as the scientists or whomever talk about a situation at hand.
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
I think the answer is time travel.

If the Gman had transported Gordon into the future, then logically, Gordon wouldn't know how he got there and how long its been since his conversation with the Gman. Theoretically, Gordon couldn't remember anything that has happened since the end of HL1 because he never experienced the passage of time.

Hey Anthraxxx! Yeah! I like that idea! I mean, he works for the G-Man. It's, like... Quantum Leap, or something. 'You're needed, thriteen years form now....'

Besides, if he has the same HEV suit (the interface sure looks similar), then I'd hate to think he's been wearing it non-stop for all these years. It's gonna be pretty funky. And he can't NOT have it... Gordan can't just be cruisin' around with sweats and a teeshirt anymore, ya know? He's an interdeminsional hero and everything. Of course, if he was in a coma, I guess they could've just put it in the closet....

Anyway, yeah. The intro to HL1 was cool. I remember it started and I was like, "Oh, a long boring intro..." And I was practicing the key's, and suddenly I moved! And I was like, "Wow! I moved!" So I moved around, and tried to jump out, and looked at all the badass stuff (like those chill robots that move the crates) and didn't hear any of the intro. But it didn't matter, really.

Two things bugged me. In the training, you use the long-jump thingy. And it took forever to actually use it! And i wanted to drive one of those cool walking robots. So I hope they don't tease me like that again. :P

You know what would be an absolutely beautiful plot twist? Well, obviously Gordon is now simply a tool of the G-Man, subject to his every whim and desire. I base this on the conjecture that Gordon was in a coma; and if this is true (and it's very likely considering the text we saw) Gordon has only 'come back to life' because he's needed.

Wouldn't it be cool if Gordon feels resentment, or at the end of the game turns on the G-Man in desperate circumstances?

I would feel such supreme satisfaction kicking the shit out of the G-Man after all his teasing in Hl1. :) Sick, but I know some of you probably feel the same..
I think that at the end, gordon will realise what the gman's story actually is and will have to run from him or something, which could continue into half life 3. We know that half life 2 will end on a cliffhanger, so we could speculate that and then begin to speculate about the beginning of hl3 etc.

How far do you think they will take the series? We know that hl3 is planned, but do you think that they will leave it there or make hl4 etc. It cant be to do with seeing if the game is a success before making another one, as any game in the hl franchise is pretty much guarunteed success. I hope that they do make more. I dont want it ever to end!!!!!!
Originally posted by Phisionary
Hey Anthraxxx! Yeah! I like that idea! I mean, he works for the G-Man. It's, like... Quantum Leap, or something. 'You're needed, thriteen years form now....'

Besides, if he has the same HEV suit (the interface sure looks similar), then I'd hate to think he's been wearing it non-stop for all these years. It's gonna be pretty funky. And he can't NOT have it... Gordan can't just be cruisin' around with sweats and a teeshirt anymore, ya know? He's an interdeminsional hero and everything. Of course, if he was in a coma, I guess they could've just put it in the closet....

Anyway, yeah. The intro to HL1 was cool. I remember it started and I was like, "Oh, a long boring intro..." And I was practicing the key's, and suddenly I moved! And I was like, "Wow! I moved!" So I moved around, and tried to jump out, and looked at all the badass stuff (like those chill robots that move the crates) and didn't hear any of the intro. But it didn't matter, really.

Two things bugged me. In the training, you use the long-jump thingy. And it took forever to actually use it! And i wanted to drive one of those cool walking robots. So I hope they don't tease me like that again. :P


:thumbs: :cheers:
I think the g-man has a sick attraction towards gordon, and he has just kept him in his closet for 15 years.
The 'flirt' expression Gabe showed the audience during E3 has to be used somewhere in the game...

/awful thought

"I think the g-man has a sick attraction towards gordon, and he has just kept him in his closet for 15 years."

G-man...... would "G" = Gay??
Thats why he studders, he is shy around him gg g gordan....
But now we see the perfect chance for an even bigger twist:

The G-Man ends up being the one thing preventing a full out invasion. (*X-Files Theme plays).

Had he not been involved in destroying Nihilanth and the creature at the end of OpFor, it would have amassed a force to invade the entire planet wiping everyhthing out. But through the G-Man's sheer cunning he was able to play the events in such a way that later on he'd open himself up to allow a vital counter attack using Freeman, effectively saving the planet from the invasion! We run through most the game believing Freeman was rebelling against him, but in actuallity he was being controlled effortlessly. And so the G-Man is actually the saviour of the planet...

.... Until we learn he is actually from another dimension and another race of aliens, and by weaking Xen, the Combine (which we discover in a sort of inter-dimensional protection force that is fighting the G-Man), and now Earth, he has access to all three, and now controls everything!

Congratualtions you are a puppet!

If you didn't get the point, I'm saying that the plot will probably not be as cutr and dry as you think, it is open for countless possibilities, and the G-Man could be anything from the incarnation of evil, to a saviour from the light side, to a completely Grey Hero whose intentions are good but who will do anything necessary to get it done, including destroying half the Human race.

Get my point?