Orange Box Goes Gold


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
0 confirmed with a representative from Valve Software that the upcoming releases of The Orange Box for PC and Xbox 360 have gone gold and are on their way for an October 10 release date.[br]
The Orange Box includes Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 : Episode One and Two along with the mind blowing puzzles game Portal and Team Fortress 2.[br]
Welcome back Mr.Freeman..
they should have gone "orange" get it? hehe heh.. eh.

Alyx's Zombine joke was better then that.
'cept for the PS3 version, not Valve's fault tho, EA UK's.

Unfortunately I won't get this for a while, but it's great news to hear they are done.
W000000TTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER EPIC OWN4G33!!! Let the GONE GOLD celebration begin!!! Somewhere in an EA factory.... my Half-Life 2: The Orange Box box is being forged!!!! I CAN SMELL IT!! I CAN SEE IT!! I CAN TOUCH IT!! It even got my name on it! I can't wait to meet it =D hug it, kiss it!!! PLAYYY ITT!!! CHERRISH IT!!!WWWWWWW000HHHHHHHH00000000000 Love you VALVe! You guys are teh best!!! *applause and standing ovation* *bow down in front of golden VALVe statue*
Thats one release date that didn't end up biting Valve's collective ass! (see 09/30/03)
I was getting worried that it was going to be delayed since its about a week and a half till release and we still dont have the other game preloaded yet ;)
Let's celebrate! :cheers:

It's so close! I can't wait to hit the reload button soon in my Steam. And then... total immersion in Valve's world! :D
and to think that after the 20 hrs of finishing portal ep2 and (lets leave tf aside..)

we would be like..dam ep3..dam 1.5 years..dam valve..
Guarantee something causes a delay and they have to edit the code and engine again...*dodges random flying objects* Come on! Who throws a fridge?????!!!!!

Heh just messing. Cant bloody wait really, this is gonna be THE second biggest moment in half life history...probably gaming history (screw Halo 3 lol)
Just now? A bit late, lol, I thought games usually go gold a month or more before release...maybe they were responding to feedback from the TF2 beta?
Fantastic news. We may actually see the end in our lifetimes!


EDIT: kidding btw.
Woot..I'm taking that Friday after release off of work (I have no college classes on Fridays either)
and to think that after the 20 hrs of finishing portal ep2 and (lets leave tf aside..)

we would be like..dam ep3..dam 1.5 years..dam valve..

The reason why Orange Box took so long to come out was because of the changes they've done to Source engine and working on Portal and TF2 aswell. If they only have Episode 3 to work on, I'm sure it'll go MUCH faster.
My guess... EP3 is shipped with L4D and a random singleplayer component.
L4D is going to be out way before Ep3.
L4D should be out right after Christmas if they haven't delayed it. Thats the last we heard about when it was coming out...