Orange Box: PC or 360?

Jun 17, 2009
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Im looking to buy the Half-Life 2 Orange box for either the PC or Xbox 360

Just wondered what other peoples opinions are about which one is the best.

Im thinking PC might be better because then i could get all the steam HL2 mods, but their is more chance of the PC version not running soothly because of minimum requirements.


dont even think for a second of getting this on the 360.

new weapons, maps, hats, mouse + keyboard. that's all you need to say
The Orange Box will run on most machines newer than 5 years old, and the community and developer support for the PC version is far superior.

If you are excited about playing Team Fortress 2, then your PC experience will be x 10 better on the PC than the 360. For all the other games it's a much closer run thing, and comes down to 1) How well your PC will run it. 2) Preference of controller / keyboard & mouse. 3) How many baked beans you can eat in a minute with a toothpick.
I don't see how that last one is entirely relevent Glenn

Everybody knows baked bean corrolation to PC Performance was disproved in the late 90s
If you get TF2 for 360 everyone will be bad and it will be hard to aim and be bad. The only class you can play with any real level of competency is Spy. And you will dominate hard. It's more sad than it is fun.
On meth it is.

No I mean PCP.

No wait I mean PC.
I have it for both PC and 360 and at the time my 360 was only capable of playing it but hands down PC is much better. Faster FPS, no booting from games or server lists...and MODs and free maps all the time
I have a laptop with an 8600m gt and running vista and it runs HL2 at over 60fps constant. The requirements are surprisingly low, i think valve is just good at hardware optimisation.

PC all day long.
PC, for mods, TF2, custom content.

360 for HL2 and Episode One achievements.

Get it for PC.
PC version is definitely superior graphically and gameplay wise.

I tried the 360 version and it's inferior graphics and joypad controls made me lol.

The only problem I have with the PC version is getting Steam to work. Game distribution type DRMs like Steam aren't the best friends with dial-up.
The xbox one if your pc cant handle TOB smoothly
But PC is more supported Custom maps,Mods,SDK and more
So yeah just both i mean TOB is not that expensive today
Everyone here is being an asshole to the newbie and giving him bad advice.

Brisbane, you'll want to get the Orange Box on the 360 for several reasons. First and foremost, the 360 is the superior machine. A PC could never hope to do what the 360 does in terms of graphics; your experience will look so much better on the 360.

Secondly, the controller is a MUCH more precise instrument than mouse and keyboard. Mouse and keyboard is for WoW babies who don't have the dexterity to do more than wiggle a mouse around and have to go searching for the next hot key. There's just way too many buttons on a keyboard; you're actually limiting yourself because unlike a controller everything is all spaced out and not readily accessible. And an analog stick is more precise than a mouse, just look at all those people on Halo 3 who get headshots compared to people who play Quake or whatever; your headshot percentage will increase 110% on an analog stick.

And XBox Live is a helluva lot better than PC online. PC online sucks, that's why you don't have to pay for it. XBox Live is where all the mature gamers and really competitive people play, because it costs money and it filters out stupid people like on PC pubs who just mic spam dumb remixes of Soulja Boy. The community is a lot better there because the kiddies are filtered out, and generally people are much friendlier as a result.

Get the 360 version.
Darkseid always lies
