Pandemic II

So I manage to infect the whole world but the ****ers deployed there vaccine before I could start ramping up the lethality of my parasite, until I get a notice that the vaccine only mutated my parasite making it immune to any future vaccines. Take that.
heh, at the end of my first one:

Alive:19,000,000 (about, just Madagscar)
Dead:everyone else
It's funny how countries start burning bodies before the first death has even occured :D
This game is fun at first, but trails off due to the whole "Always one place that you can't get to..and even with NO symptoms, they still freak out."
"OMFG! You! Madagascaarian Port controller!"


"close down the port , theres a wierd virus going round that has no symptoms what so ever!"

"Oh shit! We are all gonna die!"
Right so beat it using a parasite. Basically all you need to do is go with 0 visibility until you've infected every country then thats when you start ramping up all the horrible stuff and go nuts.

Best part is when religious peeps started calling "shityourselfanddie" an apocalyptic plague. Woo.
Adrik, that's what I did.

I started in madagascar, so it took a little time to branch out. All I had was resistances, infectious through water, insects, air, and rodents. That is ALL i had. I started branching up, hit africa, middle east, mexico, cuba....then every single country closed their boarders, so 1/2 the world was "clean".

I hate being invisible, yet..detectable..
Weird. When I started branching out the countries started freaking out but only on the level of burning bodies and killing rodents and insects and stuff. They didnt start closing borders until my parasite went world wide.
This game is just silly in some points. How do you know you're infected unless you're showing symptoms? *head aslpodes*
Funny, get a message:

"Unconfirmed deaths in Indoneisa"
I click on Indonesia, and

So how do the evolution points work? I mean how are we granted more points? Is it just random depending on the cause of infection you start with or whut?
I think it's a set number/time you get the points...because it seems to follow the same trend every time.
This game is just silly in some points. How do you know you're infected unless you're showing symptoms? *head aslpodes*

Yeah when I first tried it out I figured no one would start freaking out until I started with the crazy lethal stuff, but as soon as it spread to a few countries a couple of ports got shut down right away. Luckily parasite managed to hit the lone boat that hits madagascar every 5000 years
I was there when all this shit started on /v/.


New meme.
This game is awesome, but it's a bitch if you don't start in Madagascar.

First go, 96% of the human population dead! :D
Wrote 100 ish words on this for one of the upcoming issues of PC Zone last week. I enjoyed it =D
Yeah, lots of commotion about this on /v/ and that other forum I won't mention right now.
That's how I found out about it, someone posted and gloated about owning everything and I won't 'lol, that looks cool', and it said right on the title. Hilarious. I wonder how long the Madagascar meme will last?
One of the most boring flash games out that.
I played it for about half an hour and got most of the world infected except the almighty USA.
Right, just wiped out Humanity, but it took me forever.
The one time I infected every country, they developed a successful vaccine! Only 3 billion dead :( (mostly in Africa, South America and Asia)

Another time, I got every country in the Eastern Hemisphere but not one in the Western! And then there was that time that Japan was the only country that survived...
It's hard to make it not noticeable without having enough points to actually make it lethal.