Part III of "Global Resistance" is up!


Jul 22, 2003
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I hope you enjoy! And happy Saturday!

Oh yeah, my next part probably won't be released untill Tuesday. I'm going to try and release Part 4 & 5 at the same time! Happy Labor day weekend all
I'm not sure about this. But i thought that emp wouldnt affect any electrical equipment that was turned off.

Anyway, its really good. I hope you do more soon.
I thought EMP does effect stuff even if it is turned off.

Ahyhoo ya it is good. :)
Ok then. Perhaps ive watched to many films :eek:

Anyway, do you find writing as fun as i do?

Man its so cool "inventing" your own little universe. In fact just being creative in general is fun.
Well, I love to read, and I have a huge imagination, and I have always wanted to make my own story. I went through tons of ideas before deciding to do this.
Originally posted by Dsty2001
Yes, EMP does effect equipment that is turned off

Where did you hear this? I'm not saying your wrong, but from what I know of them, most electronic devices can be protected by turning them off.

An EM pulse is basically just a huge magnetic field created when the nuke goes off (chemical bombs create them too, but not to any substantial degree). Electricity in a wire is the result of changes in the magnetic field surriounding it, but only if there is a circut. Otherwise, the material simply changes its magnetic field to match that of the imposed one and no electrons move.

When you suddenly impose a huge magnetic field, any circut that is in operation will have a suden power spike from , for example, 1.5 volts to 20,000, frying everything in teh circut. However, when you turn a device off there is no circut and no power spike.

With an open circut, it would be similar to you hooking yourself in line with a huge AC genorator, but cutting one of the wires that leads from it. The magnetic coil in the genorator may spin, constantly changing the magnetic field, but since thier is no circut, no electricity will be produced, and you will be safe.

If you could please tell me where you heard that devices turned off would be fried, I would greatly appreciate it. I like to have the most precises info I can.


Note to the author: Apperenly, vacume tubea are immune, or at least highly resistant to EMP because of thier robust construction. You may want to use that little tidbit.