PC Gamer UK, I think I love you (SC:CT Demo!)

yeah, Sam Fisher does look a little weird but the gameplay is good old splinter cell, although I can't figure out how to shoot around corners, he always disengages from the wall when I pull my pistol.
I just played it, really nice graphics. One impressive thing are the sound effects (when you are the beach, you hear the water hit the shore, the rain and thunder in the background), it really sounds great on a 5.1 system.

I can't wait to play co-op on this game with my bro. :)
wheres this torrent everyones downloading from?!
I may stay on as a seeder if you people treat me like a king.

Lol jk I will stay on maybe for an hour or 2 to seed. Im at 2 percent though
is nobody gonna http it? or send it with yousendit? can someone please help me, i'm dying here, bt has been blocked by my school, PM if you can help
maybe we should email the fansites,they'd upload it in a second
it's the same torrent posted earlier, no improvement, nothing, why does everyone use torrents?
well i resumed from yesterday and its goin faster but still ****in slow as shit,i have a upload limit with my connection and its currently double that of my download,so by the time i've finished it'll be a gig uploaded

i closed it,i'll be in town tomorrow so i'll get the mag,havto prepare for a possible bia demo
My torrent isn't working. I just got it.
It seems to stay at 0% and it's still connecting to peers. What's wrong?
Edit: Holy shit, 129 hours? It's a good thing that I don't turn off my computer anymore. This demo better work on my computer and it better be worth it.
BitTorrent sucks.
I think I might just cancel everything and uninstall BitTorrent if I don't see any progress, I might as well wait for the official internet release.
Is there any way to increase my speed?
Edit: It improved, I'm at 34 hours.
Anyone else notticed that with the pistol equiped, if you aim at a light and press alt fire the laser goes green and the light shorts out for a short period of time.

Also, does anyone accutaly know what the red light does? I mean it dont look like a laser much, theres no point on the wall you aim at, and same is pretty accurate this time round anyhoo.
Ahh firgured out the red light, it just means that the green light thingy that knocks out electircal equipment doesnt work on the object your aiming at :)

Also, firgured something else out. I only just notticed the training vids! DUH! but to to the thing where he holds onto them after he kills them you just hold onto alt fire, only works with the KO though and not a kill
BitTornado says that it will be done in 59 hours..... There has go to be a better way.
Umm is it just me or is the ziped install file in german?
The zipped file in in German, but the game is in English. Very awesome demo. I was already going to buy this, but now it's certainly cinched. Does anybody know what the password in the stats are for?
Alright thanks for the confirmation, I know I can always trust the guys over at hl2.net
Bah i give up i'm just going to buy the mag, what date is it out in the UK shops?
Roland Deschain said:
I can't figure out how to shoot around corners

You can't shoot around corners any more :( They said it was removed, stupid, but they kinda fix it by trying to automaticly select what shoulder your view starts on in a sensible manner.

Also, its out in the UK shops since Thursday 17th, yesterday - when I got it :)
yes got it 2day,had to pay 10 euros for the dvd edition,nothing really of interest in the mag for me tbh except for the excellent 7 page article on the cradle level of thief 3.

just started the demo,OMFG THE GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING,im just on the beach,its so good looking,great textures and use of normal maps
Success! I just installed the demo but I have to go to school in a few minutes, I want to be earlier than usual today.
whats everyones fps like,i find it lit areas fps takes a nose dive,i have all settings maxed with 1280/1024 or 1280/960 res and v-sync on,extra 10 fps in slowr areas with it off,fps is between 40-75 with v-sync on and up to 100 with it off,the lowest its been is 30 early on in the section with all the barrels where you can pierce the generator,i'm gona try using a gamepad as movement feels stiff at times,lvl is pretty linear like all sc's
Finally i've played the demo
Its great , i think its the best SC ever ^^