Perkins waves at Munro


Sep 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hello old chap - so this is where you have run off to.

Just thought I would wonder along and say hello!
Hello old mate :D Welcome to my humble home.
Yay! Munro has a friend! Perkins has a friend!

Javert kicks pebble and walks away into the darkness.
Munro very kindly set up a UK Battlefield 1942 site. It was great. Then he started this one up and gave the BF site to a nasty man. We don't like the nasty man so we have come to bug Munro here.

/Perkins waves at the rest of the exiles 'Quick guys it's warm and spammy in here'
YAY Munro. Aw man we love you.

Hey Munny yo' so fine, yo so fine, yo blow my mind, hey Munny, hey Munny.

Ooooo it smells nice in here :bounce:
You are a Gordon-wanna-be now.

You are one of the Soldiers to defeat EVIL!!!
Arg they're all coming back! Dear god no!

/me legs it :E
Ello Munro, hope you didnt open this new site to get away from us all hehe.
Curses! They’ve foiled my plan!

*pats munro on the back* naa we just intend to spam the crap outa ya ;)
yeh i am hl2 wil lsuck so badly :p its why iwanna put me feet up so i can cry tears of joy when everyone sees that hl2 sucks !
Now Now Legit - they have welcomed us into their home - so be nice. Saying you don't life halflife here is like going to your best mate's house and saying his wife looks like a warthog with a hair lip. It is not the done thing.

Anyway chaps to help you out I have read through a fair bit of the forum and can summarise as follows.

1) There seems to be some concern about the release date. Some chap called Gabe (surely not his real name) seems to have the control on these things and is playing hard to get. It seems that if it isn't released on the 30th September we can expect mass suicides on a scale never seen outside of Texas.
2) They aren't using very modern computers as they all seem concerned with steam. I can only assume they are from the colonies, as they always take a while to catch up.
3) Apparently the size of your graphics card reflects the size of your manhood as they all seem to like to boast about it.
4) There are some good threads with informed comments, but you have to look hard. There is more flames here than a fire-eaters convention the day after a curry
5) Munro is here somewhere.

I'll keep my ear to the ground and if I find out anything more I'll keep you posted.
Hey, Munro, come back and play some BF42 while-u-wait...!
hello refugees.... I'm new to this internet... and I'm here to tell you that Off Topic is lovely and nice and fun, very little spam :D

come visit me sometime :)