Physics/manipulator question


Jun 23, 2003
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If two people were playing multiplayer or coop and both had manipulators, and there was a dead body of a combine soldier on the ground and one person grabbed on one limb (like a leg or arm)with the manipulator and the other person grabbed a different limb on the same body and used the second firing mode thing would the body rip apart?:dozey:
Originally posted by General_BLITZ
If two people were playing multiplayer or coop and both had manipulators, and there was a dead body of a combine soldier on the ground and one person grabbed on one limb (like a leg or arm)with the manipulator and the other person grabbed a different limb on the same body and used the second firing mode thing would the body rip apart?:dozey:

1. Obviously no one knows the answer.

2. For speculation's sake.. Both probably will grab it and itll just be there in the air. Dunno about ripping apart. No one does.
Originally posted by General_BLITZ
If two people were playing multiplayer or coop and both had manipulators, and there was a dead body of a combine soldier on the ground and one person grabbed on one limb (like a leg or arm)with the manipulator and the other person grabbed a different limb on the same body and used the second firing mode thing would the body rip apart?:dozey:
I would say that they both hold onto it, but niether of them can move cause of the force of the manipulators. Thats jus my opinion.
Re: Re: Physics/manipulator question

Originally posted by The DemonWithin
I would say that they both hold onto it, but niether of them can move cause of the force of the manipulators. Thats jus my opinion.

copycat! :cat:
how cool would it be if they had a level that was a huge junkyard and you would have vehicles all over the place and people would respawn with a gravity gun/manipulator and just throw barrels, mattresses, cans, and etc at people and cars and people. That would be totally kick ass.
Originally posted by tokin
how cool would it be if they had a level that was a huge junkyard and you would have vehicles all over the place and people would respawn with a gravity gun/manipulator and just throw barrels, mattresses, cans, and etc at people and cars and people. That would be totally kick ass.
Didnt someone say they had a dream about that, i remember readin that. Yeah that would be cool.
someone did have a dream about being in a scrapheap on hl2
they must really really want the game
i do but iz don't dream about it init

as for the manupuling would be cool if they did tear apart but weather this will happen who knows :eek:
haha that was my dream and btw i dont try and dream about HL2 (thats absolutely retarted)...the dream just kinda happened.
You know what would be cool? if you could pick up enemies that were still alive, i would love to fire headcrabs at soldiers.
i think the server would crash if this happend :D

just like the first beta of RTCW..if 2 people used the flame thrower at the same time the server crashed.
Yer, I remeber that... not that I ever used the things, cos who's ever seen a sniper with a flame thrower, pfft
I have! well not really, but yeah, Scientist slaughterhouse mod for original HL had a cool tractor beam, you could pick people up and fling them, as well as catch grenades and missles and stuff, didnt work very well on multiplayer tho.
you can pick dead people up with the manipulator in multiplayer?
we dont even know that
was it even annouced that u get that gun in multiplayer?
We don't know 100% since the tech demo guy could have just been a dummy to use, and maybe in game you won't , but they wouldn't show it if they wouldn't impliment it. I'm almost 99% sure you can.
Were jus speculating guys, no nothin was announced about multiplayer. Hopefully we can use the manipulator in multiplayer. That would be unreal.
Hopefully we can't unless it's on a dead body. That would be cool. But on live bodies, that would be horrible. People throwing people off platforms and causing deaths, (if it's Team play). That would suck :( but if not, let the live bodies fly!
Hahaha i want to launch someone at a building right this instant!! If only scientist slaughterhouse's multiplayer was bug free!
We've seen the body moved only by the fishing pole gun, not the manipulator. The manipulator has a weight limit, however, and maybe bodies are too heavy. The fishing pole gun is not supposed to be in the game: it's just for demonstration.
Originally posted by Gojin
Hopefully we can't unless it's on a dead body. That would be cool. But on live bodies, that would be horrible. People throwing people off platforms and causing deaths, (if it's Team play). That would suck :( but if not, let the live bodies fly!

Ugh, brings back memories of Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast.
You guys are forgetting the manipulator might not even BE in HL2. We all know it will be :D but it hasn't been confirmed...

...has it?
Even if you can't grab live bodies, someone (SOMEONE) will make a mod where you can. It can't be that hard to code.
Bad^Hat, the manipulator has been confirmed, but only the "grabby" one, not the one in the tech map with the blue beam. That one was changed specifically for that map, to show the physics interactions and whatnot. The manipulator that grabs and fires objects is the final one. As far as I know, that is.
Originally posted by stigmata
Bad^Hat, the manipulator has been confirmed, but only the "grabby" one, not the one in the tech map with the blue beam. That one was changed specifically for that map, to show the physics interactions and whatnot. The manipulator that grabs and fires objects is the final one. As far as I know, that is.

No, Gabe "sort of" confirmed the other one too. He said that it will be a "different weapon".
No, Gabe "sort of" confirmed the other one too. He said that it will be a "different weapon".

Not the same thing as it being in the game. We've seen several mags that said that the fishing pole thing would not be in the actual SP game (though it might still be available as a model and code)
You could use it to launch your team mates to some highplaces like in TFC. Sniper launching :)
manipulator only mod

Eh.. I know its not the mod thread, but I though it would be received better by peeps reading this.

Ever since I saw the tech demo All I can think of is a mod/(maps if there is enough functionality in the retail game) where all you have is a manipulator, with truck loads of objects lying around and you basically invent infinite ways to kill each other using blocks/balls/barrels what ever. Kind of like carry one light weight object and the manipulator, you can always launch the light weight object at enemies if there is nothing more fun around. Other wise grab the nearest barrel and crush your opponent into the Wall that he is stupid enough to stand next to. Also have like powerups (maybe through kills) so that you can manipulate heavier objects. Team Kills by two peeps picking up a car and dumping it on someone. Oh I wish I could Mod…
That would be sweet if the body would rip in half. Then blood would fly everywhere.