Play this game until HL2 arrives!

Yay. Youve found it!. I played this game a few months back but havent been able to fin it since.
its funny since you can cheat by right clicking (it pauses and brings up the submenu, then click on the ball)
nice.. I got to 6 with my first try

I guess I suck chinese monkey balls then
Curveball is better than 3D Pong since you can actually win it. Have a look at the scoring system for the 3D Pong and you'll notice something a little odd.
Originally posted by Zerimski
Curveball is better than 3D Pong since you can actually win it. Have a look at the scoring system for the 3D Pong and you'll notice something a little odd.

Hehe i just looked, thats pretty funny.
hmm i got to level 8 on my first try. 24k points

Oh yeah you can win that pong thing, its just that the computer is real good. Curveball is better though since you can spin the ball
3d pong takes a lot more skill. The fact that the computer gets more points only make it more challenging not impossible. I've got over 500 scores, I think the computer had around 300 or something
First try I got 16k, but I lost 3 lives on lvl 1!
pong 3d is cooler IMO.. way cooler looking, faster, harder, better sound's. it feels cooler also. and it its a great exersize to get your reflexes going before you play a shooter!. (5% performance increase in my q3a kills win the mod CPMA)
Level 6 -> 17190 (First try)
Level 5 -> 11575 (Second try)

Guess thats not my game...:dozey:
Level 5 -> 12835 points (First Try)
Level 5 -> 14695 points (Second Try)
Level 6 -> 16970 points (Third Try)

u know u could just play hl or one of its mods :bounce:
This isn't bad...the curve ball idea's kinda cool. I think 3D Pong is much harder though. I spent so long trying to shut out the computer...I finally did once. Man, it was sad, but I so proud of myself that moment. Then I realized how much of my life was wasted over that goal. Then I cried.

EDIT: And they weren't tears of joy, either.
Whew, that was fun, score attached (27285 | Level 8).
I got yo lvl 10, dont remember what score was though.
wow this game is great. first try almost beat lvl 7 with 22830
I love that game. My highest is 30-something K. Lvl 9 is freakin' impossible. The computer's paddle just moves at lightning fast speeds. I have never slipped a curveball past the lvl 9 bastard...
3D pong is SOOO much better. and yes, you can win it, I've done it several times. (OK, it takes ALOT of practice, but its easy after awhile)
O.k.. so I go to ebaumsworld to play the castle game and end up playing the fking SIMGIRL game for FOUR hours trying to get laid. See what marriage does to you!! Pathetic...

-Mr. Bildo
Wait....are you saying that you are in fact married in real life and you played that because of it?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Wait....are you saying that you are in fact married in real life and you played that because of it?

Yes. If I was 18 and single, picking up Anime chicks on a computer game would probably seem silly, but I'm neither, and as a result the game was somewhat compelling... if not entirely pathetic. ;)

-Mr. Bildo
Thats quite weird. And yes it does seem silly to me. Im 17 and single.

So you are saying marriage has done that to you? Not that im trying to be nasty but the married men i know would do that. Before you say it. Yes i do know they wouldnt do that.