Portal 2: First Direct-Feed Screenshots

Bad continuity like that kinda irks me.

Makes sense to me. Aperture builds large, modular, self-assembling, self-repairing facility for the testing of high-tech tools and weaponry. Aperture accidentally cedes control to their resident and newly-sentient computer core. Computer core accidentally destroys self through a series of unfortunate events. Computer core realises mistake and begins the extensive process of rebuilding.

Also who's to say that Aperture didn't steal Black Mesa's portal tech and that's how they get the resources to synthesize many of the components and etc etc
I'm fine with that, as Stig expanded on.

But that ****ing door man.
All the doors are LED panels!

Seriously though... that would explain why you can't put a portal on those doors.
it looks good , feels good it is good . The game will be a blast .
The geometry and texture resolutions really show off the engine's age.

Although I have an eye for graphics, I don't let it come in between me and the gameplay. Because that's all the matters.
Geometry and texture resolution have nothing to do with the age of the engine.
Although I have an eye for graphics, I don't let it come in between me and the gameplay. Because that's all the matters.

Agreed. Although from a technical point of view Source has several weak points and it's far from other top engines, Valve is able to make it shine with dynamism and overall quality. It's a case of knowing the tools and how to use them.
Heh, yeah. Apart from that, THEY LOOK AWESOME!

Makes sense to me. Aperture builds large, modular, self-assembling, self-repairing facility for the testing of high-tech tools and weaponry. Aperture accidentally cedes control to their resident and newly-sentient computer core. Computer core accidentally destroys self through a series of unfortunate events. Computer core realises mistake and begins the extensive process of rebuilding.

Also who's to say that Aperture didn't steal Black Mesa's portal tech and that's how they get the resources to synthesize many of the components and etc etc

Yeeaah, but I mean, really.
Wow, this looks absolutely amazing to me. I don't care that technically the Source engine is a little behind others (and it seems to have been worked on, anyway). There are two parts of making a game beautiful: creating an amazing world, and creating an engine to render that world to the viewer.

Sure, if the renderer is sub-par it limits the quality of our view into that world, but a good engine without a world worth looking at is useless. Valve have their priorities right by building such beautiful worlds in my opinion, because in a few years when you look back on their games, you don't remember the low res textures, you remember the idea of the world, as they imagined it, not as it was rendered.

How many scenes do you remember as stunning from their videogames (for me the biggest is the reactor core in the citadel)? How many scenes have stuck in your mind from Crysis?
Wow, this looks absolutely amazing to me. I don't care that technically the Source engine is a little behind others (and it seems to have been worked on, anyway). There are two parts of making a game beautiful: creating an amazing world, and creating an engine to render that world to the viewer.

Sure, if the renderer is sub-par it limits the quality of our view into that world, but a good engine without a world worth looking at is useless. Valve have their priorities right by building such beautiful worlds in my opinion, because in a few years when you look back on their games, you don't remember the low res textures, you remember the idea of the world, as they imagined it, not as it was rendered.

How many scenes do you remember as stunning from their videogames (for me the biggest is the reactor core in the citadel)? How many scenes have stuck in your mind from Crysis?

Well said. The Source engine is a bit behind in some respects, but Valve have always been the best IMO at creating beautiful vistas and environments that really make you feel a part of them. The Modern Warfare series, for example, technically have sharper graphics, but I've never really felt a part of the environments they've created.
Guys the game won't look like that. That looks older than half-life 2. Expect an upgrade in graphics from Portal.

Maybe valve purposely gave up poor graphic screen shots in order for the player to have the full experience while playing the game? Either way, this game is far far away from being released ;D
Guys the game won't look like that. That looks older than half-life 2. Expect an upgrade in graphics from Portal.

You're joking, right?

Maybe valve purposely gave up poor graphic screen shots in order for the player to have the full experience while playing the game?

And why so? They've already shown us enough from the game from demos to spoil some aspects of the experience, why would they ruin a couple of screenshots?

Either way, this game is far far away from being released ;D

Heh, you funny guy, you.
You're joking, right?

And why so? They've already shown us enough from the game from demos to spoil some aspects of the experience, why would they ruin a couple of screenshots?

Heh, you funny guy, you.

What do you run your half-life 2 on? I have everything maxed out and I never have had any "jagged" lines around any objects. In my opinion half-life 2 was very smooth. Those screen shots may depict well made environments, but the low quality graphics bring down the true beauty of them.

I don't know why they would, why don't you give your opinion on why valve would release such poor quality images of portal 2.

When exactly are you expecting the game to be released in 2011? Valve has released almost all of their games around October-November except for episode 1. Its fair to assume that portal 2 wont be released until fall of 2011, which is almost a year and a half away.
Given that it was originally due out in November 2010, I think a fall 2011 release after Valve's announced delay is a bit excessive.
To be honest, I have no idea whatsoever why these have low quality. Hey, hold on, weren't PCGames.de releasing these screens - they aren't Valve, are they?

So, apparently they didn't max-out all the detail - and apparently AA was not in the equation.

About the release date - have Valve said publicly that they will always release around Oct-Nov? At least I haven't found anything saying they did. Let's not speculate, I see it as a coincidence.

But it's all clear to me - the quality you see on these screenshots has nothing to do with their engine's capabilities - it's just bad rendering settings, nothing to worry about.
About the release date - have Valve said publicly that they will always release around Oct-Nov? At least I haven't found anything saying they did. Let's not speculate, I see it as a coincidence.

You are correct, it is all speculation. It could be released in February for all I know. These past release dates by valve are the only reason I feel it will be released in late fall of 2011.

Half-Life:November 19, 1998
Half-Life Opposing Force: November 1, 1999
Half-Life 2: November 16,2004
The Orange Box: October 10, 2007
Left for Dead: November 18, 2008
Left for Dead 2:November 17, 2009
Portal 2: ????
Half-life 3: November 15, 2013

It is speculation but releasing during this time is the best because of the upcoming holidays. I would not be the least bit surprised if we didn't see a release until late 2011.
Yeah. But, what's that about HL3's release date? I don't actually remember being announced.
I think these pics looks fantastic just look at the lightning in these scenes, amazing.