Portal Achievements


Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
I was heavily disappointed at the lack of rewards for collecting achievements in Portal. Although the achievements were undoubtly fun to collect, I think what really would've really put some icing on the cake (no pun intended) would be if they had some awesome rewards. For example.

3 achievements: Access to the concept art library

6 achievements: Bonus level? (Either a bonus puzzle level, or some kind of factory where they build the turrets)

8 achievements: Bonus feature: Chell

10 achievements: Bonus feature: GLaDOS

All achievements: Access to song, 'Still Alive' (some of you may disagree with this, I understand, so feel free to give your own opinions.)


Special level where you play as an Aperture Science employee. At the end of the level, you are killed by the neurotoxin.

I entirely disagree. I don't think that achievements should ever be used for unlocking content in a single player game. It turns a fun game into a chore, where you have to (for example) drag a garden gnome across a map because you want to see *new content here*.
Actually, achievements are generally designed for after you've completed the game. I never tried getting 'Camera Shy' or 'Terminal Velocity' before I'd completed Portal.

I don't get a whole lot of satisfaction after completeing an achievement and seeing the little bar pop up with 'Achievement Completed'. And it's no chore, if, once you've completed the game, you think to yourself, 'Let's go get some achievements' and then you work hard to get the achievements and earn the rewards. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't know about you, but when I started up Portal, the first thing I clicked on was 'New Game', not 'Achievements'. Despite how attractive the rewards might be, I reckon most people will want to complete the game first.
Taking that gnome across Episode Two was fun. I bonded with the little fella.
I tried to keep the gnome with me on my first playthrough.

I got to the part where you have to remove the crowbar in the lift, the lift fell and me gnome was still at the surface! If stupid gordon spoke he could have yelled to the vort to chuck it down to me!
the same thing happened to me.

i left the gnome balancing on the window next to the sniper rifle that alyx uses, but when i got the car, i realized that there would be no way to go over there and get it! What i ended up doing was, when alyx and cecil walked through the gate, i lodged one of those orange dollys in it to keep it from closing.

I couldn't go THROUGH the gate because of the invisible wall, But i did try the gravity gun to get him. when I was about to move him, i realized that he's dangleing OVER the edge, and if i moved him, he'd just fall into the abyss. I tried anyways and he landed RIGHT on the edge of the ditch. BEHIND the gate. *phew* after a few trys i got him. and was happy.

then I shoved his face through the back window and kept him there. as punishment.
I'd be all for achievements being used for concept art and music, anyone who played Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii would be familiar with this. The problem is that on a PC this content would be all over the internet the moment the first person unlocked it, thus negating the point. If they found some way to keep it exclusive, it could give a real incentive to complete achievements.