Portal custom map

Tell your friend to cut back on the orange, and I would try it.

Will give it a try and appropriate feedback.

Edit; Do I just copy the files into the appropriate directories? Where do I put the VGUI files? =/

Edit2; Sorted it, never mind. =)

Edit3: This map is confusing me. I'm going to bed.

Also, all the textures and stuff seem to be fine. The radio song at the beginning seems to be a bit jumpy though. And the BG music is a little annoying. =P
how do you make a custom map? I thought the SDK wasnt out yet! ? o.0
how do you make a custom map? I thought the SDK wasnt out yet! ? o.0

There's some kind of Kansas City Swap-a-dee-doo Hack AFAIK.

The map looks nice. :)
Why not tell your friend to read my signature and spread that map of his/hers. >__>